Randy Calvert
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Everything posted by Randy Calvert
Cannot start Member conversion from WoltLab 3.1
If you are self-hosted, you could copy files locally. If you're a cloud hosted customer, you would not have direct file system access.
How to Query DB to Return # of Posts
Thank you both very much!! I assumed it was something easy. Your help is greatly appreciated!
How to Query DB to Return # of Posts
I'm trying to query the IPB DB to return an exact number of posts in the posts table. I'm using the following KB article to get me started: What I've boiled it down to was something basic like: $select = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'forums_posts', '', 'pid', '' ); $results = count( $select ); print $results; Given that I don't want to limit the number of results, I was trying to leave the limit field blank. However when I do that, the change never saves and the ACP page just returns a blank white page. I tried making the value something bigger than my current post count, but because I have almost 2M posts, IPB errors out. It apparently does not like limits higher than like 100,000. I assume I'm missing something super basic here. If someone could point me in the right direction, you'll save me a bunch of head scratching. Thanks!
How to see the Terms & Privacy Policy data accepted by user?
Did it work as expected now? It obviously would not be retroactive and would only happen on new registrations after the change. You can test by doing a new fake registration via the same way new users do to test and see what is logged.
How to see the Terms & Privacy Policy data accepted by user?
I just checked a few of my most recent registrations... Check your ACP > System > Settings > Login & Registration > Registration Try setting that to ALWAYS.
Reputation and Reactions don't work properly
Reputation is not the same thing as badges. Badges are awarded as part of the Achievement system. ACP > Members > Achievements > Rules That page will tell you the rules in which badges are automatically awarded. ACP > Members > Achievements > Settings That page will tell you what member groups can receive ranks, points, and badges. For each specific badge, you can control if it's manually awardable (meaning awarding happens outside of an automatic rule triggering it). You manually award a badge from either managing the user via the ACP or recognizing the content from the UI. I believe this is only available to moderators.
How to see the Terms & Privacy Policy data accepted by user?
In the Member page in the ACP, it will show in the activity section. ACP > Members > Members. Click on a member name and in the activity stream on the right should be something like: It would show an entry for the privacy policy and the T&Cs. If you're wanting to know what the language itself that they agree to is... YOURDOMAIN.COM/terms YOURDOMAIN.COM/privacy These are editable via: ACP > System > Settings > Terms & Privacy Policy
Can Moderator Change the Date on a Previously Made Post?
There is not a stock way to do this but there is a marketplace file I believe.
Data Storage Not Working after server move
After setting permissions, in the ACP there is a link to Support in the upper right of the screen. That page has a link to clear the system cache.
Data Storage Not Working after server move
That depends on your new host. It may need to be 777.
Is there a Membership Referral feature?
There is a referral section in the ACP. ACP - Members - Member Settings - Referrals Now with that said… the commission center seems to be based around the concept of sales instead of signups. So I don’t think it’s quite what you’re looking for. You might be able to have a 3rd party developer extend the system to do what you’re looking for.
Embedding community Sign In/Sign Up on my website
If you have Pages, you can create an block for signup, and then make it an external block. ACP > Pages > Page Management > Blocks Create a new block Type: Plugin Plugin: Guest Signup Widget The details tab is more for you to find info about it later in the ACP. The feed confirmation tab will control the default text title and body. Once you've saved it, go back to the main block list... click the arrow next to the block name and choose "External embed". When you click it, you'll get two pieces of code you'll need to embed. One into the page header which will control loading of JS and style info (this is item #2 in the screenshot below) and the other wherever you want the widget itself to appear (item #1 in the screenshot below). For sign on... just make a hyperlink to YOURDOMAIN.COM/login and style it in whatever way you want.
How do you set a page as home for the community?
The first thing you need to do is set Pages as the default app. ACP > System > Site Features > Applications Find the Pages application and click the star. Once you have done that, in the Pages app... ACP > Pages > Page Management > Pages Find the page you want to be default and click the arrow for it. Then select "Make default page for this folder". Enjoy your new default home page. 🙂
Amazon s3 configuration
Take a look at:
Revert plugin version
This is not officially supported. You’re better off working with the resource author to fix the issue honestly.
How to put text, then picture, then more text...
You mean something like this? Some text… And more text… If so… it’s basically putting your cursor where you want the image added then choosing Add File. Once uploaded, click it to inset. It into the specific spot in your post.
RSS without public content
You have the “all” checkbox selected. If you uncheck “all”, can you select individual forums?
SendGrid email limit
There is no way to do this. There is not a feature to send only XX messages per day with the Sendgrid integration.
An open club without the join button
Same answer as the other post you made for closed clubs applies here. There is no toggle within the ACP, but you can edit your theme to remove the button fairly easily.
A closed club without the join button
There is no toggle in the ACP to show/hide the Join button. With that being said, you can certainly do this by editing your theme. In the theme HTML settings, filter the templates by the word "clubs". You should see: core > front > clubs. There are a few different templates specifically you might need to look at (maybe more)... I would start with "header", "clubCard", and "nonMemberClubStatus". Search for "Join" and you should see the HTML references there. An example from one template to give you an idea of what to look for: {{if $club->canJoin()}} <hr class='ipsHr ipsHr_small'> <a class="ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_primary ipsButton_fullWidth" href="{$club->url()->setQueryString('do', 'join')->csrf()}" {{if $club->isPaid() and $memberStatus !== $club::STATUS_INVITED_BYPASSING_PAYMENT}}data-confirm data-confirmIcon="info" data-confirmMessage="{lang="club_membership_item"}" data-confirmSubmessage="{$club->memberFeeMessage()}"{{endif}}>{lang="club_join"}</a> {{endif}}
Error 500 with no logs
As a tip, one thing that helped me when I first moved from local storage to S3 was to do only 1 or 2 conversions at a time and I started with the less impactful things. For example, the first thing I moved was club images.... then store products, etc. As I gained confidence, I moved onto the more important things. I did JS and CSS second to last since they're fast moving and could happen without a lot of impact to the user after switching. Then finally the uploads/attachments since there was a lot of those and it took the most time. (By then I was very confident it would work.)
Urgently request: Changes in "Agree with Cookies" for the regulatory authorities request
Near future? Most likely not. It’s taken many months for new features to be considered, if accepted… developed and tested. You can look at having a 3rd party developer create this capability for you, but if you’re on a time crunch I would not bet on it having time to be done as a core feature.
Signature Moderation
Great resource and a great dev. Was great collaborating on this to come up with a pretty solid list of features! I can’t officially review the product because it was originally done for me as a custom project (so I don’t have it installed via Marketplace), but this was exactly what we needed for our site! The moderators have already gone through over 500 signature approvals since it has been added.
Error trying to setup file storage with Amazon S3
It’s a bucket permission problem. I had the same issue. You need to allow the world permission to access it. By default access is only allowed to named API users.
Group itself changes to default
Do you have any sort of group promotions defined?