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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. No, as long as you have your conf_global.php set to HTTPS, this is not needed. (It should not hurt, but no help really.) I would enable HSTS though so the browser itself rewrites any non-secure request to HTTPS before it gets to CF.
  2. It’s fixed in a future release. Not necessarily this one. 🙂
  3. You would either need to link to the existing content, or you would need to add each individual image. Now... you can drag/drop multiple files into a post. For example, the two images below I bulk added by clicking them both and dragging at the same time into this window.
  4. We're glad it was a transient problem and that you are back to normal operations! 🙂
  5. There is no way to automatically move the content without breaking existing links to it. Since you mention the Joomla site and forum are on the same server, it means you're self-hosted. This means you could use FTP to download all of the images from the old folder and then upload into a new folder on your server. If you do that, you'll still have to fix all references to that content however (both old and new).
  6. Out of curiosity, what’s wrong with Stripe? There is no monthly fee and it has more options than just visa/Mastercard (including Apple Pay and Google Pay).
  7. 4.5 is not compatible with PHP 8. So yes, you would want to use 7.4 to upgrade. Once upgraded to a 4.7.x version, then upgrade to PHP 8.
  8. In order to login, your community requires using an email address, not a username. So provide IPS the email address associated with whatever account you’re giving them to login to your ACP. Basically just make sure you actually test whatever account info you give them actually works… if it does not work for you to login, it won’t work for them 🙂 You can update your info on file by visiting the client area (https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/) and clicking “Manage This Purchase” and then “Stored Access Information”.
  9. You can cname a sub domain (such as WWW) but not the apex (domain.com). That is not an IPS issue. That’s an internet standard… specifically RFC1912. Now… if you were using Cloudflare, you could use their DNS flattening and have them do it for you dynamically at request run time. You could also just point it to a static IP (such as an AWS EC2 Micro instance) that just has Apache setup with a forward to send EVERYTHING to your cname. This is actually exactly why IPS pushes to have them host your DNS … as they do this for you. Most people don’t want to take the effort of figuring out how to cname the domain apex. But if you do that, you can’t use Ezoic because they’re essentially a DNS host themselves…. Leaving you with out a clear “easy” way of handling apex mapping. By the way… to read about DNS flattening at Cloudflare… https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cname-flattening-rfc-compliant-cnames-at-a-domains-root/
  10. Those would be software enhancements. The best place to make that ask is in the features and feedback forum. 🙂
  11. Try adding 50 CC’s. 🙂 But to be honest you’re not going to find your fraud with that. Disable guest purchasing and you’ll stop 95 percent of your fraud fright there.
  12. Their suggestions are: Optimize your Stripe integration -- This is already done. Add a CAPTCHA -- This is not possible today. It would require 3rd party development. Add rate limits -- This is something that would have to be done by your host. Require login or session validation -- This is possible and needs you to configure it Use customer Radar rules. -- This is a product from Stripe and is for you to setup/manage outside of IPB. Detect and prevent unusual behavior Limit the number of cards that can be attached to a single customer -- This is already done Limit the number of customers that can be created with a single IP address -- This is not possible today. It would require 3rd party development Filter out requests with certain user agents or other parameters -- This would be on you to do with your host / firewall.
  13. In 4.7.4, guest page caching is being removed.
  14. IPS worked on this for awhile, but discontinued the project. In fact, it was in version 4.6.11 that IPS actually removed the last of the logic for the native app. Their efforts shifted to building better mobile web support and adding PWA. So it's most likely not on the radar anytime soon.
  15. Yes! 100% YES. Your DNS is basically being pointed to Ezoic for them to control. They host all the records (either themselves or through Cloudflare depending if you chose to integrate through CF or through DNS). When you configure your origin record (such as forum.domain.com), it should not point to an A record. That would be pointing to a static IP address that could change anytime with no notice. Instead you want to use the CNAME record values provided by IPS when you signed up for CiC. This will basically tell Ezoic to point requests to IPS' load balancer and let it decide what IP address to give out from what it knows are available.
  16. I'm glad you were able to get it squared away! 🙂
  17. If you're using Cloudflare, your domain should be using their name servers. Meaning yourdomain.com is pointing to something like: Name Server: elaine.ns.cloudflare.com Name Server: ray.ns.cloudflare.com This means they hold the master records for your domain. You most likely have a record within your Cloudflare setup that is pointing requests to IPS CIC... this is typically a CNAME record that IPS gave you when you first became a customer. Something like forum.domain.com CNAME something.invisioncic.com. They would most likely give you multiple CNAME records for additional redundancy. Those CNAME records change dynamically and can update literally every few minutes to different IP addresses depending on server load and where the request originates from. X-Forwarded-For records are not controlled within the DNS layer. It's also not something IPS "provides you". As per Ezoic: This means Ezoic is passing the original user's IP address in the XFF field. It's not something for IPS to give to you. IPS already respects the XFF as they need it for their own load balancers. (The web server itself handling your request gets the request from IPS' load balancer, so it would have to use the XFF to know what the true source IP address is instead of the local address of the load balancer.) Also... IPS does not use A records. A records are for IP addresses. They point to a single source. Instead they use CNAME records. It's a resource pointer that allows IPS to direct a request to any number of IP addresses that might change very frequently without making you have to update your DNS each time they make an update. Using A records works when you have just a single web server hosting a site, but it absolutely does not in a multi-server, highly available environment. If you manually pinged the CNAME record to get an IP address, it means you won't get updates anytime the CNAME record changes. I would HIIIIIGHLY recommend against this as it means your site could randomly break anytime IPS makes a change to their backend systems. Use the CNAME records instead that they provide to point to a CiC instance.
  18. No. This can't be prevented. It's done for intentionally for availability. IPS does not host it's CiC sites on a single server like most hosting setups. It uses a redundant system where the site is hosted on many different servers that any one might come and go at any time. This pool of servers enables them to handle large spikes in traffic and allows them to grow/shrink capacity as needed. It also allows them to do rolling maintenance without taking your site offline to install OS patches, PHP updates, etc.
  19. If email are bouncing to certain users but delivering to others... that means they're sent by your server, but rejected by the recipient's server. Most likely that means you don't have SPF or DKIM setup for your domain. Many mail servers won't accept mail that don't have these setup. Mail delivery issues are matters you would want to address with your host as the IPB software itself simply sends instructions to your server to send the mail. Making sure they deliver it correctly is not something that IPS can troubleshoot. If I were you, I might start with: https://mxtoolbox.com/emailhealth https://mxtoolbox.com/deliverability
  20. The first image shows up fine for me. The second image does not show up because it's a broken image. It's trying to load an image with the following address: https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/uploads/monthly_2022_10/1267989165_GTSportAd-HocEvent/(4/).jpg.47680fb255567100cfec45892d417564.jpg My guess is the slashes in the file name are causing problems for your web server as it's most likely parsing them as folders. Try re-adding the image without the (4) and the slashes in the file name and I'll expect it'll work for you.
  21. There is nothing built into the software to check for bad/old content that is posted by members. There are broken link checkers that exist on the web that you can search for and use if you like, but it’s outside of the support available here. In terms of Google… you’re not penalized for third party links. In fact, by default Google is automatically instructed to not even attempt to follow links to remote sites.
  22. Those “ghost” files typically occur when metadata about the file is written but the data itself is not. This is typically associated with a disk issue such as either being over quota or the hardware itself being out of space. It’s not something associated with the IPB software and is typically something you need to address with your hosting provider. Regarding reinstalling marketplace apps, you can install them from the marketplace… but you might need to set your settings all over again and there might be data lost depending on if the app itself handles data. Marketplace files are typically found in the applications folder, not within uploads also. (Attachments uploaded by a marketplace app might be there, just not the app itself.)
  23. You can use phpMyAdmin, but it is still running through a web browser. This means if it takes several minutes for the commands to run, there is a reasonable chance it could time out in the web browser depending on how long Apache is configured on the server to allow the script to execute and how long it will wait before giving up. SSH is not subject to timeouts like can happen via a web browser. So it’s generally safer to recommend doing it one way that has less opportunity for something to go wrong. 🙂
  24. There are a lot more capabilities in IPB than phpBB as well. That requires more space. 🙂 Also just so we’re very clear… a few gigabytes of space in reality is TINY. Heck… free email account providers have mailbox sizes that are more than 10 times the size of the limit provided by their host. 🙂
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