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    aia reacted to Askancy in Telegram X for IPS   
    I honestly don't like to take users out of the community, already with the arrival of Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Telegram, the life of the forums is increasingly difficult.
    However, the implementation of Telegram with IPS could be useful to notify users in the case of new messages, using it as a sort of push notification, perhaps via an IPS bot.
  2. Like
    aia got a reaction from DSystem in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    Well, on my community only ~1% of users are using apple. Should they be the reason to keep other users without good and useful feature? Definitely no.
  3. Thanks
    aia reacted to marklcfc in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    I'm an iPhone user but completely agree, if the technology is there lets have it available for those who can make use of it, falling behind XF if you're going to wait on Apple
  4. Like
    aia reacted to Maxxius in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    I say leave Apple and it's iPhones in the dust. Why must everybody wait for some company which may end up NEVER doing that? I sincerely believe that you should go with Android which has a HUGE userbase. That would benefit IPS users NOW bring more profit NOW. I honestly can't think why you haven't done this yet. It's not like Apple has 98% of the users and 2% are Android ones..
  5. Thanks
    aia reacted to SeNioR- in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    so what? better this than nothing 👍
  6. Like
    aia got a reaction from kmk in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    Or move to software which already supports push notifications not paying attention to iOS, which only slows down progress and is used by a very small number of users? 🤔
    I'd prefer to see what IPS changed their mind and started working on what customers need, and not what supports some always-lagging OS with a smaller share of users.
    When PWA will be widespread, iOS will support it. Not in other order.
  7. Like
    aia got a reaction from Asprin in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    That's pretty annoying because most of IPS customers don't care about iOS(in context of this topic) and want to have push without waiting while iOS dinosaur will support it.
    Also, it would be more productive to come to apple and say what you're already have push on your website and it works great for all visitors except of iOS users, which suffer from lack of it's support in iOS, than just saying "hey apple i want this feature but i did nothing to implement this on my website even while there is a much more numerous group of users who already could use push notifications, than iOS users".
  8. Thanks
    aia reacted to Rafael Fischmann in Sticky sidebar   
    I've love to have the option to make my forums' sidebar sticky in IPS Community.
    It's a very common feature, nowadays. 😉
  9. Like
    aia got a reaction from Eric BXL in Preview button   
    It was discussed a lot when "preview" button was removed from IPS at all in 4.0.x and we all asked to bring it back. Two main points is:
    While editor is called "WYSIWYG", it's actually not, in a lot of cases. Ability to quickly check how the message will look on different devices is useful.
  10. Thanks
    aia reacted to Stuart Silvester in How to allow data-attribute in posts?   
    You would need to write a plugin to overload \IPS\Text\Parser::_htmlPurifierModifyHtmlDefinition() to whitelist your custom attribute on the chosen tag. I would recommend taking a look at that method to see how we're whitelisting certain attributes.
    Allowed JavaScript controllers is purely for controllers (data-controller attributes that we use to load JS)
  11. Sad
    aia reacted to Joel R in CKEditor 5   
    I asked IPS about Ckeditor 5 because I liked the inline and balloon toolbars.  
    @Mark slapped me down.  Hard.  My cheeks still sting from the slapdown LOL.  Something about IPS would need to rewrite all of their plugins, we would lose some of the features that IPS needs, and current version is supported until 2023.  So that's a hard no.  
    Not until Invision Community 5 maybe or later.  
  12. Like
    aia reacted to Day_ in Direct topic title links to first unread post by default   
    Feels like half the time suggestions are made these days they are responded with there’s a plugin for that. 
    I’m sure there is, but does that mean it shouldn’t be considered by the developers to be included out the box?
    For what it’s worth both myself and the OP have stated we have made template changes for this behaviour so a plugin isn’t required.
    It’s not a wild suggestion either as it works this way on other software, saying that I’ve not looked at vBulletin for years now since they sold up and it turned into donkey poo. 
    Yes streams have this behaviour but not all users enjoy using streams, no matter how prominent you make them, in many cases I don’t use them either as even on this board they can be slow to open. 
    Why introduce fluid view also if streams are the way to navigate these days? I personally find fluid view is actually better than streams on certain boards including this one, tick off the boards I’m not interested and away I go. 
    Give users the choice, you don’t have to make the change global for everyone, make it a user setting that I and other users can enable on Invision Power boards we visit. 
  13. Like
    aia reacted to rllmukforum in Direct topic title links to first unread post by default   
    Apologies if already suggested, I searched and could not find it specifically.
    Change all topic title links such that they include the getNewComment parameter. This is the default behavior while browsing from the main site index, but not while in a forum/sub forum.
    When the Forum app had separate desktop and mobile themes, the mobile theme had this very functionality. Rather than requiring users to click the little dot/star alongside a thread, you could click the thread title to see the first unread reply. 
    I no longer run analytics, but even as of a few years ago, half of my users are on mobile devices. We manually edit themes to include getNewComment, but I would prefer to perform as little customization as possible. 
    If, for some reason, a user wants to return to the first page, the forum already includes a link to page 1 under the topic title.
    I believe this would, technically, allow you to remove the dot/star, which cleans up the UI slightly.
    It feels like a good quality of life improvement for mobile use, much like the recent new features added in 4.3. 
  14. Like
    aia reacted to Hisashi in (.webp) images support   
    When invision will accept this image extension?
  15. Like
    aia got a reaction from Jed Rosenzweig in Header sticky   
    I'd rather suggest to dock it to the bottom of the screen on mobile, as many mobile apps does.
    Here is an example how i implemented this on one of my websites a while ago.
    This way you can access breadcrumb button, quick links and notifications right under your finger even while holding a big mobile with one hand.

  16. Like
    aia got a reaction from LaCollision in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    Looks like some people in this topic don't understand the main advantage of PWA, so it worth to mention again what PWA is just the existing site itself with some little additions and it does not require a lot of development or support and it's a huge advantage over native apps discussed before. And this topic is about PWA, not standalone apps.
    PWA is already supported in iOS 11.3+
  17. Like
    aia got a reaction from TDBF in Automatique Ban IP   
    No, it should not be in IPS. It must be implemented on different level: on your server side. fail2ban is good solution for this kind of bots.
  18. Thanks
    aia got a reaction from kmk in Header sticky   
    Here is an example (add it to custom.css file of your theme):
    /*** Attach Mobile Nav to Bottom ***/ #elMobileNav { position: fixed; bottom: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 5049; border-top: 1px solid #808080; } /* Increase body length in order to not overlap footer elements */ body.ipsApp_front { padding-bottom: 50px; } /* Prevent from overlapping by lang switcher */ ul#elNavLang_menu, ul#elNavTheme_menu { z-index: 5048 !important; } /* Prevent from overlapping by notification popups */ #elFlashMessage.ipsFlashMsg_bottom { bottom:50px; } #elFlashMessage.ipsFlashMsg_dismissable [data-action='dismissFlashMessage'] { right: 10px; } It may also require some additional cosmetic tuning for your theme.
    It shouldn't be hard but i don't plan to implement this because in my experience this behaviour could be unobvious and annoying for inexperienced users.

    Fixed docking is enough in my opinion.
  19. Thanks
    aia got a reaction from SoloInter in Header sticky   
    Here is an example (add it to custom.css file of your theme):
    /*** Attach Mobile Nav to Bottom ***/ #elMobileNav { position: fixed; bottom: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 5049; border-top: 1px solid #808080; } /* Increase body length in order to not overlap footer elements */ body.ipsApp_front { padding-bottom: 50px; } /* Prevent from overlapping by lang switcher */ ul#elNavLang_menu, ul#elNavTheme_menu { z-index: 5048 !important; } /* Prevent from overlapping by notification popups */ #elFlashMessage.ipsFlashMsg_bottom { bottom:50px; } #elFlashMessage.ipsFlashMsg_dismissable [data-action='dismissFlashMessage'] { right: 10px; } It may also require some additional cosmetic tuning for your theme.
    It shouldn't be hard but i don't plan to implement this because in my experience this behaviour could be unobvious and annoying for inexperienced users.

    Fixed docking is enough in my opinion.
  20. Thanks
    aia got a reaction from Ramsesx in Header sticky   
    Here is an example (add it to custom.css file of your theme):
    /*** Attach Mobile Nav to Bottom ***/ #elMobileNav { position: fixed; bottom: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 5049; border-top: 1px solid #808080; } /* Increase body length in order to not overlap footer elements */ body.ipsApp_front { padding-bottom: 50px; } /* Prevent from overlapping by lang switcher */ ul#elNavLang_menu, ul#elNavTheme_menu { z-index: 5048 !important; } /* Prevent from overlapping by notification popups */ #elFlashMessage.ipsFlashMsg_bottom { bottom:50px; } #elFlashMessage.ipsFlashMsg_dismissable [data-action='dismissFlashMessage'] { right: 10px; } It may also require some additional cosmetic tuning for your theme.
    It shouldn't be hard but i don't plan to implement this because in my experience this behaviour could be unobvious and annoying for inexperienced users.

    Fixed docking is enough in my opinion.
  21. Like
    aia got a reaction from Ramsesx in Header sticky   
    I'd rather suggest to dock it to the bottom of the screen on mobile, as many mobile apps does.
    Here is an example how i implemented this on one of my websites a while ago.
    This way you can access breadcrumb button, quick links and notifications right under your finger even while holding a big mobile with one hand.

  22. Like
    aia got a reaction from SoloInter in Header sticky   
    I'd rather suggest to dock it to the bottom of the screen on mobile, as many mobile apps does.
    Here is an example how i implemented this on one of my websites a while ago.
    This way you can access breadcrumb button, quick links and notifications right under your finger even while holding a big mobile with one hand.

  23. Like
    aia got a reaction from kmk in Header sticky   
    I'd rather suggest to dock it to the bottom of the screen on mobile, as many mobile apps does.
    Here is an example how i implemented this on one of my websites a while ago.
    This way you can access breadcrumb button, quick links and notifications right under your finger even while holding a big mobile with one hand.

  24. Like
    aia got a reaction from Aiwa in Automatique Ban IP   
    No, it should not be in IPS. It must be implemented on different level: on your server side. fail2ban is good solution for this kind of bots.
  25. Like
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in Lazy load for video embeds (YouTube etc.)   
    I hope that lazy load will be also implemented for YouTube embeds in 4.4.
    This topic is a live illustration why this is important.

    It would be awesome to load just thumbnail instead of player and to load player only when thumbnail clicked. This significantly improves performance on pages with embedded videos.
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