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  1. Agree
    PrettyPixels reacted to Mike G. in Different forum view by member types.   
    Hello IPS team! A probably rare request, but something I would like if possible is the ability to change the forum view by member type. Fluid view has done a lot to promote activity on the boards. That is now the default view for members. And they seem to be very happy with the change. What would be great is to have the ability to have guests (search engines in reality) view the Table (traditional) view. 
    I would like to continue having members default to fluid view, as they're more active and love having everything in one place. But I would like to have Google see and properly index the individual forums.
    Thank you. Continue the great work!
  2. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to FZ in Threaded View   
    I see the discussion got closed down about 5 years ago. Looking through Lindy's remarks there I can't help but feel that the world has changed from considered replies to short messaging so substantially in those 5 years that it seems like forum-like flat views are now considered antiquated by the next generation.
    This is the extinction risk that us old timers in the forum game have to be aware of - what worked for us doesn't seem to work for the next group of internet users. They want brevity and unless you are guiding them by the hand when it comes to following an online discussion, your outlet is just never going to gain favour with them. 
  3. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to bradl in Custom Field with Donation Goals   
    If there's a way to do it, I've missed it. I would love to have donations include a custom field (or two). We would use it for a "business name" or  "donation in memory of ..." or "treat as anonymous" type fields.
  4. Agree
    PrettyPixels reacted to Duken in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Adriano is one of the best developers on the marketplace. Maby The best....
    Dont loose him, that's just like kicking out Max Verstappen out of Red Bull F1 racing. These are the people we depend on.

    Listen to what he is saying
  5. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Sonya* in Reciprocal view format for database relationship field   
    We can use database relationship fields to display references to other databases inside the record. And we can enable Cross link records? to show the records in the remote database related to a given record. Right now, it is just a link. It would be very helpful to get a third display option for those fields.

    This way we could use custom format for the reciprocal view. We could use record image, truncated record content or any other fields to control display of crossed-link record in the remote database.
  6. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from Jalal arefen in Databases in Clubs   
    This is an amazing idea! 🙂 I have a couple of pre-sale questions:
    1) Is it possible to limit adding records to only the club leaders and moderators? Is this adjustable on a per-database basis?
    2) If I have custom fields defined for my clubs, is it possible to have certain databases only show up in clubs that have a certain value selected? For example, I have a custom club field where the user can select their club category and can choose from either discussion or books. If I have a database for chapters, is it possible the option to use that database is only available is the user selected the books category?
    I suspect this may require custom coding. If so, are you available for custom work?
  7. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Makoto in Amazon SES API For Sending Mail   
    Thing is my sender reputation with Sendgrid was a solid 98%-99% and I still had issues. May just be bad luck on my part, but two weeks with constant support tickets coming in about Hotmail clients not getting validation e-mails made me cut ties only two months after signing up with them.
    Amazon SES is definitely cost effective and their deliverability rates may be better, I don't know. It's really hard to find good data on raw delivery rates between these services outside of what's anecdotal.
    GSuite I think is amazing for standard notification e-mails for medium to large forums but definitely is not a solution if you need to batch out 10k+ e-mails in a single day.
    That said, I do 100% support adding native Amazon SES integration into IPS, as it is a very reputable solution especially for corporate/enterprise clients and does deserve its own spot beside Sendgrid.
  8. Thanks
    PrettyPixels reacted to CoffeeCake in Number of emails?   
    We have multiple providers, yet for IPS, we use sendgrid with the built in sendgrid integration.
  9. Thanks
    PrettyPixels reacted to CoffeeCake in Number of emails?   
    I'd recommend avoiding using a host that sets arbitrary limits. IPS doesn't have anything out of the box that would limit the number of e-mails sent out per hour and per day. Consider using a third-party mailing service such as Sendgrid.
    However! You can set defaults and disable e-mail as an option in configuring your community's default notification settings from the ACP:
    This may help keep e-mail to a minimum.
  10. Agree
    PrettyPixels reacted to Morrigan in The "Pronouns" Feature in Invision Community   
    I vote no. Leave it to a plugin.
    If there were one I'd like to put my true identification which is none of the above listed. I identify as a "Rainbow Princess Unicorn of the Fourth Order" in which I would feel both left out and angry because my identification isn't listed there.
    I feel that this is a niche need and therefore needs a niche solution. Plugin. Plugin. Plugin.
    Edit: To be clear I joke because I believe that this opens up a pathway for people to attack others because of their gender preference. I have removed gender options completely from my community and people can choose to identify in their introduction, in their about me or not at all. It is up to them to make that choice, not me.
  11. Agree
    PrettyPixels reacted to Interferon in The "Pronouns" Feature in Invision Community   
    Please keep this madness out of IPB.
  12. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from sobrenome in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
  13. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Jordan Miller in Make replying easier   
    Not 100% sure how I feel about floating anything 😂 How can we make that even more simple? 
    If there was a plugin to make conversations threaded, I would throw my money at it. That to me seems very interesting and would increase engagement! I'm not loving linear threads where it's pages and pages of replies when they could be simplified to be one or two pages. 🙂
    Thanks for replying to my topic. @Rikki
  14. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Jordan Miller in Make replying easier   
    Hey team, 
    I had several ideas...
    1.) What would it look like if the entire quick reply form was moved from the bottom to directly underneath the Topic starter's post.
    2.) Additionally, a quick reply form would appear when quoting to someone's comment. 
    3.) Truncating replies.
    I think it's pretty interesting how on Reddit, you can follow a chain of replies. Whereas in IPB, it's a long list of thread. I imagine for someone casually browsing they'd be overwhelmed with the amount of replies to sort through. I would love to explore options on how to display comments so that things are simplified.  

    I'm not super fond of the idea of having to scroll all the way to the bottom of a topic to reply. 
    I wonder if it would make things easier for users to reply.
    Making things easier/more efficient = more engagement! 
    Have any ideas to make replying easier? Any thoughts on how to lay comments out so there is more content in-view per scroll? I'm interested to hear what the community thinks.
  15. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Jordan Miller in Make replying easier   
    Anyone interested in circling back on this threaded reply idea? 😬
    I love this concept because you can directly see someone's reply versus scrolling page to page to page. If we could see members' replies directly under the original comment that'd be 🔥 
    It also means a lot more content could fit on a single page. 
  16. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to CoffeeCake in Truncated email notifications   
    This is new to 4.5, and should live as a group setting.

  17. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to BankFodder in Truncated email notifications   
    I notice that on the new version 4.5, email notifications are truncated.

    I understand the excellent reason for this because rather than giving the full message on the email, it will bring people into the forum.

    However, for busy site team members, it causes unnecessary work to have to open every email and then to visit the forum thread to see what is being discussed.

    It would be very handy to be able to configure email notifications so that they are truncated for ordinary users and displayed in full for site team.

    How about it?
  18. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to _Vault_ in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    I’m switching to SES now as well, because the email costs at Sendgrid and others are too high for a non-profit community.
    IPS should really look into supporting SES via API. Right now I’ll use my own VPS/Postfix Relay to get it running and to keep latency low.
  19. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to AlexWebsites in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    Any chance this makes it into 4.5.X roadmap?
  20. Thanks
    PrettyPixels reacted to Sonya* in Databases in Clubs   
    Not right now. The permission for the club category are overloaded with club permission. If the club is public, then everybody can create records. If open - only club members. If closed or private, the records are not shown anywhere else except of in the club. Restricting add permission to club owner only can be done in the future version.
    No, the permission to add a club feature is (like for any other feature) set on the group permission. It does not depend on club type or certain club values. This can be done as custom solution.
    Generally yes. But I am not able to make any urgent work right now due to pandemic measurements that are unpredictable. I depend entirely on kindergarten child care. If it is suddenly not available, then I am not available either. Unfortunately. 
  21. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to All Astronauts in Who Viewed the Topic   
    Application done. Out of the gate it will be just forums, but blogs and gallery will be close behind after this breathes a bit out in the open - just want to make sure everything settles in for everyone before adding the rest.  
    On installation, the new app will detect if you have the plugin installed, hump over your existing data, and then delete the plugin, so do not remove the plugin prior to installation of this new thing. You'll just wipe your existing data.
    There are built in cull options now if you need to wipe a single topic's viewers out, or cull the whole thing and start over again (along with the usual truncate by x-amount-of-days daily task)
    Want to spy? You can spy your members via the ACP member view page where I added a tab for Who Viewed. Naturally with just forums as the only app it's a little spartan but it is a start.
    Those of you with GDPR or other jurisdictional fun to deal with, for now, no, you can't throw a member's views at them if they ask for it. But yes, it's an easy add to dump to CSV and on the list - will be fairly soon. 
    All the usual clearing/merging of datas when a topic is deleted or a member is merged/deleted also occur.

    All the rest of the newness will have to wait for the Marketplace entry. Gonna do a little testing first before submission.
  22. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from IncredibleIPS in Custom fields everywhere   
    Sorry for the necrobump on this topic, but I'd really love to see the option for custom fields in threads, too. Any chance of seeing this in 4.5? 🙂
  23. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to MadMaxMangos in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    @stoo2000 Is this getting updated to invision 4.5?
  24. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to supernal in (NE) Dice Roller   
    Any chance of this being available for 4.5?
  25. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Pete T in TXT & PHP Widget   
    so update seem to work for 4.5.x i not spotted any bugs so i will now get this sent over for ips to check the plugin for 4.5.x and once that been approved it will be ready.
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