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Randy Calvert

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. I’m not IPS… I don’t speak for them and I don’t work for them. So just a couple of thoughts of my own. There is a difference between “listening” to feedback and just doing whatever is suggested. There are members in my own community that make suggestions… some are able to be accommodated and others not. There are times that some are pretty vocal… but their request does not fit with the long term strategy for the community. I see the same thing here. There is a bigger vision that IPS is working towards. That means that it is not possible to always accommodate requests. In terms of a “landslide” poll, it had a total of around 50 participants out of literally thousands of customers. I don’t think that’s a fair representation of the entire customer base. I would venture a guess that if literally all customers were to be asked that a majority would have no clue or not care. With that said, there is always going to be some group of people where it’s critically important. For ANY feature or change, it’s made out to be THE defining feature of their community. The fact that instructions have been provided to accommodate individuals that felt so strongly about it shows they indeed listen. Just because it makes sense for your community does not mean it makes sense as a default feature. But the awesome thing about the way the system is built is that if you don’t like it, changing it to the way you want it is not overly complex or hard especially when it’s spelled out how to do it. I’ve been an IPS customer for over a decade and I can say they approach development the same as they always have which is pretty similar to Apple. It’s to look at the big picture and figure out what customers actually need. Sometimes customers know… sometimes they don’t. If Apple simply built what “the majority” wanted we would not have had the revolution in the mobile market that we did. The question will be if IPS can successfully read the tea leaves and figure out what is important before we actually know it’s important.
  2. I use Cloudflare's WAF and created a rule to block traffic from Russia and China as a good amount of the junk traffic we received from there. (We don't have any real legitimate traffic from there.) It might be worth considering blocking those areas higher up in the stack either in .htaccess, in your firewall, etc. By the way... if you use .htaccess, you won't be able to just list a country, but there are some good resources that will let you pick a country and it will give you the IP ranges and generate the .htaccess code for you to block the IPs used in those countries. Check out: https://www.countryipblocks.net/acl.php
  3. We need more information. What device and browser are you using? If you're using a supported device/browser, have you enabled push notifications by going to Notifications > Notification Settings > Push and clicked "Setup this browser"?
  4. You can add robot rules pretty easily... from the ACP: Search for "Search Engine Optimization" Click "Meta Tags". Enter the base URL of the database with a wildcard (/articles/* for example) Click the blue "+Add" button. Under the "Meta Tag Name" option, choose "Robots". Under the "Content" option, enter "noindex" Save your changes. By using a wildcard in the database URL, it will cover all database records under it. This would be harder to do for forums and clubs as they don't have a common URL structure. Databases should work however.
  5. Have you cleared your system cache? From the ACP, click on Support. Once the page finishes loading fully, click the button on the right to clear the system cache.
  6. Inside of your conf_global.php will be: 'base_url' => 'https://www.site.ru/', Change this to: 'base_url' => 'https://site.ru/', Basically just remove the www reference. 🙂
  7. When creating a table, unless otherwise hard coded into the query to specify InnoDB, it will use the server's default format. CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b CHAR (20), PRIMARY KEY (a)) ENGINE=InnoDB; It's not generally a good idea for app developers to be setting the engine as there are reasons a sever is set with a specific default. I would personally recommend setting your server to just default all new table creations to use InnoDB. This can be done by editing your /etc/my.cnf file to add: default-storage-engine=InnoDB under your [mysqld] section.
  8. How about this…. go ahead and write a decent sized software application first and then come back and tell us how it goes after a year. It’s real easy to sit in the wings passing judgement on things you have no clue about. EVERY single software application that exists has maintenance releases. I assume you also will never have used an eraser or the delete key before because you type everything perfectly the first time.
  9. Really?? You gotta be kidding me. That is the most outlandish statement I’ve read in a while. Every single major software company issues security updates. What is not known today may be known tomorrow and need to be fixed.
  10. It was a seamless upgrade for me. However just to be safe.... before upgrading, take a backup of the database first. If something happens, you can uninstall 10.5 and install the older version, then reimport your older backup.
  11. The IPB software is not going to convert existing images to WebP for you. However if you use an offline tool that creates a WebP version of an image for you, you could use something like .htaccess to detect if the device can support the WebP format and serve that version if it exists in the same folder. Something like: https://github.com/vincentorback/WebP-images-with-htaccess This should be pretty safe as it's both backwards compatible with older non-supported devices and if the WebP version does not exist gracefully falls back to the original version.
  12. To be honest, it might be better to switch mail providers. Heck… even possibly use your own server’s built in mail capability. Will most likely be easier.
  13. Sorry... thought I had caught all of the references. Fixed.
  14. Received your PM. The SPF and DKIM are both good. I signed up for your forum using a custom domain using iCloud.com and it reported no problems. It immediately went into the inbox as expected. I then changed my email address to an Outlook domain which was fine also. I finally changed my email address to Gmail. That message went into the spam folder. In Gmail, if you choose "Show Original", it will give you the raw headers and the status of the SPF/DKIM. For the email change notification, it reported: Original Message Message ID <614f7db4.1c69fb81.1a599.5cae@mx.google.com> Created at: Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 3:51 PM (Delivered after 2 seconds) From: Our Beloved Ducks Forum <forum@YOURDOMAIN.COM> To: MYEMAIL@gmail.com Subject: Please confirm your email address change SPF: PASS with IP Learn more DKIM: 'PASS' with domain YOURDOMAIN.COM Learn more So it's not a SPF/DKIM issue. You're good on that front. Gmail simply reports: Why is this message in spam? It is similar to messages that were identified as spam in the past. So it's not a technical limitation on your setup/config. My guess is the domain itself has received spam complaints in the past. You might want to use Google's Postmaster Tools site... https://postmaster.google.com Since you're using Google Workspace, you can actually reach out to Google for assistance. https://support.google.com/a/table/3247295?hl=en-AU They should be able to help note why their systems are flagging stuff as spam.
  15. What is the domain name? If you’re not comfortable posting it, PM me. I’ll look up the settings.
  16. https://support.google.com/a/answer/10685031 If you've configured your IPB to send email via SMTP instead of the default PHP (meaning from your server), it looks like the SPF record is: v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com ~all If your server itself is sending mail (via PHP), you would need to do something like: v=spf1 ip4:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX include:_spf.google.com ~all Where XXX is your server's IP address. If you post the domain name, we can look up the SPF record to see if it's still incorrect. A good tool to check out might be: https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx It will let you check your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC settings to see if it's reporting errors.
  17. Out of curiosity have you cleared your cookies on the local device? I’m wondering if there is a situation where the local cookie is not matching what the server is expecting as a result of your path change.
  18. It should have happened immediately after he said he created it. Have you checked your spam folder to make sure it did not get caught up in a filter somewhere?
  19. I assume someone with that issue would not go into detail on the forums. Instead they would post that they have a security concern and need help privately.
  20. Tested from my Mac laptop on Safari, Chrome, and Firefox without issues. 🙂
  21. It’s not happening on my mobile either via safari or chrome. Will check from my laptop once I get home.
  22. When this happened to me it was due to a permission error. Do guests have access to the page?
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