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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. 4.6.10’s beta release notes don’t make any references to Zapier itself but it did add new web hooks which look like can be integrated with Zapier. From the screenshot posted by Daniel in the first post, there looks to be a lot of remove calls added.
  2. They should already be “friendly”. It should be: yourdomain.com/clubs/ID-NAME This is replacing the “real” path of index.php?app=core&module=clubs&controller=view IPS will tell you to not change it and leave it alone as customizing it is outside of their support. This is because you can break stuff super easy if you don’t know what you’re doing. With that said… In the Customize Friendly URLs section of the ACP, you’ll find the mapping and could technically change it. However you would still need the ID included. If you don’t include a sub folder and try to make it just yourdomain.com/club1 you run the risk of someone breaking your site if they create a club with a special name that’s already used such as messenger, topics, etc. You could MANUALLY define a single club to have a friendly name like that safely but it’s super risky to just let it get auto created. So the long answer here it’s possible but highly unrecommended.
  3. Before rushing to judgement, could it simply be their license is expired at the moment and they have not renewed it yet?
  4. The CleanTalk anti spam plugin in the marketplace is 8 bucks a year, but has been very good at helping prevent spam registrations AND contact us spam messages. It’s not perfect but has reduced spam by around 90% for my community.
  5. Pixabay works by having metadata keywords for each image. The challenge with IPB is that attachments can be more than just images. It also means for every object added the author would have to add keywords to describe it. If they don’t add keywords or don’t add the right keywords, it becomes useless. Similar to using tags.
  6. By any chance have you tried creating a new default theme and testing if it’s happening there as well? I’m wondering if it’s a theme issue with the new version. You’re still seeing 404s after uploading files so it’s possible your theme is calling something not used anymore.
  7. Remember… IPB does have background activities going on. For example the worker that checks for new private messages, or updates of new posts while reading a thread. These are not high resource activities, but if you combine that with a person having 50 other tabs open and other programs running … it could contribute to a lack of resources.
  8. This happens to me across MANY different sites… Facebook, Twitter, etc. I tend to see it more on sites that use AJAX calls to load additional content.
  9. This is a known issue. It’s been fixed for the next beta release.
  10. To give an example... when I was first moving a live site from Xenforo to IPB... I needed to do a "mock conversion" to make sure I could get through a conversion without having my site offline for a day and nothing to show for it. As a result, I had to install my IPB installation in a different hostname. Because of SSL issues, I had to change it again. IPS staff helped waive this for me so that I could get the conversion actually done and then moved to the final live domain once ready. Generally it's a system designed to prevent abuse. If they see you're not abusing it, they're pretty flexible working with you to make sure you don't get impacted.
  11. To build on finding reports… a couple of really helpful features that I could think of include: - Add a search box in the in the report list to search for specific keywords etc. - In the filter list, add ability to search for the name of the person who submitted and/or the person reported - In the AdminCP under the user profile, add a section that shows links to reports. You can see warnings, but there is no way to see reports about the member.
  12. Are you talking about on the emails? ACP - Commerce - Support - Settings - Outgoing Emails Change “The name of the staff member replying” to “The department name”.
  13. A client does not “enter” their IP. It’s set by the ISP typically via DHCP. If the ISP changes what IP is assigned, then IF another member of your site also has the same ISP AND gets that same IP… one of two scenarios occurs based on what you configure: Most likely you would want to use the second option if you are concerned about legitimate users overlapping IP usage.
  14. Awesome!! Glad to know you got it squared away!!
  15. As noted above, disabling copying is very easily bypassed by someone who wants to copy data. They could grab it from the browser developer tools, taking screenshots, or another dozen methods. Anything you do will simply make things more difficult for legitimate users without stopping determined bad actors.
  16. The API would be something to engage a developer to assist with. If this is for students, I assume you have some sort of roster with user accounts. You could have a developer write a script that would take a list of accounts and create a club for that user, make them the admin of that club, do some basic setup, etc. Otherwise, you could manually do it.... but when you're talking about hundreds of students, that's a LOT of work to create by hand.
  17. The Downloads module is $100, and then $15 every 6 months. Priority Support is still a valid offering. It's description is: If you don't have Priority Support, you simply need to post in this forum for assistance instead of reaching out via email. Priority Support also gives you that same business day response time, but again here on the forums that generally happens as well. So it depends on what you need and what makes sense for you if you want that extra level of access or if you don't want others seeing what questions you might be asking, etc.
  18. It simply means it's not there now. Who knows what tomorrow might bring, haha! 🙂 If you would like for it to be considered in a future release, you can make a suggestion in the Feature Suggestions forum below: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/
  19. It's technically possible to do. The software itself has no problem handling it. The biggest challenge I see would be once you have hundreds/thousands of clubs is organization. If they're open, public, or even closed... that's a BIG list to scroll through. Instead I would suggest you set each club to "Private" based on the use case you described where that club does not show up in the list at all. The club owner would need to invite anyone who needs access into it. (Such as a parent who has their own login separate from the student.) If you're going to have that many clubs... I would also think about creating them programmatically via the REST API. https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=core/clubs/GETindex Anytime you're doing something hundreds of times... doing it manually will suck! 😄
  20. Most modern firewall systems can whitelist based on hostname. This would be the RECOMMENDED method. However you mention government here, so I totally get that it might not be a "modern" system! You have two ways of applying updates if you cannot whitelist the hostname: Update manually by logging into the Client Center and downloading the latest version. You can upload them manually and run the update at your convenience. Just before running an update, ping the hostname from the same instance. In MOST cases, the IP is not going to change once assigned for several hours because of session affinity (sticky sessions). Whitelist that IP address and then run the update as soon as possible after it is added.
  21. In a BIG share of cases when there are problems, a plugin is the culprit. That's part of the reason it's recommended to disable all plugins and test without them to confirm if it's part of the issue. 🙂 I'm glad you were able to get it squared away.
  22. If a hot fix is ever available, it would show up in the Support section of your ACP. Where it says: It would note than an optional patch is available. With that being said, all that has happened so far is that the issue has been confirmed and added to their internal bug tracker. It does not mean a fix has been made and it does not note when the fix would be released (if it would make it into the next release or later). The best thing you can do is watch the Hump Day updates by @Jordan Miller as he frequently posts the changes/fixes that have been made recently and due to be added to the next scheduled release.
  23. This is more for you to answer than IPS.... it's about how you're going to be using access to Twitter. In a nutshell, you're posting promoted content from your website to your Twitter feed. To promote content from your website to your site's Twitter feed. Not applicable. You're simply posting tweets. Content posted by members of your website can be highlighted by site staff and promoted via it's Twitter feed. It is simply a feed of promoted content. Not applicable. You're not importing data from Twitter. You're posting data to Twitter.
  24. I would suggest something like being able to right click the message to choose a reaction. You could even extend the right click functionality to add features such as quote.
  25. You might want to check the CHMOD permissions on your datastore folder. IPB needs to be able to write files there, so it should have write permission (typically 777).
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