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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. The other thing to consider is that there are conditions that happen that cause a conflict between two resources as well. It may be fine when working by itself, but under the right circumstances... two of the above might be stepping on each other.
  2. You did not need the Pro version at all. Everything talked about can be done on the free plan. https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/#overview
  3. You can make the ask in the feature request forum, but I personally would not expect it to happen anytime soon if at all. One idea to consider though... don't show the full message via email. If only a part of the message is displayed via email, it forces users back to your site to reply. ACP > Settings > Email Settings This should stop a lot of those situations where someone just replies to the email notification. You could also look at editing your email templates to add a reminder to not reply. Something like: NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL MESSAGE. YOU NEED TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO RESPOND. EMAIL REPLIES ARE NOT PROCESSED.
  4. I would reupload those files. It most likely failed the first time. If necessary delete those files first and upload the new version.
  5. My guess is your host did not change your PHP version correctly. PHP is telling IPB you're still running PHP 7.3. If they're running multiple versions of PHP, they might need to confirm they switched your site config to use that new version of PHP. Before you update the software itself... make sure you update any third party resources/applications you use. PHP8 is a BIG change. The most common reasons for failed upgrades or not being able to access a site after an upgrade is because of a third party resource is not compatible with PHP8 and it breaks your site where it just displays a blank white page. (If it happens, there are ways to disable all 3rd party resources allowing you to get back online.) Also once on PHP8... If you run into problems using the automatic updater, you can download a copy of the IPB files from your client area and upload them to your site via FTP. Then just run domain.com/admin/upgrade to kick off the updater.
  6. If you want an easy way of finding a member's ID number... just cover over their profile icon or over their name across various areas of the site. It will show their profile address. For example on this site, your member ID is 535002... https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/535002-allen-talk/
  7. You would want to download the file via FTP from your server to your computer. Open it with a text editing program like notepad (NOT WORD!) and edit the file. Save it and upload it back to your server. Make sure to save a copy in case you do something wrong!
  8. https://invisioncommunity.com/services/convert/ Scroll down towards the bottom where it says "Platforms". It will tell you what is supported and what is actually converted for each platform.
  9. There are three helpful guides: First on how to install the converters so you can convert the forum... Next is preparing to do the conversion... And finally on how to actually run the converter:
  10. While you have HTTPS in the URL, your board's configuration is set to HTTP still. Edit your conf_global.php file and change the base URL to be HTTPS instead of HTTP. The line will look something like: 'base_url' => 'YOURDOMAIN', All you should have to do is just add the "S". That should fix the SSL error.
  11. Delete the IPB caching rule and just leave the rest alone. Cloudflare automatically delivers the rest of the objects from cache when possible. It's always been hitting from cache for other non-base page objects since you first onboarded. For example:
  12. That means the content could be up to 900 seconds (15 minutes) delayed. If that does not work for you, don't cache the base pages. Let CloudFlare only serve the associated images/stylesheets/javascript from cache. A value of 30 seconds literally has ZERO value. In fact, it will hurt you more than it helps in a majority of cases unless your site is CNN, Facebook, or some hugely trafficked site.
  13. I think he was meaning support as in lots of other people agreeing with his idea and upvoting it.
  14. I think you're over-estimating the reach of scale here. The majority of resources see a handful of purchases. Those that have had hundreds of purchases have been done over the course of many years. The money is not as "serious" as you think. The most purchased resource has about 45 downloads a year attributed to it. That's with the TOP resource with the most downloads. Scroll through the marketplace and look at the number of purchases... the majority of resources don't come near that scale. By sharing the cost of development with others, you get the benefit of lower cost for a resource... but it runs the risk of being abandoned later if/when the developer decides its not worth their time. And if you tell a developer you're going to take their work and give it to someone else... you won't have anyone develop for that platform.
  15. Awesome! I'm glad it helped! πŸ‘
  16. Discord is not an officially supported authentication method. While Discord may provide an oAuth2 endpoint for use, IPS is not able to provide support for how to configure it and what data to pass. In searching Google, I saw the following thread which may be helpful though: https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/identity-providers/openid-connect/discord
  17. As noted above, there is nothing from IPS, but I assume you mean the following thread that you participated in…
  18. Nope. Sounds like a great suggestion for the feedback forum though. πŸ™‚
  19. I don't lose my buttons on upgrade and have not seen that happen before. I don't think there is anything special for "protecting" buttons.
  20. Alright... let's try using recovery mode. Logout of your ACP. (important) Switch to PHP8. Set your recovery mode flag in constants.php. See the following guide on how to do it: Once the recovery mode flag is set in constants.php and uploaded to your site, attempt to login to ACP. You should see a message about things being disabled. Once the process finishes, remove the recovery mode flag. See if you can use the ACP.
  21. You need to run that script while running PHP8. It looks like you're trying to run it under 7.4. IPB 4.7.4 REQUIRES PHP8.0 or higher and won't work with 7.x.
  22. It won't come back to the core software. However the resource @Adriano Faria linked is available and works great. πŸ˜‰
  23. Is the user copying the image from somewhere and pasting it? It could be grabbing HTML code and pasting it as part of the paste which includes thumb nailing something that might not otherwise be done.
  24. Have you made sure your version of PHP has all of the supported modules? You can confirm this by using the compatibility checker.
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