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  1. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to Adriano Faria in Clubs Forums on Forums Index   
    What's New in Version 1.0.8:
    Add the block in Fluid View
  2. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to Adriano Faria in Clubs Forums on Forums Index   
    I probably forgot as it is a very underused area; no request so far. 
     I’ll add in next version. 
  3. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to Adriano Faria in Improved Clubs Enhancements   
    Yes. Go to the club menu and click in Manage Features link.
  4. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Charles in Sorting posts by reverse   
    What your "expert" misses is that our platform is designed for conversation. Social media is designed for you to post some thought, someone leaves a comment, and never looks at it again. Look at this very topic: it was posted in 2018 and now you are bringing it back to life. That does not happen on social media.
    That is fine for social media as that is the point. It's not the point of a platform like we make and the fact that we are not trying to do that is a huge selling point to our clients.
  5. Haha
    Sonya* reacted to Joel R in Everybody is choosing "Night Mode" nowadays....   
    That's because you're a morning person.  

    Real picture of @Charles at 5:00 AM watching the world wake up
  6. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
    Yes. I cannot open a ticket for 3rd party app. But it seems to have the same behaviour/issue with your widgets. That's why I thought that I inform you. Probably when they solve the issue with Gallery, then Link Directory will be solved as well.
  7. Like
    Sonya* reacted to AlexWright in Ignore / Block   
    So, the Ignore feature is extremely lacking in all of what should probably be essential functionality. Currently, by default, you can only ignore someone's: Forum Posts, Messages, Signatures, and Mentions. While that's great and all, it's an extremely simplistic view of an Ignore/Block function. All major platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc) have a way to Block and/or Ignore a user account. This hides all of that user's comments and contents and/or blocks them from viewing your content and profile. This is a major oversight in functionality that's missing in the IPS software. Not to mention that the Ignore function misses almost all of the other IPS default applications (Pages, Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Calendar, Statuses, etc). The entire Ignore function feels like it was just slapped on to solve a singular issue (Forums) and never touched again. What an Ignore / Block function should be able to do:
    Ignore all or some of a user's content. Block a user from contacting you (Blocking messages and mentions). Blocking a user from your profile and content. Most users prefer Ease of Use with this. If you're blocking someone, you (usually) have a good reason to. The current ignore feature on IPS is basically bare-bones and doesn't really do a great job at what it does. It can definitely be better, and hopefully this can start that.
    Evidence has been found that William Tell and his family were avid bowlers. However, all the Swiss league records were unfortunately destroyed in a fire, and we'll never know for whom the Tells bowled.
  8. Like
    Sonya* reacted to asigno in Google AdSense Auto Ads   
    I use the mediation app in Ezoic which allows me to still run my own adsense through the Ezoic bid system. However I've only make a few dollars though adsense as it is nearly always outbid by the premium ads through Google's display network through Ezoic.
    You can manually place the Ezoic placeholders so you have full control over their positioning.
    You make considerably more revenue through Ezoic, however it considerably slows your site down too. If you have a static site (non IPB) you can use their caching and site speed functionality where it wouldn't be an issue. 
  9. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Markus Jung in Google AdSense Auto Ads   
    AdSense has announced a new version of auto-ads with a lot more control options. Any experiences with this?
  10. Like
    Sonya* reacted to CodingJungle in CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]   
    I want to apologize for my lack of interest in this. it wasn't intentional, i started work on fixing it, got caught up in work and other projects and just kept back burner'ing the fix, to the point i honestly just forgot about it. I'll honestly start working on it again tonight, and hopefully will have these issues fixed ASAP. I'll see about getting any one who has been affected by keywords renewal period extended for the last 3 months, if i can't, i can offer credit on my site for purchases or renewals on my site.
    again, i am sorry that its been so long and a show of no interest from me. 
  11. Like
    Sonya* reacted to ASI in Display Name History in 4.3   
    Please make it happen. Not displaying the information is not a solution to the problem.
  12. Like
    Sonya* reacted to InvisionHQ in Classifieds System   
    New Improved Clubs Enhancements has been released.
    Now, as promised, I'm working hard on version 2.0 of Classifieds that will bring many of the features that have been requested.
    I've no ETA but expect a lot of good things very soon.
  13. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to InvisionHQ in Clubs Enhancements   
    yes sorry...
  14. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from Sovereign Grace Singles in Wanted: Custom Profiles [dating]   
    Looks very nice. I like the idea and would share the costs if someone do it. Actually the default profile view of IPS is a pain 😞 
  15. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Davyc in Grammarly will it come back to IPS   
    4.4.4 Sees Grammarly disabled - I must admit I never had any problems or issues using Grammarly in any iterations of the IPS suite nor in any of the apps.  Since it is now disabled it has compelled me to use another called Ginger, which whilst good, it is not as good as Grammarly.  I can only say thank goodness that I did not upgrade to the paid version or I would have been out of pocket as I only use it on IPS sites.  With this in mind, is there not an opportunity to discover what issues are prevalent with Grammarly and can they be surmounted?  I would love to see this come back.
    With thanks

  16. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Sovereign Grace Singles in Wanted: Custom Profiles [dating]   
    I'm looking for some customization done to my website. Specifically I need the profile pages to look more like a "dating site". 
    A screen shot is included to give an idea. Nice size profile picture. Basics can be the profile questions etc. 
    The rest of the features IPS offers can remain as available tabs [activity etc]. But when visiting the profile page this is something I'm looking for:

  17. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from Daniel F in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    I wonder, how it can help. This should result in a lot of Excluded URLs due to "Alternate page with proper canonical tag". Every post and comment has a canonical tag in the header pointing to the page, so it does not really make sense to submit them to the sitemap.

    Those pages should not be indexed. 
  18. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from bfarber in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    I wonder, how it can help. This should result in a lot of Excluded URLs due to "Alternate page with proper canonical tag". Every post and comment has a canonical tag in the header pointing to the page, so it does not really make sense to submit them to the sitemap.

    Those pages should not be indexed. 
  19. Like
    Sonya* reacted to InvisionHQ in Clubs Enhancements   
    Changelogs for the upcoming Clubs Enhancements 2.0 
    1. Migrate items to club not add all users
    2. Double "overview" bug
    3. Email notification issue on Message member
    1. Plugin conversion to application
    2. Clubs Enhancements and Improved Clubs (IC) merged
    3. (IC) Blocks Manager for Clubs (acp)
    4. (IC) Extended Blocks Manager for Club Leader
    5. Added HTML block (adsense, banner image...)



    5. Hide members list in the sidebar when the "Display Club information" is located "In the header" (bluto request)
    6. Ban Member - add moderator permission to ban/unban members (prov only admins can ban/unban)
    7. Ban Member - Give the option to ban from ALL CLUBS or from specific clubs
    8. Ban Member - Revamped Banned Members Page

    1. Removed reorder&delete features (core features)
    2. Removed "Restrict Number of Clubs per member" (core feature - group settings)
  20. Like
    Sonya* reacted to ASI in Display Name History in 4.3   
    I have several cases eg real names, obsceneish names, address names, otherplatformusernames and so on.
    Valid reasons to remove their previous user names. Removing old user names needs to be a core function, like it once was. No ifs or buts about it.
  21. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Vegan Gaymer in Search to include Tags (optional default)   
    Tags are essential for searching our community (and many others) so it would be great if ADMIN had the option to set the default Searches to include Tags. I know we can access tag searches, but that's not an intuitive or easily accessible search for function.
  22. Like
    Sonya* reacted to TheJackal84 in FAQ ( Support Topic )   
    Updated to 2.0.5
    New Features
    Added the ability for admins and moderators with edit permissions to drag and drop the question & answers to reposition them on the list ( This is on the front side not the ACP ) Re-wrote the JS for toggling the answers so it is much cleaner and smoother Bug Fix
    Added the missing language strings
  23. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to DSystem in Inactive Members & Real Last Activity Supporttopic   
    @ Gabriel Torres  This app does not work well with large communities. I had problems installing and once installed it locks the tasks. I gave up...
  24. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from Josiah Wallingford in Pages: How to use anchors in editor?   
    @newbie LAC, thanks! This helped to figured out that anchor has been broken due to 3rd party plugin No External Links.
    @shahed, thank you! But my editors will not use wiki markup. It is just too complicated to learn it 
    My walk-around to avoid editing HTML: I have created a custom button for the anchor in the editor.

    This button is now available in Pages to set the target of the anchor. When adding link, the editors now just add # with anchor ID. This works. 
  25. Like
    Sonya* reacted to opentype in Pages: How to use anchors in editor?   
    I wonder how IPS creates the ToC here: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/welcome/install-and-upgrade-r259/
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