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    Ibai reacted to Jim M in Pages: ACP Menu not showing Category Name #bug   
    Is the language in your ACP which is being used, English? If not, you would need to enable English to set the database title for that language.
  2. Like
    Ibai got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Pages: ACP Menu not showing Category Name #bug   
    Ah... right. I'm using English in the ACP šŸ˜„Ā then that makes sense... šŸ™‚Ā 
  3. Like
    Ibai reacted to The Old Man in 4.5 CSS Changes for developers & designers   
    Hi @Rikki
    Is it possible that elements of this useful topic could be added to the Help guides for convenience?Ā 
    Also I've been looking at the built-in Flexbox classes to refresh my ailing memory, as I'm making a mega-menu footer template using the new built in Flex properties, basically a div set to flex containing about 6 small blocks of ul lists of site links.
    Am I too sleepy or has the Flexbox value Space-Evenly overlooked or purposely left out in the info above (and in the actual default IPS4.6 CSS template)?
    So for example with Justify Content property:
    (Sorry the code editor button isn't showing for me on my iPad so I'm using quotes)
    Assuming then something like:

    Lastly, with regards to use of the new ipsGap, should we solely use this on a Flex parent container for adding spacing on the Flex children, instead of using the new spacer ipsMargins and ipsPaddings on the child elements?
    Many thanks!
  4. Haha
    Ibai reacted to Matt in combined fluid view does not show any topics   
    It seems that this mod is a little too ā€¦.radical.Ā 
  5. Like
    Ibai reacted to Armbian_Werner in combined fluid view does not show any topics   
    Alright, found the culprit. Seems like Radical Tags breaks combined fluid view. Disabling this application fixes the issue. I hope @Makoto finds some time to fix this.
    So this topic can be basically marked as solved since it is no issue with Invision itself but with 3rd party software.
  6. Like
    Ibai got a reaction from Clover13 in Automatically resize / optimize images   
    From this feature request, which is interesting, currently the IPS allows to set up a thumbnail. It would be nice that, just as WordPress does, there could be different image dimensions.
    The original Optimized to a set up size and quality Middle thumbnail Small thumbnail Then, you choose which one you want to use.
    For instance, for widgets, it should use the small thumbnail. Widgets currently use bigger images than they already need.Ā  Picked up content would use middle thumbnail and the proper content, the optimized one.
    The original would be saved just in case that you need full resolution or just if you want to re-create the "child" images.
  7. Like
    Ibai got a reaction from Sonya* in Page Categories in Menu Manager   
    Usually we want to add a link to our Menu to a specific Database Category and we have to create the item as an external link that doesn't show as active when you are in this category.
    I'd like to have this option.
  8. Like
    Ibai reacted to opentype in Page Categories in Menu Manager   
    By the way: this request could be extended to all nodes. Forums, Albums, et cetera.Ā 
    Setting this up as ā€˜external linkā€™ would be fine as long as the system recognizes the node as an active menu entry. I remember that this was possible in 3.4.
  9. Like
    Ibai reacted to AlexJ in Fluid View   
    Sure go ahead.Ā 
  10. Like
    Ibai reacted to rubiksw in Automatically resize / optimize images   
    Automatically resize / optimize images served to the client to improve page speed. Convert images / gifs to most efficient format. This should be a core feature if it's not already.Ā 
    Nginx offers a module called "image_filter" which would accomplish this, but having it added as a core feature if IPB would be much easier!
  11. Like
    Ibai reacted to Sonya* in URL Preview   
  12. Like
    Ibai reacted to Square Wheels in URL Preview   
    No disrespect to the mods, I have tons installed.Ā  I'd like to see it native.
  13. Agree
    Ibai reacted to Emaxo in Convert image thumbnails always to jpg/webp   
    It would be really helpful if all images uploaded to the site (whatever the starting format)Ā were converted to jpeg or webp for the thumbnails.Ā Being both compressed formats they would allow faster loading and greater space optimization.
    In my case I have a gallery full of PNG images in high resolution and obviously the thumbnails being in the same format even if at a lower resolution require a high loading time.
  14. Like
    Ibai reacted to Sonya* in Filter database and sorting   
    Filter and sorting by functions on database listing templates are weird.
    Create a custom field Yes/No on the database and Allow filtering. Add a filters block to the page. Make your selection in the filter block and click Update Select in SORT BY menu another sorting The filter is still set, but is now no ignored See a video to understand the bug:

    screencast-invisioncommunity.com-2022.04.18-10_39_34.webm Ā  Ā 
  15. Agree
    Ibai reacted to My Sharona in Twitter Embeds   
    I have been meaning to post this for a couple of years now.
    Can we stop the ability to embed Twitter account feeds? Normally you would post the url of a Tweet and it embeds. However if you post the url of a Twitter user's account, it will embed a litany of their posts. This is far from ideal. At the very least, please create an ACP setting to turn this functionality off while still embedding individual Tweets. I don't want my users to have this ability and it just creates clutter in my opinion. Not to mention it continually updates.
    An example of a Twitter user's url embedding:
  16. Like
    Ibai reacted to Michel_72 in Posting messages often very slow (>5<16 seconds)   
    After rethinking this you might be right there is no optimal solution for this and the issue can be mitigated by queuing the e-mail as outlined above.
    So I'd like to redraw my feature request šŸ˜‰
  17. Like
    Ibai reacted to opentype in Send topic e-mail notifications as a background task   
    Could be a simple setting: ā€œbackground task for allā€ or ā€œbackground task just for many emailsā€.Ā 
    I would always choose the first option.Ā I have some communities on the same server using PHP mail and some using Amazon SES over SMTP. The delay for SMTP is significant and very frustrating for the users. If feels like something isnā€™t working. The notifications taking 5 minutes to go out would certainly be the lesser evil.Ā 
  18. Like
    Ibai reacted to Daniel F in Is Zapier the right way for those actions?   
    There's unfortunatly no way to accomplish this at the moment because publishing wouldn't trigger anything on Zapier.
    That said, I have raised an internal suggestion to add new Zapier triggers when some content gets published / unpublished ( This sounds weird, so unpublishing would be syncing to run when unpublishing an item (making it a future dated entry when it was already published) )Ā 
  19. Haha
    Ibai reacted to Edjazoli in Scheduled Posts   
    We don't want a workaround, we need solution, you not buying Tesla and then working about to solve the issue....and yes I compare Invision Community to Tesla šŸ¤£
  20. Like
    Ibai reacted to Vodafone CZ in Outdated companies icons   
    Tonight i put into operation login with Microsoft account and i found out there is some old Windows icon (from Font Awesome 4.7) instead of Microsoft icon. Also Facebook uses newer cicrcular icon, but in app is some squarish icon currently.
    The colors of buttons seem to be random or outdated since these companies use different main color. I fixed it by myself temporarily by few css tweaks, but could you please fix this somehow in some upcoming release? Thank you šŸ™‚

    .cLogin_social button, #elUserSignIn_external button { color: #fff; background: #666 !important; } .cLogin_social .ipsSocial_icon, #elUserSignIn_external .ipsSocial_icon { height: 36px; width: 36px; background-color: #fff; background-size: 18px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #666; } .cLogin_social .ipsSocial_icon i:before, #elUserSignIn_external .ipsSocial_icon i:before { display: none; } .cLogin_social .ipsSocial_google .ipsSocial_icon, #elUserSignIn_external .ipsSocial_google .ipsSocial_icon { background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 23.49 24' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath fill='%234285f4' d='M23.49 12.27c0-.79-.07-1.54-.19-2.27H12v4.51h6.47c-.29 1.48-1.14 2.73-2.4 3.58v3h3.86c2.26-2.09 3.56-5.17 3.56-8.82z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%2334a853' d='M12 24c3.24 0 5.95-1.08 7.93-2.91l-3.86-3c-1.08.72-2.45 1.16-4.07 1.16-3.13 0-5.78-2.11-6.73-4.96H1.29v3.09C3.26 21.3 7.31 24 12 24z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%23fbbc05' d='M5.27 14.29c-.25-.72-.38-1.49-.38-2.29s.14-1.57.38-2.29V6.62H1.29a11.86 11.86 0 0 0 0 10.76z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%23ea4335' d='M12 4.75c1.77 0 3.35.61 4.6 1.8l3.42-3.42C17.95 1.19 15.24 0 12 0 7.31 0 3.26 2.7 1.29 6.62l3.98 3.09c.95-2.85 3.6-4.96 6.73-4.96z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); } .cLogin_social .ipsSocial_microsoft .ipsSocial_icon, #elUserSignIn_external .ipsSocial_microsoft .ipsSocial_icon { background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 21 21' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23f35325' d='M0 0h10v10H0Z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%2381bc06' d='M11 0h10v10H11Z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%2305a6f0' d='M0 11h10v10H0Z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%23ffba08' d='M11 11h10v10H11Z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); } .cLogin_social .ipsSocial_facebook .ipsSocial_icon, #elUserSignIn_external .ipsSocial_facebook .ipsSocial_icon { background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 40 40' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3ClinearGradient id='a' gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' x1='-277.375' y1='406.602' x2='-277.375' y2='407.573' gradientTransform='matrix(40 0 0 -39.7778 11115.001 16212.334)'%3E%3Cstop offset='0' style='stop-color:%230062e0'/%3E%3Cstop offset='1' style='stop-color:%2319afff'/%3E%3C/linearGradient%3E%3Cpath d='M16.7 39.8C7.2 38.1 0 29.9 0 20 0 9 9 0 20 0s20 9 20 20c0 9.9-7.2 18.1-16.7 19.8l-1.1.06h-4.4z' style='fill:url(%23a)'/%3E%3Cpath d='m27.8 25.6.9-5.6h-5.3v-3.9c0-1.6.6-2.8 3-2.8H29V8.2c-1.4-.2-3-.4-4.4-.4-4.6 0-7.8 2.8-7.8 7.8V20h-5v5.6h5v14.288c1.1.2 2.2.112 3.3.112 1.1 0 2.2.087 3.3-.113V25.6Z' style='fill:%23fff'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); } Ā 
  21. Like
    Ibai reacted to Jim M in Cookie acceptance shows up very often on mobile   
    Are you using an incognito browser or deleting your cookie/storage data? If you are, this would be intended as these items are holding that way on whether you dismiss it or not.
  22. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to Sonya* in Remove special chars from URL   
    Yes, leave the value empty to remove the character from any URL.
  23. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to Sonya* in Remove special chars from URL   
    Try this
  24. Like
    Ibai reacted to Chris Anderson in Please add Page Impression Count in Self Hosted ACP   
    It would be nice if you added a page impression count in the ACP so that the self-hosted crowd could gauge which cloud package they would have to purchase if they switched.
  25. Like
    Ibai reacted to Adlago in Storage settings for CSS and JS   
    I will supplement the topic with these examples (in both examples - CSS preload is added in IncludeCSS , and the prefetch is added in IncludeJS)
    1. CSS and JS are loaded from the main domain

    2. CSS and JS are loaded from a cookie-free domain.

    Conclusion - for optimal loading of CSS and JS for mobile it should be possible to separate the storage settings so that CSS is loaded from the main domain and JS from the cookie-free domainĀ  (of course for sites that don't use CDN - I have not studied CDN yet and I have no information).
    These changes in CSS and JS loading do not affect desktop results in similar tests.
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