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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Marc

  1. This is, in your opinion, basic functionality. We have had many other people state the same about features we dont have, or do not ever intend to have. This is not to say that your request isnt valid. I'm simply asking you to be aware on how statements like this can come across.
  2. Changed Status to Not a bug
  3. Constructive feedback is certainly what this area is for, however please do bear in mind that developers have spent many months hard working on version 5, with a lot of quite large changes and updates. While I appreciate there isn't something there that you may wish to have included, and some things may have been changed in a manner you personally don't like, there are a lot of very large changes people very much like.
  4. Changed Status to Cannot Reproduce Thanks for letting us know. I will close this off
  5. What you could do is ensure you add the constants file before you add anything else though. Then its not a possibility
  6. Ive approved that. Something must have flagged it
  7. Please check this on a default unaltered theme before anything else there
  8. If the item is not on the endpoint, then this is not currently settable
  9. Which is why we advise on 2 factor authentication. Although, I have to be honest, if you have that many coming and going admin, you have more issues with security than hiding a folder Stenagraphy - Noun - the practice of concealing messages or information within other nonsecret text or data. I'm not actually sure the defininition of Stenagraphy states it is a secure measure. However, lets skip past that part and assume it absolutely is. What my colleague stated was "Security through obscurity isn't the best method of security." This is not in any way the same sentence as "security isnt a secure measure". Its probably not wise to misquote people, as it can cause confusion for others, and lead them believe we have said things that we actually haven't. What Jim said there is correct. Its not the best method of security. No matter whether or not you want to have security by obscurity or not, it doesn't make it the best method. Listen, we get it. You would prefer to have this option. However this has now already been removed in version 5, and we advise on 2 factor authentication.
  10. Im not seeing this happen on my end. Are you on the latest beta?
  11. The issue here is that the software cannot write to your file system somewhere. You need to check permissions on uploads and all subfolders, and your datastore folder. Its likely to be one of those that doesnt have full permissions
  12. Please disable all 3rd party items and then tyy this again in the first instance
  13. And this was not showing within the support area as being an issue?
  14. Its not something we would document really, as essentially its the person who runs the sites responsibility to do their copies correctly. However when asked, thats generally the way I would do it
  15. It shouldnt be unless you have one present. If you update your access details on file, I can take a look
  16. Make sure you backup everything then Copy site files copy s3 to a copy location Get the dev site running Go to the files->Storage section and set up a new storage location Change the locations of the files to that new location, ensuring you select that you already moved the files
  17. There isnt at present. Please feel free to post that as a suggestion however
  18. The only way in which a person can join a club they have been rejected from previously, is to be invited by a club leader
  19. Its set in your constants.php file While I appreciate the attempt, you're actually incorrect. Just because you cant access it, doesnt mean its not present
  20. If you are looking to add that many, the answer here really would be to remove them all and readd what you want there instead. For the most part, adding a new link to the end or beginning would suffice
  21. Emails are edited in Customisations>Emails in your admin Cp
  22. Things should be back to normal now, so if you are still having issues, please let us know
  23. I would need your access details up to date, and to know who you are sending from/to so we can take a look at that
  24. This has been resolved in the latest release. Please upgrade if you are still seeing this issue
  25. We're looking. Thanks for letting us know
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