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Adrian Pricina

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  1. I've used the Admin CP URL taken from my Client Details. Kind regards, Adriano
  2. Dear marc, I solved it myself in an intuitive way. Thank you for your quick answer and your willingness to help. Kind regards, Adrian
  3. Due to an Admin mistake, it seems that a general Ban on all IP's is instated, so I cannot log in with my Admin credentials and consequently open my Admin CP. How can I get technical support via e-mail ? What plan does allow that and how can I pay for an upgrade ?
  4. how I will disable the announcement from home sidebar. https://prnt.sc/1owC-sBuTanW
  5. I already clear the cache
  6. I'm facing drag and drop issue on version is php 8.1.10. https://prnt.sc/bcOzp00uZb7N
  7. Here are the plugins which are giving me errors 1). smoothscroller, 2). phptxtwidget, 3). generalstatistics, 4). topicviewedbyusers, 5). websitefooter, 6). bim40topicthumbnail, 7). generalstatistics, 8). messageonsignupform But Urgently I need the replacement of phptxtwidget and generalstatistics for now
  8. My php version is php 8.1.10 and invision 7.4 and today morning I am receving the error in Forum area, Fatal error: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is not supported. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /home/ddcforum/public_html/uploads/template_10_77e511f3f597b974567a95c3a1860bbf_plugins.php on line 3289
  9. I am trying to Install current version Of Invision forums on localhost buti am facing the following issue. An installation has already been activated for this license key. Your license key entitles you to one installation only. If you need to change the URL associated with your license, contact IPS technical support. even Invision mention we can add unlimited installation on localhost
  10. Works like a dream.