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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. I don’t believe this is possible. It uses the main commerce subscription logic which is based on the date of purchase.
  2. It’s also possible to have a plugin do redirects as well. A few are in the marketplace already… for example:
  3. IPS is not an EU company. They don’t have jurisdiction of US companies. If IPS had an EU entity, it would be subject to local regulations but that doesn’t apply here. (Just like it’s not subject to the laws of say Iran or Russia.) So I’m not sure this would be considered for a compliance perspective. But it can’t hurt to note for general consideration. 🙂
  4. It's exciting to see the improvements coming to Gallery... I love the idea of being able to do more with video. One thing I'd be curious to see is if there are any plans to also look at image optimization for JPG, GIF, etc.
  5. ACP - Members - Member Settings - Reputation & Reactions- Reactions From there you can define new reactions for users to use.
  6. If you don’t believe us… https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/Errcode-28-No-space-left-on-device/td-p/1317031 https://matomo.org/faq/troubleshooting/faq_32210/ This is the response from your server itself. It’s not an error from IPB. I’m sorry you don’t like hearing this… but it is a problem that is not within the IPB software. Either your server’s tmp partition is out of space, or it has incorrect write permission, or you have disk corruption on the hard drive which is preventing the file system from writing to it. One other case is that MySQL is misconfigured in where it’s storing temporary files. In ANY of these cases… it’s an infrastructure problem and not something that can be fixed in code.
  7. Well… let’s think about this for a moment. If there is no space let on a device, what is the software going to do about it? 🙂 If they’re saying it’s a software problem, you REALLY need a new hosting provider. This should be 101 level stuff.
  8. There are no limits on the number of clubs someone can join. There is a limit on the number of clubs that can be created.
  9. This does exactly what you’re asking for. 🙂
  10. There are 1440 minutes in a day. So if you wanted 2 days, it would be 2880 minutes. 🙂
  11. Out of curiosity... how did you disable Cloudflare? Did you turn on development mode, or did you bypass Cloudflare entirely? If just turning development mode on is not helping, you can fully bypass Cloudflare by editing your DNS zone and disabling Cloudflare there. Uncheck the box so that it looks like: That would fully bypass Cloudflare and send the request to origin without going through CF at all.
  12. When I cannot login to the ACP, I use Recovery Mode to help disable all third party resources. If you don't already have a constants.php file, you'll create it and add it to your IPB root folder (where your conf_global.php is at). When you login to the ACP, you should see a message about things being disabled for you. Once complete, you'll remove the constants.php file (or the variable you added to it). Hopefully at that point, you'll have access once again to the ACP.
  13. I saw in another thread that it was mentioned that a patch was released that was supposed to fix the memory issue. I don’t know if you’ve had that fix applied yet to your site but just tossing it out there in case it helps. It would be in the ACP support area under optional fixes if it’s available for you.
  14. Ahhhhh.... a trip down memory lane! My trash can form was named "Oscar the Grouch".
  15. Facebook has been changing how access is given to the APIs and adding a lot of extra requirements around it that most people are not able to do. For example: The recommendation for now that I've seen is to use Zapier to push content to Facebook.
  16. It’s been there quite awhile. I’ve always seen this in stats. I don’t think this can be customized.
  17. Nah! You're not stupid at all! There are so many options and controls, it's hard to keep track of them all! All of us have to ask where something is from time to time. That's one of the challenges of having such highly customizable software!!
  18. ACP > System > Site Features > Integrations Find Matomo and choose "Enable" and paste your code.
  19. See #2 in my reply to your other topic on this issue:
  20. By any chance are you using Redis? If you are, I've seem some issues where some settings seem to be pulled from that shared instance instead of it's local settings. (I installed a copy of an instance to a new AWS instance to make it a dev setup, but it was communicating with my prod instance because it was using the same Redis details.) On the test install, don't use Redis and see if that fixes your problem.
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