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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. If you cannot login the the Admin CP, you can try enabling Recovery Mode... (Look at the bottom of the page for info on recovery mode) Once you can access the ACP, try using the Support section and then rebuilding the system cache.
  2. Hi guys! I have a page that was created in the Pages app... it's going to be used as a tribute to an important community member that died a year ago. I wanted to figure out the best way to allow members to add a comment on the page to add their respects as well. I thought about creating a forum thread and then creating an RSS feed to import the posts into that page. I had also considered creating a database for comments, but that seemed to be a bit overkill for what I was trying to do. Just curious to see if anyone had any other ideas that I should be thinking about.
  3. Interesting... I thought about trying it, but was thinking the parser would just strip it out. Good to know! Thanks for the hint!!
  4. It would be nice if we could select images as options in a poll. I've had a few different situations where it would have been helpful to have an image as an option, but instead I had to create text of "Option 1", "Option 2", and then link the images deeper down in the topic. While this works, it does not work well to embed the poll on the homepage, etc as you don't have context without reading a thread.
  5. Sure. http://localhost/install1 http://localhost/install2 Its still running off localhost.
  6. There is no way to do this with the default software.
  7. Your local computer’s IP can still be but when you call it via your browser, it needs to be localhost. Otherwise you could use the software for intranet sites without needing a valid license. Localhost ensures it is tied to only being accessible from the machine it’s installed on.
  8. No... you need the fonts somewhere accessible to the internet. It does not have to be on IPB. You could create an AWS S3 bucket, or have a friend host the file for you from their site, use a Font hosting company, etc. https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/webfont-comparison/ The AWS cost should be pretty low with the cost being MAYBE a penny a month for the storage. The bandwidth again should be super low as well considering it's just a few font files and a super small percentage of the total site traffic.
  9. You can edit your theme, but absolutely doable. https://www.pagecloud.com/blog/how-to-add-custom-fonts-to-any-website
  10. @bfarber does not work for IPS anymore. So he would not be able to comment on the current roadmap or priority.
  11. Also make sure PHP 7.4 has redis php module installed. You need the redis php module in addition to redis itself being installed.
  12. Are you using any sort of CDN or proxy such as nginx?
  13. The experiment did not end up working out and was indefinitely shelved. It may be revisited later but it’s references were actually removed in 4.6.11 so I would not realistically expect a true stand alone native app.
  14. A ticket is the way to go. This is the weekend, and as a result there is less coverage. The team will respond once someone is available.
  15. This also happens because MyISAM is the default storage engine in MySQL. Unless the server admin changes the default, tables would get created in MyISAM if innodb is not implicitly specified.
  16. Does it still happen with all third party plugins/modules disabled?
  17. If you’re applying the latest updates, it’s most likely possible the plugin has compatibility issues and needs to be updated.
  18. That’s super odd!! And it’s possible the restart cleared it out if it was only happening locally. Either way… at least it’s fixed!
  19. It sounds like something was cached. If you’ve completed the upgrade and see issues, go to the support section and choose the option to clear the system cache. That fixes 95% of temporary post upgrade issues.
  20. Once you uploaded the new files did you run yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade. It will walk you through the upgrade process.
  21. Both are setup from: ACP > System > Site Features > Integrations Google Tag Manager lets you add one "code" to your site. From there, you add new code blocks for tracking and analytics to it. It's designed so that organizations don't have to keep requesting code changes each time they want to monitor something new. In a way it's like a server side include. You just add the place holder and then use a Google interface to do the rest. Read more about it at: https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/tag-manager/benefits/ Regarding IndexNow... as noted above, it's in the Integration section. Once there, you click the "Enable" button. There is nothing else to configure. As a reminder, IndexNow is not used by Google currently. Its primarily Bing and Yandex that support it. You beat me as I was re-reading my post to make sure it made sense! 🤣🙃😂
  22. Walk through your registration process? What do you ask from your user? Do you ask them to complete a profile after registration? That’s the info you collect. And how is it deleted? IPB does not delete info automatically. That’s done by you. What’s YOUR policy if someone wants to remove their account? Do you allow accounts to be deleted? Do you anonymize posts made or delete them if the account is removed? These questions are about your site’s policy and procedures. It can’t be dictated by software. If you don’t have these policies documented, this would be a good time to do so.
  23. Nope. It happens without a page reload. It can happen midway through typing a reply to a post.
  24. That is only a question you can answer. What info do you ask from your members outside of just a user name, email and password? The email is used to validate a user and ensure access to the account is only to to user linked to that email. Anything else you need to justify why you’re asking for it. (Such as DOB if you verify age etc). Again a default privacy policy is included but because IPB can’t enforce how data is deleted they can’t answer that for you.
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