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  1. That is great news, we use your widget for years now, and now as we updated to 4.7.9 it stopped working and the core "latest posts" etc widgets don't work as good as your widget did. My users are complaining every day about the core widgets not being as usefull as your's was.
  2. Hi guys, does anyone know how to make Tapatalk work on IPS 4.7? They posted a guide on their site, but the guide does not work. They also don't bother responding to emails or threads 6+ months old on their forum that describe the problem. Really dumpster fire app and company but my users are pushing me to have that installed. Anybody knows how to do it? (I installed the application tar, but it does seem to work on their site where you configure links etc)
  3. Thank you guys, I did as terabyte said and the forum is upgraded and working now. Once more, thanks for all the posts and support, I would not be able to figure out what to do on my own!
  4. Hi guys, So I'm trying again. Running these 2 commands in SQL did not solve the problem, so I uploaded the latest community files from Client Area. I run url/admin/upgrade and upon sign in I get that (long list of files in applications folder, what should I do now?):
  5. I will come back to this issue in January and post step by step everything that is happening with screenshot included. Thank you guys, Happy Christmas!
  6. Yes I'm having more issues. I tried to upload all the files from client area and run upgrade - but it lists me paths to files in red, and tells me that if these were uploaded correctly then to fix permissions. I fixed permissions and still the same problems. So I decided to run a fresh install, deleted everything and installed forum. But then database does not want to import/work correctly, there is one error saying that calendar table is already in the database. Then when I continue to forum, it's broken, user accounts are not imported etc, forums seem to be imported together with posts, but even ACP does not work as it should and I'm getting errors. I decided to delete everything once more, upload the old backup and use it with old database. Was there some major change to databases in versions 4.x.x? I don't understand what is going on, and why old database (version 4+ too) did not want to work on latest forum?
  7. Hi opentype, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I did as you told me, but it did not fix the issue. This is what I got in phpMyAdmin after pasting these 2 tasks in there.
  8. Hi guys, So the problem is that I can't update to the latest version as there are some errors in the database, self fix did not repair them. I tried to do it myself, but I don't have any programming background, and I installed the forum using youtube guide. I know how to enter PhP My Admin etc, but I don't know what to do once I'm there and instructions described in forum pop-up do not mean much to me. Would someone be able to guide me step by step to fix this? Thanks!
  9. Hi guys, any idea what is error EX1142? My forum literally stopped working overnight. I did not change/modify anything in months... The website starts, but I can't read threads, I can't login, it keeps saying that there was an error EX1142...
  10. Hi guys, so since I upgraded from 4.1 to 4.5 all links paste into the posts as hyperlinks. Before links to pictures and youtube were embedded automatically and now they are not. I found one switch in ACP which refers to embedding content, and it's set to on. Did any of you had this problem and how did you solve it? Thanks
  11. Hi guys, can we customise order in which forums are displayed when using default IPS theme via mobile device? We are using chatbox plugin and it is always displayed in the middle of the wall, which annoys my users. Is there a way to move it to the bottom on mobile theme, just like you move blocks around on desktop theme? Thanks
  12. Mike456


    Actually there is a small problem. All the blocks from ACP are gone? I tried to reinstall portal several times, they dont come back. I'm looking for "latest posts" block that will take users to latest unread post in a thread. Can I fix it somehow or download the custom blocks alone from other location?
  13. Mike456


    OK solved, I will report this post to be deleted.
  14. +1 I never had any problems with my previous, free forum engine, and with IPB every day is a pain, merging topics, moving posts etc...
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