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Pete T

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IPS 4.0, 4.1


If you have suggestions, we'd be happy to hear them via this support topic.


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7 hours ago, Marius said:

@Theme Tent UK

I updated the plugin to the new version 1.0.3 and now I can not translate it.
The new set of words does not save the translation. Whatever words intoduce, they do not remain saved. The problem occurs only in case of this plugin, other translations of the forum works ok.

Thank you.

can't see why would not translate but will check.

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8 hours ago, Marius said:

I uninstalled and installed the plugin but nothing, same problem. I even tried to delete all the translating and making a new one, but the problem persists. 

when you uninstall does old lang stay there ? or does remove when uninstall

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3 minutes ago, Safety1st said:

Yes, I do. Such information is redundant for 'mobile' members.

well all you need do add css tag ipsResponsive_hidePhone this will hide only from phones but viewable to desktop and tables or can have it show only desktop and hidden mobile/tables using ipsResponsive_showDesktop so if let me know how like it and provide you custom changes.

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2 minutes ago, Safety1st said:

Please provide me some details about using ipsResponsive_hidePhone tag.

ADMIN CP -> customization -> THEMES -> theme -> click </> -> CORE - GLOBAL - PLUGINS - WHOWASONLINE

ok find <h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title'> and replace with <h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title ipsResponsive_hidePhone '> then find <div class='ipsWidget_inner {{if $orientation == 'vertical'}}ipsPad{{endif}}'> and replace with <div class='ipsWidget_inner {{if $orientation == 'vertical'}}ipsPad{{endif}} ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> and this will hide from phone.

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5 minutes ago, sweethoney said:

need to ask what is that for i have been looking at that on my forums trying to understand what to do in those image

the user had two set word for same plugin so when they wanted change the lanuage for the plugin would not apply because the second set was still there or wrong get was being changed unsure how that second set was installed is odd as never seen before or had any reports from it part from one case.

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