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Randy Calvert

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  1. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from SeNioR- in CANNOT_MAKE_DIR /public_html/uploads/set_resources   
    You need to give your uploads folder and all files under it read/write permissions.  Something like "chmod -R 777 /kunden/home/forumdrone/public_html/uploads/".  That should set permission on the uploads folder and recursively all files/folders under it.  You might need 755 instead of 755 depending on your host setup.  
    If you're having problems with the set_resources folder, you'll most likely also have problems with other folders under it as well when you upload attachments, or edit themes, etc.  
  2. Like
    Randy Calvert reacted to virap in HumpDay: Similar Content, ActivityStreams uses Elasticsearch   
    ok now, works perfectly fine after I reuploaded the init.php
    Randy Calvert, many thanks for the upgrade instructions.
  3. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Mark H in Folder Permissions?   
    Which is beyond the scope of support that IPS can provide. They don’t know what that user or group is or what settings are applied. If the user is truly worried about what others on the server might do, they should not be running in a shared environment and instead use a VPS or something else with an isolated container. 
  4. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Jim M in Folder Permissions?   
    Which is beyond the scope of support that IPS can provide. They don’t know what that user or group is or what settings are applied. If the user is truly worried about what others on the server might do, they should not be running in a shared environment and instead use a VPS or something else with an isolated container. 
  5. Agree
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from OptimusBain in Better than Zapier and Integromat   
    I can't speak to IPS' interest in supporting more automation integration platforms, but I would toss out a note of caution.  Any organization that offers an "unlimited lifetime" option is most likely going to at some point change the model.  ESPECIALLY in a situation where they have recurring costs related to continued use.  
    At some point, they simply begin to lose money and cannot support it long term.  
    I would be highly concerned about spending a great deal of time/effort building the integration and in a year or two have them come back and say they are moving to a new model because the old one no longer makes sense for them.  At that point, you have to either pony up or make an even bigger effort to shift to something else.  
    I don't say this to pick on any single company or service.  Instead it's simply a word of caution to think about the sustainability of the technology you choose to deploy in your site.  You would not want to wake up one day and find out you have XX days to either start paying a lot more or need to make a change to something else.   
  6. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Schaken in What happened with promotion - analytics?   
    It's the same as ACP > System > Site Features > Integrations > Google Analytics.  
    When you enable it, you will get a spot to enter tracking code.  Enter your tracking code there and it should just work because it looks like it would be in the same spot as the Google Analytics code.  
    Otherwise if you don't want to put the code there or it causes problems, you can edit your site theme to add it anywhere you want.  
    ACP > Customizations > Appearance > Themes > (your theme) > Edit HTML and CSS
    Search for globalTemplate and add the code wherever you want it to be in your header.  
  7. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from kmk in How to remove this from the Forums forum?   
    I believe this would be in the theme's HTML settings:
    Forums > Front > Index > Index
    I believe you would want to remove:
    <div class='ipsPageHeader ipsClearfix ipsMargin_bottom cForumHeader ipsHeaderButtons ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:between'> <h1 class='ipsType_pageTitle ipsFlex-flex:11 ipsType_break'> {lang="forums"} </h1> {{if \IPS\forums\Forum::canOnAny( 'add' ) }} <ul class='ipsToolList ipsToolList_horizontal ipsClearfix sm:ipsPos_none sm:ipsMargin:none ipsFlex-flex:00'> <li class='ipsToolList_primaryAction ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> <a class="ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_important" href="{url="app=forums&module=forums&controller=forums&do=add" seoTemplate="topic_non_forum_add_button"}" data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="select_forum"}'>{lang="start_new_topic"}</a> </li> {template="viewChange" group="global" app="forums" params=""} </ul> {{endif}} </div>  
  8. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Square Wheels in How often to run a cron job?   
    It technically takes a bit more resources to do as it’s a web call (meaning handled by Apache and any security tools you might use (WAF, mod_security, etc). 
    It also means if the 3rd party has problems, your cron does not run while it’s down. 

    At the end of the day… not a huge downside especially for smaller sites. If it’s working, roll with it!  🙂 
  9. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Inline moderation options   
    ACP - Community - Forums - Settings
    Find under “Topic Settings” in the Show section “Moderation events between posts”. 
  10. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from sobrenome in HumpDay: Similar Content, ActivityStreams uses Elasticsearch   
    <inserting placeholder for the "will Elastic Search be upgraded to version 7.x" questions that are sure to come>

  11. Thanks
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from sobrenome in Elasticsearch Version 7 & IPB?   
  12. Thanks
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Luuuk in Inline moderation options   
    ACP - Community - Forums - Settings
    Find under “Topic Settings” in the Show section “Moderation events between posts”. 
  13. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from SeNioR- in 4.6.8 - SEO and significant drop of site visits. Why?   
    If you’re referring to the number of crawled pages, this is intentional. 
    There are pages that IPS is flagging in the HTML code for the search engines not to follow such as profile pages and some of the various pages with query strings that don’t effect the content itself for static (bot) users. 

    This means Google spends less time on the “crap” parts of your site that are not REAL content and instead has more crawl budget for the “good” stuff. 

    Your robots.txt looks good based on the path you described. Your URLs should start with the slash as it is a call to a sub folder. 

    I’ve noticed in my own crawls much fewer TOTAL pages but much more good pages. I had been blocking a lot of stuff in robots.txt and Google would have like 50k items it noted were blocked or another 30k items that were crawled but not indexed. Those numbers are almost to zero now. In fact about 100k total “worthless” items are no longer crawled. 
  14. Haha
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Lindor in When arrive more events for zapier connection?   
    You're never going to have an answer to when is something going to be released.  The standard IPS response will be "when it's ready".  🙂 
  15. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Stuart Silvester in HumpDay: Similar Content, ActivityStreams uses Elasticsearch   
    <inserting placeholder for the "will Elastic Search be upgraded to version 7.x" questions that are sure to come>

  16. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in What happened with promotion - analytics?   
    It's the same as ACP > System > Site Features > Integrations > Google Analytics.  
    When you enable it, you will get a spot to enter tracking code.  Enter your tracking code there and it should just work because it looks like it would be in the same spot as the Google Analytics code.  
    Otherwise if you don't want to put the code there or it causes problems, you can edit your site theme to add it anywhere you want.  
    ACP > Customizations > Appearance > Themes > (your theme) > Edit HTML and CSS
    Search for globalTemplate and add the code wherever you want it to be in your header.  
  17. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from INDIG0 in What happened with promotion - analytics?   
    It's the same as ACP > System > Site Features > Integrations > Google Analytics.  
    When you enable it, you will get a spot to enter tracking code.  Enter your tracking code there and it should just work because it looks like it would be in the same spot as the Google Analytics code.  
    Otherwise if you don't want to put the code there or it causes problems, you can edit your site theme to add it anywhere you want.  
    ACP > Customizations > Appearance > Themes > (your theme) > Edit HTML and CSS
    Search for globalTemplate and add the code wherever you want it to be in your header.  
  18. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Scott Allen in Commerce Gift Cards - allow a Website Member as recipient   
    Whoa...  no need to go off the deep end accusing someone who has no skin in the game of trying to sell you on something.  
    It was meant as a friendly suggestion as a way to plug a gap for you.  Any sort of feature suggestion is not going to immediately happen.  Typically it's MONTHS if not longer for suggestions that even are adopted to be implemented and tested.  So if you need this sort of functionality anytime soon you might want to go about your suggested plan of action of developing your own or doing without.  
    If you don't want to use a plugin, that's fine.  Most people appreciate knowing what options are available to them so that of doing without or waiting an extended time is more painful, they have a choice in how they want to proceed.  There is no need to jump down on people offering a bit of friendly advice, especially when the person doing so has no skin in the game and does not get anything from making the suggestion.  
  19. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from opentype in Commerce Gift Cards - allow a Website Member as recipient   
    Whoa...  no need to go off the deep end accusing someone who has no skin in the game of trying to sell you on something.  
    It was meant as a friendly suggestion as a way to plug a gap for you.  Any sort of feature suggestion is not going to immediately happen.  Typically it's MONTHS if not longer for suggestions that even are adopted to be implemented and tested.  So if you need this sort of functionality anytime soon you might want to go about your suggested plan of action of developing your own or doing without.  
    If you don't want to use a plugin, that's fine.  Most people appreciate knowing what options are available to them so that of doing without or waiting an extended time is more painful, they have a choice in how they want to proceed.  There is no need to jump down on people offering a bit of friendly advice, especially when the person doing so has no skin in the game and does not get anything from making the suggestion.  
  20. Agree
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from ZLTRGO in Commerce Gift Cards - allow a Website Member as recipient   
    Whoa...  no need to go off the deep end accusing someone who has no skin in the game of trying to sell you on something.  
    It was meant as a friendly suggestion as a way to plug a gap for you.  Any sort of feature suggestion is not going to immediately happen.  Typically it's MONTHS if not longer for suggestions that even are adopted to be implemented and tested.  So if you need this sort of functionality anytime soon you might want to go about your suggested plan of action of developing your own or doing without.  
    If you don't want to use a plugin, that's fine.  Most people appreciate knowing what options are available to them so that of doing without or waiting an extended time is more painful, they have a choice in how they want to proceed.  There is no need to jump down on people offering a bit of friendly advice, especially when the person doing so has no skin in the game and does not get anything from making the suggestion.  
  21. Agree
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from MythonPonty in ModCP / Reported Content   
    Hey guys!
    We've been making use of the ModCP across our site as a way to manage actions taken by our moderators.  Having spent more time in the area, I have a few suggestions I was hoping you might consider for a future version:
    Once a report is made, there is no way to interact with the person that reported the content or to interact with the person being reported (other than to warn them).  At the bottom of the report currently is two tabs, one for the content from the person reporting, and another for moderator content.   Allowing moderators to reply to the first tab if we wanted to interact with the person reporting would be helpful.  (Collect more info, get a better understanding of what the intent was, etc.) -- Since members don't have access to the moderator CP, maybe from the member perspective it's a PM? Create an additional tab with the ability to interact with the person being reported.  There are cases we don't want to warn someone, but maybe a gentle nudge first can help de-escalate a situation.  These areas would be AWESOME to include the new stock replies feature.  Where we can pick from a few canned replies and customize them as needed.   There is no easy ways to find reports involving specific members.  For example, in the reports section...  it would be cool to be able to find reports involving (started or about) a member.  Today you can only filter by report status. The AdminCP shows warnings issued.  Could we also see reports and if a warning was tied to a report show that relation?   Could we have a way of editing a warning?  Once a warning is issued, if a decision is made to reduce the warning points for example, the only way to do this is to revoke the warning and reissue it...  this means the member must re-accept the warning which causes confusion.  It would be helpful to be able to edit a warning versus only being able to revoke it.   This would help make our moderator's workflows much easier and make tracking issues much more straight forward.  There are times I've had to go look up something that happened six months ago and have trouble putting a timeline together fully of what happened.  🙂  
  22. Thanks
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Dexter_X in How to create a french translation ?   
    There are times where things where capitalization or punctuation, or having a plural version could be in play.
    For example:
    "an IP address"
    "the IP addresses"
    The challenge is that the BASE language is English...  meaning there are multiple strings to handle situations like the above.  Different languages may not need all 20 of the variations, but because English is the base, you could end up with the same entry multiple times.  
    English is the most backwards language in the world and breaks almost all of its own rules.  
  23. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Roboko in Localhost developer installation   
    When entering your key, did you add -TESTINSTALL at the end of the license number?
    See the following for details:
  24. Agree
    Randy Calvert reacted to Nathan Explosion in Mobile App, What happened?   
  25. Like
    Randy Calvert got a reaction from Madal in 4.6: How to restore custom member titles   
    I’m not IPS… I don’t speak for them and I don’t work for them.  So just a couple of thoughts of my own. 
    There is a difference between “listening” to feedback and just doing whatever is suggested. There are members in my own community that make suggestions… some are able to be accommodated and others not. There are times that some are pretty vocal… but their request does not fit with the long term strategy for the community. 

    I see the same thing here. There is a bigger vision that IPS is working towards. That means that it is not possible to always accommodate requests. In terms of a “landslide” poll, it had a total of around 50 participants out of literally thousands of customers. I don’t think that’s a fair representation of the entire customer base.  I would venture a guess that if literally all customers were to be asked that a majority would have no clue or not care. With that said, there is always going to be some group of people where it’s critically important. For ANY feature or change, it’s made out to be THE defining feature of their community. The fact that instructions have been provided to accommodate individuals that felt so strongly about it shows they indeed listen. 

    Just because it makes sense for your community does not mean it makes sense as a default feature. But the awesome thing about the way the system is built is that if you don’t like it, changing it to the way you want it is not overly complex or hard especially when it’s spelled out how to do it.  
    I’ve been an IPS customer for over a decade and I can say they approach development the same as they always have which is pretty similar to Apple. It’s to look at the big picture and figure out what customers actually need. Sometimes customers know… sometimes they don’t. If Apple simply built what “the majority” wanted we would not have had the revolution in the mobile market that we did.  The question will be if IPS can successfully read the tea leaves and figure out what is important before we actually know it’s important. 
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