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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. This is only when you search links specifically? Could you send me some examples, as Im failing to replicate Feel free to PM them
  2. No problem at all. Thats what we're here for 🙂
  3. Yes, we use postmark for our email services. You are certainly welcome to use your own email services of course.
  4. Please could you le me know who you are on your site? Its not clear on which is you
  5. This guide uses an example of an ebook, but essentially does exactly what you are looking for here
  6. Could you give me an example search you are trying on your community? I can then get this looked at for you. Assuming this is just in the main ACP search, is that correct?
  7. It should change their group back to what it was before they purchased, if its working correctly. We would need an example to take a look at, if you believe this is not happening
  8. Please respond to your ticket rather than here in the topic, as your ticket was escalated
  9. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release. This is available only on the teams package and above
  10. Please could you point out the topic where someone told you this? I know you haven't had a download of the platform yet, and want to make sure you aren't being given the wrong information there.
  11. Sorry, could you confirm, you have now done this?
  12. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  13. These are not something available in the default product at present. Version 5 however does indeed have heading items you can add.
  14. Of course we can only tell you what has been logged there. Please let us know at the earliest opportunity if a restore is required
  15. You'd also likely be able to match up the IP addresses from the deletion entry, if its another admin
  16. Got ya. Thank you for that. Need to note, this bug means "delete permenantly" was clicked from the mod CP, so this looks very intentional. If you are 100% sure you havent done this, I would suggest changing your password and ensuring you are using 2 factor authentication (especially for staff) on your site
  17. If you have an issue with permissions in the browser itself, t hat would be device side, rather than on the side of your software
  18. Please ensure you have updated to the latest release. I am unable to replicate this, when using the option to remove them. Note there are 2 options to chose from, so if you choose the wrong one it will intentionally not remove them
  19. Version 5 is currently in alpha testing, and we would hope soon be in beta testing. Of course how long, will depend on that testing. In terms of there being an "issue" with supporting a higher version, its simply that we havent tested nor developed the product for that version, and we have seen things break. At present the focus is on development of the new version 5 release. As PHP 8.1 is supported for security releases, there is no immediate focus to support this on version 4. I would just like to comment on this part. We are currently in a major release cycle. As such, the latest version of PHP is supported in the next version available for us to feasibly do it in, as it always is. However as this time its a major release, it of course takes longer to develop, test and release.
  20. Would try as mentioned above by Nathan. In answer to your first question, those items are not there by default. By default that area is blank
  21. This was an internal issue that has been resolved
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