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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Randy Calvert


    Yes, if there is nothing to display…
  2. I agree with opentype that it's a coincidence... however you can block outbound requests to remoteservices.invisionpower.com (remember that the IP can change as its using AWS Cloudfront so the IP changes frequently). It's not recommended or supported by IPS to do this. So just saying that for transparency sake.
  3. OK. A couple of notes/thoughts: Regarding renewal notices... those notices are sent via email. I understand that you did not find it in your spam folder or inbox... but it's possible your mail provider blocked IPS from sending it. For example, I use Sendgrid for sending email and in looking at the logs... I see about 10% of messages sent specifically to Hotmail end up being rejected by Microsoft because they don't like the Sendgrid IP. The user never got the message, and I know it was sent.... but the destination server refused to accept it. My guess is if it's not in your spam folder or inbox that your ISP blocked its delivery. Regarding Captcha.php... the file never disappeared. That's not what the error is saying. It's saying the file Captcha.php is there, but the class inside of it was not. It could be related to permissions or a cache issue. There's not an easy way to troubleshoot it after the fact. If you actually think it's a problem with the license... block the license server and then re-run all of your tasks related to IPS phoning home. If it happens again, then you have a case to be made and you can work with support.
  4. Is this for the beta version or the latest stable version? If it’s the beta, it’s because of an issue with the global template. https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=plugins&do=diff You'll see the manual changes you need to make by comparing the stable version to beta. IPS says they’ll add it back in next beta temporarily but you’ll want to get your themes updated anyway.
  5. One of your plugins or applications look to be causing the issue. Disable them all and enable them one by one to find the culprit.
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bassintel.com%2Farticles%2Ftips-and-recommendations%2Fhow-much-does-it-cost-to-buy-a-bass-boat-r10%2F&client=safari&sxsrf=APq-WBtO2iuInoah9chblE6VbOPQy7APRA%3A1646071656839&source=hp&ei=aA8dYvaVMKuFytMP3cKoiAQ&iflsig=AHkkrS4AAAAAYh0deHK7r5z-SisQdqnFF2yCIE0Aev5N&ved=0ahUKEwj26YLj_qL2AhWrgnIEHV0hCkEQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bassintel.com%2Farticles%2Ftips-and-recommendations%2Fhow-much-does-it-cost-to-buy-a-bass-boat-r10%2F&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANQAFgAYPgGaABwAHgAgAEAiAEAkgEAmAEAoAECoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&safari_group=9 Also... just for proof it's indexed... click the above link. That page does show up. 🙂 So again I would just personally ignore those.
  7. When you install a new version of PHP, it's helpful to also reinstall all of the associated modules. I generally just make it easy for myself and use something like: sudo yum install php php-{pear,cgi,common,curl,mbstring,gd,mysqlnd,gettext,bcmath,json,xml,fpm,intl,zip,imap,gmp,redis} -y (Note: I'm using a vanilla OS without a control panel on an Amazon Linux 2 instance which is like Fedora or Centos) The exact steps would vary depending on your OS, any control panel you use, etc)
  8. It only accepts PayPal at this time. Sorry.
  9. There is nothing wrong with that. The link has been crawled but not yet included in the index. Those are two different operations and can happen at different times. It’s not an error. It’s just a status. There are times that status is even wrong. As Sonya showed, it can be in the search results already even though the console says it’s not.
  10. You keep focusing on the activites that are showing disk read/writes. You’re not showing anything that is indicating how many connections are established. What memory is being consumed, what cpu is being consumed, etc. If the system is out of memory and is swapping it would make 100 percent sense that the disk is thrashing.
  11. I’m glad you were able to get to the bottom of the problem!
  12. ACP - System - Site Promotion - Search Engine Optimization Uncheck Enable Friendly URLs.
  13. Have you tested turning off all applications/plugins (in addition to using a clean/default theme which you said you are using)
  14. You can make a feature request in the feature request forum if you would like IPS to consider it. We can only explain what is available today. 🙂
  15. I just had @Adriano Faria make a plugin for me that allows finding reports by a specific person and about a person. Coincidentally enough it also has the ability to search the text of the report itself and comments on the report. He might even be releasing this to the marketplace soon. (You’re welcome if so, haha.)
  16. Just understand it does not show the way you may intend it to on all operating systems/browsers.
  17. last_visit_date I believe ties to the login function. Remember... someone who has a password stored can have activity that does not match the visit date.
  18. https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=plugins&do=diff In looking at the changes to the theme files, it looks like they're removing references to the native app. My guess is that removing the isApp request check was causing issues with themes that still had references to something that no longer existed.
  19. @Miss_B I was looking at that plugin, but can't deploy it because it's not flagged as compatible with 4.6. Is it possible to submit it with 4.6 compatibility?
  20. Agreed. But OP said he's created a custom button, it would need to be the same CSS code you're using in your emailWrapper template. 🙂
  21. There is not a native way to limit the results for the endpoint. A credential either has access to the resource or they do not.
  22. Buttons are styled through CSS. Many email clients won't process linked stylesheets. The button style would need to be defined in the email template itself.
  23. It’s one of the values of a community. You get the staff AND the rest of the members who have a great deal of experience with the products.
  24. If you are self-hosted, you could copy files locally. If you're a cloud hosted customer, you would not have direct file system access.
  25. Thank you both very much!! I assumed it was something easy. Your help is greatly appreciated!
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