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Everything posted by opentype

  1. I can certainly replicate problems on that page. But you have soooo many blocks and third-party stuff on it, it’s hard to tell where it’s coming from. I would try removing everything one after another to narrow down where it is coming from. My guess would be that one of the main blocks either needs too much space or has faulty HTML.
  2. They are removed from the same type of group. There are however independent settings for primary and secondary groups. And that was the question from your first post. That’s why I said multiple times it is possible. But if you will have multiple courses, you really need to make the course product(s) and the support product(s) independent products (possibly linked based on your requirements). You will not be able to combine this properly into one product. People who buy one product, buy one product. You are trying to sell two products as one—a course that never expires and a support product that can expire. That’s not how Commerce understands a product. Either it is a subscription product or not—not both at once.
  3. Oh, the support is optional! That complicates things. You can’t add an optional subscription to a Commerce product. And I assume the website will only ever offer one course? Because otherwise assigning the permissions as a primary group wouldn’t make sense, since one can only ever be in one primary group. A simple solution would be to split this up and create one product that includes the support and one product that doesn’t include the support. So, the user doesn’t make a choice on the product page, but instead makes the choice on the product listing page! Then for one product you add the support group and for the other you don’t. You can also let the user stay in the primary group when the product is not renewed and the secondary group access is revoked. At least the interface suggests, that this is possible. The only other option is to create product bundles of multiple products, but I think you already explored that in earlier topics. It might work technically, but the way these choices are presented to the users might be less than ideal.
  4. You still haven’t fully explained your setup. How are you selling two parts (course + support) at once. Is this all done with one product? Or a bundle? This will make a difference. What you ask for is possible. The answer is yes. But no one will be able to tell if it is compatible with your current implementation.
  5. Do you use the newer subscription system or the ‘Commerce products as subscription’. The latter does indeed have the option to control the group change independently for primary and secondary groups. For regular subscriptions, I am not sure. There might be a way to use the group promotion system, so one of the group changes becomes independent from the subscription and the existence of the other is used as the trigger.
  6. In this case I would expect the thumbnail to be resized and recompressed (potentially getting larger) and the full size image to be untouched.
  7. What kind of setup do you have now? It sounds like you are doing something unusual. Normally, it’s pretty straightforward: There is a default member group and with a purchase you either: move to a different primary group with the option to revert the change when the purchase expires add a secondary group with the option to remove that secondary group when the purchase expires In both cases, the privileges from the paid group are removed and the standard permissions apply again.
  8. It’s unrelated. Essentially, you are just moving over users from contract A to contract B. For the users who haven’t accepted B, contract A remains valid. But it doesn’t mean there is no contract and no right to store data or anything like that.
  9. Yes. It’s a template for Pages databases.
  10. Nothing. I am using it for quite a while on multiple sites. Install it for the spam protection, not for the potential rewards.
  11. This is called the Record Image and the settings are in the database settings for each Pages database. If you raise those values and upload an image that is smaller and web optimized, it will not touched/recompressed.
  12. What uploads are we even talking about? Attachments? Their thumbnails? Gallery images? …? And what are the settings for those? If the file needs to be processed, then it will be compressed using the settings for the web graphics engine. Yes, that can make a file larger in certain circumstances, but it’s in the nature of the process. It’s a side-effect and unavoidable. You can’t keep the original file size if you need to run the image through a size change and then the new compression. The file size will be, what it will be. It’s always been this way with online image processing. But not all uploads are supposed to be processed. So, we should first clarify what images we are talking about. For example: the attachment settings for ‘Maximum image dimensions to display’ and ‘Maximum image dimensions to save’ will define if the image is processed at all. P.S. A setting of 100/100 is really not a good choice if one cares about file size. The recommendation IPS gives is 80 to 90. I have it 75, even on my graphic design communities, where a good quality is necessary for the images. But 100 is just wasteful for online content.
  13. And while you are at it, here is another one effective immediately (actually since July 1st, 2022), which can be seen as related, as it also needs to be accessible for guests: New cancellation process for subscriptions required A new law specifies in detail how online contracts like Invision Community subscriptions can be cancelled when services are offered to people in Germany. The current implementation is not sufficient at all. The law text (in German): https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bgb/__312k.html Good English article about it: https://www.nitrobox.com/en/cancellation-button-bgb-312k-explained/ The article above provides a blueprint of how the cancellation must be performed. As explained in the article, the law is extremely precise in what is required. Specific buttons which easily accessible, specific fields in the form, a confirmation with print-out capability, an automatic confirmation and ALL of it accessible to guests as well.
  14. Looking at the CSS, it comes from code you have in your custom.css .elGalleryFlexbox_cell { height: 40vh;
  15. Are those replies or new content (like topics, database records)? For the latter, you can just reply and the member will see it.
  16. The cookies page, which is present on every installation, explains the cookies: https://invisioncommunity.com/cookies
  17. Yes. So that won’t be happening.
  18. The template is in the theme is this → cms → front → widgets → categories There is a hard-coded condition there: {{if $counter >= 5}}
  19. You need to give a better description of what kind of page that is, so we can tell you what options apply.
  20. The provided code should already work for that scenario the way it is.
  21. The Pages media function has nothing to do with attachments. You can however use attachments on pages as well – wherever there is an editor field.
  22. If you just have an ID, you need to get the member object for that ID to access the additional data. {{$fullMemberData = \IPS\Member::load($theMemberID);}}
  23. How much time has passed since deleting the user? There are probably actions taking place as a background task, so it might take a while to delete everything.
  24. Just so no one misunderstands this: the slowness comes from initiating the SMTP connection while certain actions like replying to a topic with followers are performed. It is not related to AWS. All external SMTP services will show that problem unless IPS moves those mails to a background task for all situations.
  25. This button is generated dynamically based on the current forum and its permissions. It needs the forum variable to do this and so you cannot move the button to the global template. The forum variable isn’t available there. In theory, you could just create a button with a link to /submit/. That’s what the Create Menu does. Not sure that is a good idea though.
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