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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. There is nothing specifically announced for Gallery at this time, but they're asking for feedback about it...
  2. API calls are done via HTTPS. So it's still using the same port (443 in this case). I'll let IPS figure out the rest. 😄
  3. I was not going to note that in case you did not want it publicly known those were the IPs used for your VPN. When those were shared with me, it was done via PM. As a result, I operated under the impression it was not meant for public posting. 😄 Better coming from you than me. hahaha
  4. Thanks! I searched for conversations in the ACP global search but it did not appear. I was looking under the member groups settings.
  5. First you need to make sure you are running IPB 4.7. If you are not, the app won't show as it is listed as being ONLY compatible with 4.7. If you are running 4.7, you can get to it manually by just searching for "Brilliant" in the search. A direct link to it is: domain.com/admin/?app=core&module=marketplace&controller=marketplace&do=viewFile&id=9287 Roleplay was found from the search bar as well... domain.com/admin/?app=core&module=marketplace&controller=marketplace&do=viewFile&id=9681
  6. Look in the table core_login_methods. Inside of that table will have rows for each login method. I believe you're looking for the auth_type. If you're going to touch the raw database, I recommend making a full backup first just to be safe. Editing the database directly is not directly supported and something that is generally discouraged. So do what you would with the info. 🙂
  7. Out of curiosity, what are you trying to achieve by not doing this in the UI the way it was designed?
  8. Per the 4.7.3 release notes: Added a setting to prune conversations after x days without a reply. Where is this in the ACP?
  9. The upgrader connects to remoteservices.invisionpower.com. There is no set number of IP addresses as the site is fronted by CloudFront which as IPs that change potentially for each request. For example, I just tried looking up the site via a DIG and got: ;; ANSWER SECTION: remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 60 IN A remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 60 IN A remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 60 IN A remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 60 IN A From another computer: ;; ANSWER SECTION: remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 17 IN A remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 17 IN A remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 17 IN A remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 17 IN A Your best bet is to whitelist all of Cloudfront's IP ranges as it's impossible to give a fixed IP set. As a short term fix, ping the site right before you do your update and use the IP in your firewall. But remember, it can change literally at anytime.
  10. CiC instances are still running 7.4.x (at least my test cloud instance is).
  11. A Jim noted, this is an issue your hosting provider will have to address. Apache/PHP is not configured properly on your server. It's not passing the request through the PHP parser and instead is just delivering the raw file. Most likely your host does not have the PHP module properly loaded into the Apache config. This is not a problem with the software itself so there is nothing we can do to fix this particular problem.
  12. You CAN'T calculate the true cost as it depends on a bunch of factors that you won't know until after the fact. However a BALLPARK ESTIMATE... If you take the smallest instance (t3.small.search), and have it running all month... the base cost is going to be roughly $52 per month. (That includes two instances... a data instance and a master instance.) The minimum disk size is 10GB, so that's another $1.22 a month. The above does not take into account bandwidth between your server and AWS which would all be billable traffic. That would be roughly $0.09 per GB. It's not possible to estimate how much you would use as it depends on if you use it to show data on every page or just search results... how many users you have per day/month.... etc. You could also just install it on an EC2 instance yourself and manage it. Then it's the cost of the instance and bandwidth which is obviously going to be lower.
  13. Sounds like you need to just remove the extra duplicate entry noted in the ipb_core_permission_index table. Before you do anything, take a full backup of the database just to be safe. Also... the version of IPB that you are running is over 5 years old. In that time, there have been over a dozen critical security fixes. I know it sucks to hear you should upgrade, but you REALLY need to work on upgrading.
  14. What the plugin does is add a new box: So when a report comes in... you can click on the "Message" button. You'll see: You can have a message that says "Report is being reviewed", "Report is complete", or whatever messages you want. If multiple people reported the message, you can choose each person or specific people. That message when you click send is sent. It does not happen automatically. You choose if/when the message is sent. The functionality you describe is not available in the software today and would be difficult to do via a plugin from what I've been told by a few different developers. So you would want to make this request in the Feature Request forum.
  15. Well dang... and here I was hoping to get rid of the month entirely.
  16. Sorry... 4.7.3 looks like it was just released this morning. 🙂 That was my bad!! But yes... if you're using the birthday widget, remove the plugin from the ACP for now. It's making a call to the birthday function within Calendar. (Just disabling it seemed to have the error occur on every 50 or so page loads for some reason.) The new version works great... I actually had the plugin developed for my site, so I've been helping with the new reworked version. 😄
  17. When you updated to the most recent version, do you mean the latest 4.7.3 (in beta) or 4.7.2? If 4.7.3... do you have the following plugin installed: The above 1.0.0 release of the plugin is not compatible with 4.7.3. Adrian has a new version I believe pending in the marketplace. Disable the plugin for now to get the site back online.
  18. If you don't know what you're doing, I would highly recommend against trying to "mass run" anything. You also don't run anything from PHP. It's run from within mySQL itself. Before you do anything, make sure you have a full backup, etc. From within mySQL, to generate a list of everything to convert: SET @DATABASE_NAME = 'YOURDBNAME'; SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', table_name, '` ENGINE=InnoDB;') AS sql_statements FROM information_schema.tables AS tb WHERE table_schema = @DATABASE_NAME AND `ENGINE` = 'MyISAM' AND `TABLE_TYPE` = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY table_name DESC; It will give you output like: ALTER TABLE 'something' ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE 'blah' ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE 'another_name' ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE 'sometable' ENGINE=InnoDB; Just copy/paste all of those ALTER TABLE lines in a single copy/paste. Again... make sure you have a backup if you do this. I take no responsibility if you break your site or for unintended consequences, etc. (It is a relatively minor change, so it should be fine... but generally I don't suggest for people to play in the database unless they're very comfortable with what they're doing.
  19. You’ll have to wait for an IPS staff member then. Good luck.
  20. Download a set of the IPB files from the client area on this site. Upload them to your web host. Then run domain.com/admin/upgrade — It should detect the application in the full package and install it.
  21. If you can get into the client area, download a set of files from there and upload them to your site overwriting the old files. Then run domain.com/admin/upgrade to kick off the update process manually.
  22. If a member group does not have permission to create an event, the Create Event button still appears. It pulls up the "Select Calendar" screen when there are no available calendars to my group.
  23. It looks like Events can set an end date/time that are before the start date/time. For example, the Private Messages event has an end time before it is supposed to start. 🙂
  24. I reported the event... but this also seems like a bug where an event can be set to end before the start date/time.
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