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  1. Agree
    Marius got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Hump Day: your dream feature   
    My wish is native mobile app. 
  2. Agree
    Marius got a reaction from kmk in Hump Day: your dream feature   
    My wish is native mobile app. 
  3. Agree
    Marius reacted to opentype in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I knew the prices would rise with this site relaunch, but I expected more a generous correction for inflation for new orders (not renewals). But the changes are far from slight. And for people like me who have many licenses, it actually threatens my entire business, because the price change is multiplied by the number of licenses. And the new terms make it all even worse. For my oldest license, I had an upcoming renewal of $85 as the last payment in this financial year. Now that jumped to $310—well over 300%! Yes, it’s for 12 months, but I still need to pay it NOW without having earned this money through the site or even planned for it. And even if would manage with this one site, I certainly can’t manage it for 5 self-hosted licenses and their upcoming renewals. 
    And it didn’t had to be this way. There is the established system of grandfathering existing prices while only charging more for new customers for example. Or it could be a slow transition that is announced a year or two in advance, so we could have prepared for it someone. Dropping these drastic price and terms changes on us like a bomb, effective and possibly charged immediately, was a bad move. 
  4. Like
    Marius reacted to AlexWebsites in New notification when content is approved in 4.6   
    This issue has been confirmed by IPS through a support ticket and the good news is they are working on a fix. The workaround is to re-save the content notification setting either by logging in as the user or through the ACP. One you re-save, the email notification is sent after content is approved. I've tested and used this workaround multiple times and has worked for me. For now its an extra few steps but hopefully there will be a patch or fix soon. This is important for some of my sites as it triggers the content poster to come back.
  5. Like
    Marius reacted to AlexWebsites in New notification when content is approved in 4.6   
    In 4.6.2, the release notes state -  Added a new notification when content is approved
    Where is this and how does it work? If a member posts content that is held for moderation, how are they notified? I don't see a setting for this or emails going out.

    I'm using this group setting:

  6. Like
    Marius got a reaction from aryanprince in Stock photo picker   
  7. Like
  8. Agree
    Marius reacted to Axel Wers in Quote the last post   
    There shouldn't be quote button in last post. Quote last post in topic uselessness. But lot of user use that. Why should post be copied twice? If all posts would be quoted, whole database would be almost two times bigger.
  9. Thanks
    Marius reacted to Matt in 4.6: How to restore custom member titles   
    Invision Community 4.6 brings a brand new achievements system which overhauls the ranks system along with adding the ability to earn points which translates into a higher rank via rules.
    As part of the clean-up, we removed the custom member title from the author section of the post as there's a limit to how much information we can show comfortably!
    Of course, some communities used custom member titles and wish to continue using them. Fortunately it's easy enough to get them back.

    Step 1: Log into the ACP and navigate to Members > Profiles > Profile Fields
    Step 2: You will see a group called "Retained", inside is a new custom field called "Member Title". This profile field was used in the upgrade to save the custom member title data. Click on the pencil icon to edit.

    Step 3: Post upgrade, this field is effectively switched off, but it can easily be switched back on. For the "Display format for topics" choose custom and just use: {$content} as the value. This will remove the "Member Title:" prefix. Save the changes.

    You will now see the member title has been restored.

     Advanced tip:  Only do this if you are comfortable making theme edits! If it all goes wrong, don't panic. There is a revert button to undo your changes! Edit the template bit Forums > topics > postContainer in your active theme and move the block highlighted here up underneath the {{endif}} of the {{$comment->isAnonymous()}} block.

  10. Like
    Marius reacted to opentype in How do you add a Clickable HTML hyperlink button ?   
    I would just create a custom button and call IPS’ button styling: 

  11. Like
    Marius reacted to Gabriel Torres in How to disable the topic stats   
    Many Thanks @Marius I couldn't find this before! 🙂
  12. Thanks
    Marius got a reaction from n.karshev in How to disable the topic stats   
    Hello Gabriel,
    Go to Acp - Forum Settings and there you will find "Topic Summary Settings".
    You can disable it from being displayed on desktops/tablets and mobile devices.
  13. Like
    Marius reacted to Rikki in Just tried the mobile app... Yikes.   
    Thanks for the feedback - it's definitely early stages. We'll be looking to improve performance as time goes on, as well as add functionality. There's only one codebase for both iOS/Android, but that is indeed (currently) separate from the main product. It's very much 'work in progress' right now 🙂 
  14. Like
    Marius reacted to Jordan Miller in Just tried the mobile app... Yikes.   
    My initial thoughts are that if you build a great product, it will become profitable. 
    If your site includes content outside of IPB, like Wordpress, then yes that will be an issue. I used to use Wordpress and IPB and made the decision in February to be fully IPB and it was the best decision I've made for my site (maybe ever). Simplifying is important.
    Custom features and skins... I love my theme, but I also love the simplicity of an app. If there were a few color schemes for sites to choose from that could suffice in the beginning.
    Additional costs to maintain an app... if it's packaged in with IPB then I imagine it wouldn't be too costly as it would be the service they are providing a for an annual fee (perhaps).
    Decreased monetization... apps can implement advertising. I was thinking of giving my paying subscribers access to the app, so it would be monetized that way for me.
    SEO... yea, that's a good point. However, the app would be in addition to your live site just like how this community currently is. 🙂
  15. Like
    Marius reacted to Jordan Miller in Just tried the mobile app... Yikes.   
    Nailed it! It's got to have some starting point. 
    I think the notion that if it doesn't work for everyone right off the bat, it's not worth developing. Couldn't disagree more 🙏 
  16. Like
    Marius reacted to opentype in Just tried the mobile app... Yikes.   
    It sound like the criticism is “if it’s not perfect and complete at the start, it’s pointless in general”.  They are just starting out with it!
    Monetization, messages, more native app views and so on. I am sure it’s on the road map or will be put there if we need it. 
    By the way: you can already add more than just forums. I just added a Pages article section and it works just fine. 
  17. Like
    Marius reacted to opentype in Feature Request: Hide post from anyone but the author   
    Hiding/deleting posts is always a tricky issue. It's necessary, but it can create new discussions, because the users who's posts got hidden can get pretty mad.

    On Facebook Pages this is solved quite nicely. If you hide a post, no one will see it anymore BUT the author. So provoking posts will not cause any trouble, but the author won't get mad, because he/she will still see the post.

    This might be a nice option to have on IP.Board as well.
  18. Thanks
    Marius reacted to opentype in Are FB video embeds still working?   
    It embeds, but I can’t make it play in Safari. 
  19. Thanks
    Marius reacted to asigno in Sign in with Apple   
    Another reason for an IPB app 😎
  20. Thanks
    Marius reacted to Silnei L Andrade in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    Yes, that's the way. Best alternative!  Anyone who has questions watch this video:
  21. Like
    Marius reacted to Adriano Faria in Who Was Online   
    @Pete T, please, change this when you update it:
    <div class='ipsWidget_inner {{if $orientation == 'vertical'}}ipsPad{{endif}}'> to:
    <div class='ipsWidget_inner ipsPad'> Before and after:

  22. Like
    Marius got a reaction from ABGenc in Who Was Online   
    @ABGenc thank you for sharing. 
  23. Thanks
    Marius reacted to ABGenc in Who Was Online   
    I have added the following line to custom.css and it helped. Thanks to @ehren. for the info
    .ipsWidget[data-blockid*="whowasonline"] .ipsWidget_inner{ padding: 10px; }  
  24. Like
    Marius reacted to Pete T in Who Was Online   
    all this is on it way once get my dev site fixed but i can provide simple fixes for and it still works for 4.2.x 
  25. Like
    Marius reacted to Ilya Hoilik in (RU4) URLs Transliteration   
    I have pushed version 2.0.0 just now to provide compatibility with IPS Community Suite 4.1.14.
    What's New in Version 2.0.0
    URLs Transliteration was renamed to Friendly URL Translit Compatibility with IPS Community Suite 4.1.14 Now you can define you custom rules
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