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  1. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to Nathan Explosion in Full, expanded quote?   
    I'll do this but only if you promise to stop claiming that the useful collapsing of the quote is the worst thing in the world ever, and if you stop centering all your posts 😉
  2. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Quote Enhancements   
    v2.0.1 has been submitted for approval
    What's new?
    Plugin is now an application The user option to ignore quotes via 'Ignored users' has been removed - the 'Posts' setting now controls whether to ignore quotes (logical...if you are ignoring someone's posts, a quote is also one of their posts so....) Settings added to allow you (the administrator) to control how truncated quotes behave. Either... Change the number of lines to display (range: 1 to 7 lines) or Don't truncate the quote...expand it (the way it used to be)
  3. Like
    Maxxius reacted to mcsg in Remove the "Show my" records "only" from database filters   
    I know this is not the "right" way to do this, but I can hide it using js:
    Theme > cms > databaseFilters
    Add this at the bottom:
    <script> var el = document.getElementsByName('cms_record_i_started_checkbox'); if(el[0]) { el[0].parentNode.parentNode.style.cssText = 'display:none'; } </script>  
  4. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Nigel Moore in Need more granularity for notification settings   
    Thanks @SUBRTX - that's at least a step in the right direction, which is great news.
    However, as I've just posted over in the comments on that link, I don't think it's been thought through very well.

    Here's what I posted over there.
    I just had a closer read of it and and whilst it is a step in the right direction, I still don't think it's amazing.
    Most people that use these notifications will still want to be notified when one of their posts is quoted by someone else.
    But no-one wants to be notified when their post get a like/reaction.
    So, keeping "quoted" and "reactions" bundled into a single option is a mistake in my opinion.
    I feel like "quotes" should either be bundled with "replies / mentions" or setup as it's own option.
    To be honest - for the best granularity - IMHO all 4 options should be separate.
    - REPLIES         [ON / OFF]
    - MENTIONS   [ON / OFF]
    - QUOTES        [ON / OFF]
  5. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from Linux-Is-Best in Command Line Upgrades   
    Just a quick question. Does a CLI version of a regular IPS upgrade script exist?
    @CoffeeCake ?
  6. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to AlexWebsites in Forum Index data-pagecontroller for each view   
    I'd like to re-suggest this as its relatively impossible to my knowledge, to target css elements per forum view currently. 
  7. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Nigel Moore in Need more granularity for notification settings   
    We're getting multiple complaints from users now - they just want it to go back to how it was before. 
    I.e. getting an email if they are tagged or quoted in a post and NOT getting an email for every "Like" button push.
    For some of our members, this is the difference between 1-2 emails a day and 40-50 emails a day.
    I've seen some crazy dev decisions in my 23 years in the tech industry and this one is definitely up the top of that list. I'm sure there must have been a reason for making the change, but from the outside I definitely can't see one.
    IPB have replied to us saying that we might see a fix in a future release.
    I suspect the only way to get that to the top of the list is for us all to continually (and politely) keep asking them about this one. 
    So, if you're affected - please make sure to open a ticket with them so that they hear from enough users and then schedule a reminder to check-in with this ticket on a regular (but reasonable) cadence. 
  8. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to usmf in Need more granularity for notification settings   
    Our users are also complaining about this, but telling people to disable all notifications is not really an acceptable answer. In most cases, members are wanting notifications for PMs and thread replies, but the notifications every time a Like Button is pushed are burying members. Is there really NO way to turn like button notifications off?
  9. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Adriano Faria in IP.Marketplace notifications granularity   
    I may be wrong, of course so I'll wait for someone from IPS to reply. If there isn't a way to display them, I'll develop a quick (free) plugin to display these files:

  10. Haha
    Maxxius got a reaction from SUBRTX in Installation via CLI and part of a SVN release process   
    How about in 2021? 🙂
  11. Thanks
    Maxxius reacted to CoffeeCake in Command Line Upgrades   
    No. There is no command line version of the upgrader.
  12. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Makoto in Is it necessary Rebuil Search Index habitually?   
    Generally, no, you should not need to manually rebuild the search index at all after it's set up.
    I've noticed it become out of date a few times myself and needed to give it a rebuild but this seems rare, and one time was a result of it crashing from running out of memory.
    If it happens to you frequently I would log a support ticket.
  13. Thanks
    Maxxius reacted to Sonya* in Best SEO Tricks?   
    I have some checklists.
    HTTPS - right from the start and redirect 301 for non-HTTPS The domain should be either with WWW OR without WWW. But not both. Again redirect with 301. Set up Friendly URLs Translit plugin to replace ö, ä, ü (no idea if it helps for SEO, but I don't like special characters in URLs, especially if there are only special characters like Cyrillic 😃). Connect Google Search Console to see what Google thinks about you Load sitemap.php in Search Console, here I can see nicely if something is not running correctly, not indexed or whatever. Change the title of the start page (no Home or Forums), but so that every user understands what it's all about. If you have some important landing pages, then change title on them as well A welcome block on the home page, short and to the point, what this is all about. (I've seen many forums where I have not understood what they are about). NO huge header/image slider, so that every page looks the same and the content begins below the fold. Content:
    Create articles in Pages (quality over quantity), you do not need 100 articles with 1 click a day. Write 5 with 20 clicks a day 😉 Fill out ALT tags for all images in the articles (double-click on the image, even if it's annoying, it helps) Use H2-H5 tags in the articles via editor plugin, create TOC at the beginning if the article is too long Link to trust sites, like Wikipedia, Unis, studies etc. This would give you more trust and Google like if you are trustworthy Sign all articles with real names and put short BIO of the author if possible, photo is even nicer If you enable Forum for articles, make sure that no duplicate content is created (article page itself plus forum topic that repeats the same thing again - this is IPS default and bad for SEO!). The best idea is not to show the forum to the guests, they can see the article and comments, there should be enough, forum only for members for Google E-A-T: add an about-page in the footer of the project, where the project is described in more detail, best to mention names and achievements of the people involved. See where you can place a link. Less is more. Better 2-3 trustworthy sites than 100 links from junk sites. Watch the search terms in Search Console and Analytics. If a search term is on the second page of the search result, it is worth to write an article about it. In this case, Google already considers the project relevant for this search term. It needs just a little push. Social Media:
    Create channels/pages in all relevant social media Regularly promote new content (it can give additional links if people share it somewhere else)
  14. Like
    Maxxius reacted to 403 - Forbiddeen in Best SEO Tricks?   
    Hello. I want to know what more i need to do to grow up my forum on google. Which page i can avoid index? Which plugin/addon i can help me with this? I've create custom title/description for all pages/forums.
  15. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Nathan Explosion in (Idea) Highlight differences in content edits   
    There's a little something pending approval now:
  16. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Jordan Miller in (Idea) Highlight differences in content edits   
    I hear you. I'll take this back to the team and see what the feedback is 🙏 
  17. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Jordan Miller in (Idea) Highlight differences in content edits   
    What if instead it showed a history of the edits versus what words were changed. Thoughts? 
  18. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Miss_B in Paid Development Opportunity   
    Have you considered asking @DawPi if he can add that to his app? It will be faster and probably cheaper that way, rather than having a whole new app developed for you. Just saying. 
  19. Like
    Maxxius reacted to opentype in Is this possible - Downloads to Twitter Post...   
    What you can do:
    Make sure RSS feeds for recent downloads are turned on in the Downloads settings. (If you need more control: Create a new stream and use the RSS feed there). 
    Register with a service like IFTTT. Connect your Twitter account. Use a “RSS to Twitter” module, so every entry from the RSS feed is posted to Twitter. 
  20. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from Morrigan in Create Menu still needs a re-work   
    to add to this I must say that for those who need to localize our boards the phrasing in create menu needs to be translated separately. as a separate string and not a string translated from somewhere else in the board and reused in create menu. the same phrase cant be used in both places while looking identical otherwise it will be a silly grammar mistake in one of the locations.
  21. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from Sonya* in Create Menu still needs a re-work   
    to add to this I must say that for those who need to localize our boards the phrasing in create menu needs to be translated separately. as a separate string and not a string translated from somewhere else in the board and reused in create menu. the same phrase cant be used in both places while looking identical otherwise it will be a silly grammar mistake in one of the locations.
  22. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to sobrenome in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    @Jordan Invision any chance to get the moderation control over wiki contributions on 4.6? We are not using this great IPS feature yet because without moderation our community can loose great content to spam.
  23. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Hegnauer.io in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    The two biggest things for our community would be:
    Alert people watching the entry when something is edited A per-database option to hold edits for moderation; the entry remains unaltered until a moderator approves it through the moderator area (the same way existing moderator approval functions)
  24. Agree
    Maxxius got a reaction from Kouren in IPB native Points System (IP.Subeconomies? IP.Points?)   
    Wow when Joel takes it up to write something up you know its gonna be good. I can hardly add anything else on top of it. +1
  25. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Daddy in Activity Stream +Options   
    The activity stream is a great feature but it lacks the filter options and prevents overall customization of feeds. Here's a few examples of filtering I would like to see included out of the box. I have a category to greet members and birthdays that spam the feed and I currently have no option to hide them.
    Filter by Tags
    Along side only pulling certain tags there should be an option to exclude certain tags. For example, topics I don't want to be shown on the default stream I can add the tag: Private without having obey with the topic permission settings.
    Filter by Category
    Allowing or disallowing certain categories from displaying on the default stream to allow webmasters to prevent certain categories or create exclusive streams for any one or multiple categories to display on one feed.
    Filter by Group
    This concept can easily be nulled by the filter by tags and category submission but adds another universal filter for webmasters to utilize. This option can also bypass the filters by simply disallowing certain groups' posts from displaying such as the group System that a lot of communities have. As said above I have my system greet members and birthdays via threads that spam my default stream like crazy.
    Please consider these additions as it would give more freedom to webmaster to customize their streams to accommodate their setups.
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