Randy Calvert
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Viewing Topic: Board not working after MySQL update
Everything posted by Randy Calvert
forum and database configuration
To add rules, go to ACP > Members > Achievements > Rules. Click on the "Create New" button. You can define the condition in which to award rules. People that match the criteria going forward will receive the badge automatically. If you want people who already match the condition to be awarded the badge, you will need to rebuild your achievements. Regarding deleting a badge, for badges that are awarded via rule there is no way that I'm aware of that will let you manually remove it from one person. You would have to remove the badge from everyone.
Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment
There has not been anything announced that would relate to this.
Badges & archiving
You would want to post the suggestion in the feedback forum so that it can be logged for later consideration. I believe content can be unarchived. You might try unarchiving content, recount, then archive again. That should work until you end up with another manual recount.
Migrate IP.Board 2.3.3 to IPS 4.x
Yes, the sales team will reach out via email.
Problems when entering the application store with my account
Also Marc… do the calls to access Marketplace happen with curl? In addition to possible outbound firewall restrictions, I was wondering if it could be a system issue with not being able to make the request.
Cant type PMs after upgrade
Try rebuilding the system cache and then clearing the browser cache. In most cases, that fixes the problem.
Hump Day: your dream feature
I live to please!
Hump Day: your dream feature
IPS Community Suite 4.6.7 Released 10/12/2021 Key Changes This is our October monthly release. Additional Information Core Added Zapier Support for self-hosted licenses.
Improving Security for Support Access
It is recommended by Invision to store information regarding FTP/SFTP and ACP login to our communities in order for IPS staff to be able to more quickly provide support when needed. I understand and support this as I appreciate being able to reduce the amount of time going back and forth trying to get access. However I would like to see IPS add additional controls on how it accesses our sites. For example: IPS staff ask us to disable 2FA for an account used by support. This literally opens a back door to our site. We should not be forced to enable/disable 2FA access for IPS to provide support. There are ways to staff to be able to share a 2FA token. We could technically create a second Admin group that does not require 2FA access, but again it opens an avenue for an attacker to potentially work around the existing controls. IPS does not support password-less FTP/SFTP access. Passwords are a huge security risk. They open the door to brute force attack unnecessarily for those who choose a more secure method of using keys. Please consider allowing us to store a key file for access instead of just a password. I understand not everyone needs/wants the additional layers of security, however I would hope IPS would be willing to consider supporting additional these additional capabilities for those that do add additional layers of controls to their community.
Please Test Credentials
Hi Jim, Can you test ACP one more time? I've created a new group and given it unrestricted ACP access. I've set it as a hidden group and made sure 2FA was disabled. In the mean time, I'll create a feature suggestion regarding 2FA for support however as it's a bad idea to reduce security to allow access.
Please Test Credentials
IPS Team... Could someone test both ACP and SFTP access that I have stored for the active license please? I want to make sure the credentials and firewall rules are valid before I'm in a situation where I actually need help. Thanks!
Domain Change
Did you check your spam folder by any chance?
Quote in editor
Take a look at: https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/quote It would end up adding something like this: You can add the plugin via: ACP > Customization > Editor > Toolbar
Quote in editor
It says who said it. "Just now, **MEMBER NAME** said:" There is no link. The down arrow shows/hides the quoted text. Now... it's not possible to do this with EXTERNAL sources.
Quote in editor
The only way to do this without a modification is to not use the Quote button to quote the entire post, but to instead highlight the text you want to quote and then press the "Quote Selection" button that appears next to this text. I did this above with your reply earlier and you can see what it looks like.
1 x Renew: Chameleon Dark // ipsfocus.com
Send a PM to @ehren. (It's the one with the period on the end of it.)
Error when running stock cron command
I think you're outputting to the error log file incorrectly. I took your output above and ran it based on my instance and saw a different OutOfRange issue. So I double checked the cron format for saving error logs and noticed it was supposed to be different: Try: * * * * * /path/to/php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=0 /path/to/ipb/applications/core/interface/task/task.php MD5HASH >> /path/to/error.log 2>&1
1 x Renew: Chameleon Dark // ipsfocus.com
You might send the resource author a Private Message then.
1 x Renew: Chameleon Dark // ipsfocus.com
You’ll need to contact the resource author for support. A price is typically not shown on the skin itself. Something else is going on. The resource author would know best how to help. Viewing the resource itself, it says the following about getting support for it:
Moving to another server
That is still the latest version available. Just make note of the change in location of the link to clear your system cache (within the support section of the ACP).
The search index is currently processing.
- Embedded Images Not Showing In Safari Only
I would suggest giving that a quick try. If that does not work, switch yourself back to the default theme. That will narrow out everything not part of the stock software.- Embedded Images Not Showing In Safari Only
OK. That's something. Have you tried disabling any plugins/applications you might have installed long enough to confirm they are not interfering with the display?- Embedded Images Not Showing In Safari Only
The images show for me on Safari with my MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, and iPhone.- The search index is currently processing.
- Embedded Images Not Showing In Safari Only