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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. You either need to work with your host to run those commands on your database or run them yourself. It’s generally best to run it via SSH, but you might be able to run them via phpMyAdmin.
  2. Jim... is the OP self hosted? He mentioned: As a result, I was not suggesting that earlier. 😄
  3. A couple of important things to call out here... IPS is not the developer of that resource and is not selling that resource. They don't make decisions about how much third party resource developers sell their work for and they don't dictate if/when any sort of renewal costs would apply. Keeping the software updated is critically important. Not only for when something goes wrong and you come looking to IPS for technical support but also for the safety of your site and the protection of your user's data. You're welcome to ignore upgrading, but it's very dangerous to do so. Now... if you don't want to see those messages frequently, simply create two logins for yourself. One that is an Admin and gives you access to the ACP. Only login to that if you implicitly need to access the ACP. The other as a Global Moderator. It would not see the upgrade notifications. (They're shown only to admins.)
  4. Why would IPS uninstall something provided by a third party? They don’t know how it was setup, what changes the third party did to the database, etc. That does not make sense and is a cop out answer honestly.
  5. Google needs to be configured to read IPBs data, which is something outside of the support provided by IPS. You can look at using Google Tag Manager and defining events, or create custom tags to define them, but it’s not something that is one click done for you.
  6. If you’re getting an error on a fresh install, I would suggest using the compatibility checker to make sure the version of PHP8 has all of the required modules. That’s typically a good first step on a fresh install.
  7. Which plugins work vary greatly by plugin. In general it’s best to reach out to the resource author to confirm compatibility. If it was obtained via the marketplace, you could check the version compatibility there as well. If it’s an abandoned resource, you might need to disable it or get it updated by someone else. If it’s a custom resource, it might be worth confirming it works on PHP8.
  8. If you are hosted by IPS, meaning you’ve purchased one of their cloud hosting packages, you don’t need to worry about the underlying version of PHP. When you upgrade in the ACP, IPS will take care of that for you. You only need to worry about the version of PHP if you’re self hosting. Before you upgrade, I highly recommend switching to a default theme and disabling all third party applications first. Once the upgrade is complete, re-enable applications one at a time.
  9. Turn your board offline. Disable all third party resources (applications and plugins) and switch to a default theme. Create a new blank default theme if needed. Switch your site to using PHP8. Use the script noted above to check to make your instance of PHP8 has all of the needed prerequisites. Download a copy of the IPB software from the client area. Upload them to your site replacing files that match the same name. Visit domain.com/admin/upgrade and follow the instructions to upgrade to 4.7.4. After the upgrade is complete, login to the ACP. Make sure things look correct and re-enable third party resources one at a time. You can also check if your old theme needs any updates. Turn your board back online.
  10. This is a question you should ask your hosting provider if you don’t know how to do it. How to upgrade PHP depends very highly on how it was setup. For example, being compiled from source, installed via RPM, being managed by a control panel, etc. The community here would not be able to properly advise you on this unfortunately.
  11. Have you confirmed your docker instance actually meets the system requirements for IPB by using the compatibility checker? Also have you confirmed the files actually extracted properly? If the file does not exist, it does not matter if it was not uploaded or extracted incorrectly... the outcome is the same. 🙂
  12. This forum is for peer to peer help. So my recommendation would be to reach out to the IPS team via the contact us form. https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/ The support folks here can’t generally deviate from pre established company policies. However the management team under certain circumstances might be able to make an exception to the normal rules.
  13. IPS does not make old versions available. You will have had to have downloaded 4.7.3 prior to 4.7.4’s release to be able to install it.
  14. I would personally suggest turning off Cloudflare while you troubleshoot this. It's possible one of the things you tried fixed it, but CF was still serving an error response. Also... once I adjusted my CORS settings, I noticed it took CF a few hours to pick up the change properly. (It had something to do with the cache clearing not applying to certain headers). That's also part of why you might entirely turn caching off for now. (set the cloud from orange to grey in the DNS settings). Once its working, turn it back on. But I think you'll find the problem somewhere in your CORS settings within S3.
  15. By the way, if it is happening for only that user... it is possible there is a firewall or other security device running on their computer or on their home network that is blocking this. You might suggest they try from a different computer or via a mobile device while at a location like Starbucks, etc.
  16. Cloudflare won't have anything to do with this. The 403 is coming from origin (S3 in this case). So you want to focus your attention there. Have you looked at your bucket policy settings for each site? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26691286/amazon-s3-bucket-returning-403-forbidden https://giuseppeborgese.medium.com/fix-the-error-http-403-access-denied-from-amazon-s3-df53a4f1f530
  17. One other thing that might also effect member groups would be use of a SSO or custom login module as well. That login method could cause this sort of thing. I obviously can't look and don't have access, but something to consider checking.
  18. Are you hosted by IPB’s cloud platform? If so, backups are made daily. If you’re self-hosted, that would be a question to post to your hosting provider.
  19. Did you implitly disable ALL of them yourself or just the ones reported by IPB? If you did not implicitly disable Applications AND Plugins, you might want to do that.
  20. Unfortunately this is not possible. You would need to restore your site from a backup to roll back to a prior version. This means you would lose any content posted since that backup was taken.
  21. When you are running PHP8… Have you confirmed your version of PHP8 meets all of the system requirements (aka run the compatibility checker while actually running PHP8). While running PHP8, have you used the tool in the support section of your ACP to disable all third party plugins, applications? Most often people find it’s a 3rd party application that causes problems.
  22. 4.7.4, which is the current release (as of Wednesday) of the IPB software REQUIRES PHP 8. 4.7.3 allows the use of PHP7.4.
  23. It's funny... I used to work at a radio station for a number of years. I can talk to millions of people and not blink. But I'm VERY sub conscience about being seen on video (especially television)!
  24. There is not a way to install an older version. In order to roll back, you would need to work with your hosting provider to install a backup taken prior to the upgrade if one was available.
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