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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. There is not any sort of notifications available for replies or actions on reports. There is a plugin avails that lets you send pre-canned replies to a person that reported something however. My moderators use it to send a generic message that the report has been reviewed and appropriate action has been taken.
  2. How about this… what are you trying to do in the core CSS files that you can’t do in the custom.css? Let’s see if it’s actually a true problem or if there is a reasonable alternative.
  3. Then I would suggest doing this outside of IPB. IPB is not a good storage replication system. Your better bet is to leverage S3’s existing API’s and capabilities to replicate data on a certain schedule. The entire premise behind IPBs integration with S3 is so that you don’t have to keep a local copy. If a local copy is important for you, it would be better to do it from the S3 side instead of the IPB side. Also if you plan to stop using S3, you can change your storage location to a local drive which would download a copy for you to that storage location. So long as you don’t just delete your bucket or just stop paying for it… you would not “lose” anything if you decided you wanted to use local storage instead.
  4. Again… with CSS… you don’t NEED to edit core CSS to improve SEO. Just because you know how to change something does not mean you’re doing it in the right spot or doing it in a way that is sustainable.
  5. It looks like you've regained access to ACP now. Remove the line again from the constants.php. You just need it during the login to disable plugins. Then you turn recovery mode off by removing that same line.
  6. Use recovery mode to gain access to disable all third party resources an regain ACP access again.
  7. Sweet! I'm gad you got the problem squared away! 👍
  8. I assume you're running on the latest version of IPB software? Have you confirmed your PHP 8 installation meets all of the system requirements? Make sure to run it while you're actually on PHP 8 to make sure you see any modules that might be missing. And in terms of disabling everything, I assume you checked for Applications AND Plugins? That you also switched back to a default theme?
  9. Yes. Its part of the extra verbose logging. It will be turned down in a later release.
  10. Yes. This basically reworks the existing calendar app. When you create the event, you choose if it is in-person or virtual. You can also make an event an all-day event without providing a link to a streaming event. IPS is doing this on this site with the days their offices are closed for holidays for example. 🙂
  11. until

    I joined the event at around 12:05PM and the link worked fine. The event was finished by around 12:15. So my guess is you might have joined after it ended and that it was taking you to the next scheduled event.
  12. It requires a third party plugin: There is also some setup work on the AWS side to setup things like the feedback loop to automatically handle bounces, etc. But @Jon Erickson is very helpful and responsive if you run into problems. I also found SES to be much more reliable for delivery of mail (around 20% of mail was marked as spam by major ISPs such as Yahoo and Comcast with their non-dedicated IPs).
  13. Because it was not encoded by Sendgrid properly. This is a garbage in/garbage out scenario. The redirect SHOULD exist. The problem is because it was encoded incorrectly it does not take you to the right spot when unencoded. Try turning off Sendgrid and sending via SMTP or PHP... I'll bet you then find those links work correctly. I had this problem with Sendgrid myself as well with certain links. It's one of the reasons I switched to AWS SES for sending email instead of Sendgrid.
  14. This is not possible at this time. You can suggest the idea in the Feature Request forum however.
  15. This can happen if you have one plugin with a ton of libraries as well. For example, I was able to ALWAYS duplicate this happening when the AWS SES plugin is installed. This was noted by devs in my reported case and the team was looking to improve this in a later release.
  16. While technically possible, it’s not recommended/supported. For example, if you delete members/member groups, you’ll end up with different IDs for each as the software would be aware the IDs existed previously. You would still have to go back and fix permissions, etc. There are many different issues that can occur so the best/safest thing to do is do it on a fresh install only.
  17. It looks like a problem with GD within your PHP compile. You might want to check to make sure the GD module is working correctly.
  18. Seems to be working for me. This was the URL that I used: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e0/SNice.svg/440px-SNice.svg.png * Clicked "Other Media" * Clicked "Insert image from URL" * Pasted the above URL into the box * Clicked the "Insert into post" button I've confirmed it's working on this site as well as on a few other IPB sites. This definitely sounds like something either on your computer or within your network blocking it.
  19. The events app is not a whole new app. It's an updated calendar.
  20. The default settings on this site do not have email notifications for replies when you follow a topic. You can change your preferences in the notification settings... https://invisioncommunity.com/notifications/options/ Choose Followed Content and make sure you add email as a notification type. The IPS staff will have to help with the original issue however. 🙂
  21. If you are switching away from IPB to WPS, you need to go to whomever you purchased your domain from (your registrar) and ask them to point the domain to wherever WPS tells you it should go. There is nothing IPS does in directing your traffic.
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