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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. As you are not on the latest release, and that's what you are attempting to do anyway, upload a fresh set of files from your client area, and upgrade at /admin/upgrade instead. This should resolve what you are seeing there as it does eem to indicate you are missing things.
  2. There is no facility within the rest API for adding meta tags at present
  3. If that subscription moves to the premium group C, then they would move to that group during the trial period also They will indeed remain in that group The group change action occurs upon point of having that subscription, whether they are on trial or not. Trial has exactly the same benefits as when they begin to pay If they do not pay for the subscription after their trial period, they will revert to their previous group once it expires. If they were already a member, it would revert to their previous group. As you are essentially registering in order to purchase the item, they would not have been a guest, their last state will have been whatever your first members group is on registration (by default thats 'members')
  4. Log into the admin comp as stated in the documentation. It will then disable all 3rd party items for you. You can then remove recovery mode
  5. There isn’t any way to do what you’re looking to do there in one subscription unfortunately. You could add 2 different subscriptions, but even then you would have a trial that would never really end as they could renew that trial
  6. No, this is a valid line that can be added and not hacked code in any way. Remove the ?> from the end
  7. Check using the requirement checker here If you are then still having issues, please try recovery mode, which you can find more information about here
  8. Click on support in the top right of your admin CP
  9. You would be best simply googling this to be honest. Its not an IPS thing, but rather a server thing https://www.google.com/search?q=implementing+htpasswd&oq=implementing+htpasswd&aqs=edge..69i57j0i546l4j69i64.5153j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  10. Im not aware of any intentions to at present. If you have any specific suggestions, of course bring them up
  11. I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can get you sorted out
  12. What you are seeing is correct in terms of a clock icon showing, but it would only show to people who have access to view hidden items, and the author. If you believe this not to be the case, we would need an example item, user who can see it, and where they can see it.
  13. You would need to use your test license key, which is your license key plus -TESTINSTALL at the end
  14. I have picked up your ticket there, and we will get you sorted through the ticket
  15. That could actually indicate your mysql instance is in read only mode
  16. Looking at the error message on the ACP screen there, you are either not using PHP 8, or there is something on your site which is not PHP 8 compatible (3rd party).
  17. The reality is, nobody else is having the same issue, as you have seen above. Without access, unfortunately we are unable to further advise
  18. You would need someone to assist you with some template modification in order to achieve this. Record image will show in these areas on some templates, but attachments will be different, as there could be multiple, and it's a cutdown view of the content you see there
  19. Remove everything after /admin/upgrade, if the message you are getting is "The security token used to validate your session is missing or invalid."
  20. I can certainly have a look at those once you are able to update access details
  21. Please update your access details on file, and I can then take a look to see what you have there
  22. I feel you may be missing what I mean here. By very definition, guests cannot have unread content. As they are not members
  23. As mentioned by my colleague there, please contact accounts and we can then advise accordingly
  24. Technically you can edit/style any element. You would use custom.css to override what is already being used. In terms of looking at which theme its styled in, thats the theme you are on at the time you inspect
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