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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. That looks like a custom theme or a custom plugin that is doing that. Also, you're not logged in with an account that is flagged with an active license. You might want to check in your client area if your account is still up to date.
  2. @Charles @Olivia Clark ... tagging to make sure ya'll see this. 🙂
  3. Best of luck Jordan! Thank you for being an advocate for everyone here and for being a ball of sunshine in general. You better not be a stranger!
  4. I'm still hung at exactly 92.21% when there was only 4GB of data to move. (Moving profiles was actually more space for us and it happened within about an hour total.)
  5. The first question is do you really need guest page caching? Don't make things more complicated than you need them to be. Next... if you do, if a page is served from cache, it won't increment the counter for page views. (That's literally the whole benefit of guest page caching... that they never trigger the origin in the first place.) That's by design and something that can't change.
  6. It seems to be3 working for me! It also works when I edit a post as well. 🙂
  7. I'm working through moving files from my S3 bucket to the one provided with the CiC bucket. Things have been going well so far, except that when I've gotten to the gallery images, it's gotten suck at 92.21% and has not moved from that spot since late last night (more than 12 hours ago). Given there is only about 3-4GB of content in the gallery, I'm assuming something is stuck. ACP is reporting it as a locked task as well. Would someone mind giving it a peek to see what is going on?
  8. Disable all of your third party resources... then switch to PHP8. Enable your third party resources one by one till you find the culprit.
  9. My goal is to just not make it as painful as needing to cut off an entire arm when you could just go for a finger or two. (Yes.... I'm in Halloween mode this week. haha)
  10. Totally agree. But the OP was looking to disable search entirely to reduce the size of the database. Using the archive feature would allow at least SOME content would be searchable. It would also mean the OP does not have to delete content to get under his 3GB limit. 🙂
  11. This feels like when I pay the mortgage... I literally just get done paying it and a week later I get an email saying the next payment is due soon!
  12. That's what you get when you let sales and marketing (from ANY company) put content on a website! 😄
  13. No worries! All of us have those moments. (Some like me more often than others!)
  14. You have to make the person/group a restricted moderator. In the settings, you can then uncheck the option to use IP tools. ACP > Members > Staff > Moderators
  15. This message is only displayed while the community is offline. It is not displayed during an upgrade. While the site is being upgraded, you would have to set the constants.php variable noted by Matt.
  16. Argo is a paid addon. So be aware if you enable it that there are extra costs. There is nothing special you need to use to enable it. Just check the box and agree to pay. What it does is create a second caching layer. When an edge server does not have an object it can try a “regional” server to get a cached object instead of going all the way back to origin for it. Regarding SSL… if you have a valid origin certificate, use Full encryption. It means CF will check to make sure there is a valid cert at edge AND origin. If not, it will fail the request and return an error. Flexible means it will ignore origin cert check. So if you don’t have a cert, use the Flexible setting. Strict will check for a valid cert that is not expired and with a valid Certificate Authority. Ignore this if you don’t have a self signed cert that you want trusted by CF’s strict mode.
  17. Edge certificates would be the certificate served to users when they access your site through CF. The certificate from your host is called an origin certificate. Just use the free universal certificate. It’s valid and works fine.
  18. You don't need a second installation. ACP > Community > Forums > Settings Click on the Archiving tab. You'll want to choose "A remote database". Provide the database info for the new database (even if it's on the same physical server, just use 'localhost' as the address). Remember... it may take several days to migrate content as its done in the background a little at a time.
  19. The search index naturally will rebuild itself. I don't think you can just keep it permanently reduced like what you're trying to accomplish. Yes... you freed up some space short term, but it won't stay that way as it rebuilds itself. I see the following options that might work for you: 1) You can delete content... it would most likely mean deleting lots of content to really make a difference. 2) If you can create multiple databases, create a new database and use the Archive feature to move older posts there to free up space from the main database. 3) You can also look at using Elasticsearch (if your host provides it or if you want to purchase the service from somewhere else). That would offload search from your database thus freeing up space. Since you don't want to switch hosts and your host won't increase the limits... I don't think you're going to have very many good alternatives.
  20. https://invisioncommunity.com/clients/purchases/ Find the purchase and there should be a Renew Now button towards the right of the page next to it.
  21. Woot woot! Glad you were able to square it away. 😄
  22. On the registration page.... The words "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" are actually hyperlinks if you've set those policies in your ACP. They're not underlined, but they're clickable links if you actually click on them. But I don't believe it does that unless you actually have a policy defined in the ACP. That's what people in this thread are telling you to do.
  23. Yes. Here's why: When someone makes a request via HTTP for the resource, it's directed to the server. That very first request is over HTTP until the server rewrites it into HTTPS. The conf_global will keep it in HTTPS, but that initial load may be over HTTP until upgraded. HSTS tells the BROWSER don't allow this. For a period of time (say 6 months), the browser will automatically upgrade any HTTP connections to HTTPS for the domain. Basically it's enabling the encryption BEFORE it actually reaches the server (meaning CF in this case). If you're doing this, you never need CF to handle forcing SSL. It happens via HSTS and stays that way via conf_global.php in your file paths. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security
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