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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. I’m assuming this is for the community you are an admin for… Not receiving mails are typically one a couple of reasons: - Your server does not support sending mail via the default php mail method. (Self hosted issue.) - Your email was sent, but your mail provider is blocking the message. (Again self hosted issue typically.) - Your email was sent but flagged as spam. Check your spam folder in your email account. As a side hint… if you have access to the ACP still, create a new account with a password you know. Promote it to Admin. Then use that account to reset your own password.
  2. I believe you need an updated htaccess from your ACP. Since the path to redirect requests has changed, it needs to be updated within htaccess as well. And yes… the license needs to be updated to the correct path (now root). The good thing is it should not break your site until you can resolve it. Just an FYI until your license status is resolved, you can’t download/install things from the marketplace. Anything already installed is unaffected.
  3. I responded to your other post asking the same thing at: 🙂 🙂
  4. If you’re a CiC (cloud hosted) customer, you would want to submit a ticket in your client area. The staff will help you get squared away. If you’re self hosted and not moving to a different server (meaning you’re renaming what’s already there) the important thing to do is reflect the change in the conf_global.php and check for anything hard coded in your constants.php file (if you have one). Once that is done also be sure to clear your system cache from the ACP support area so JavaScript files and other cached data gets updated to the new updated address. If you’re moving the site as part of changing the domain name there is a handy guide you should check out:
  5. ACP - Members - Members Choose to filter by “Validating”. Anyone in that status has not had their email address confirmed (either automatically or by an admin).
  6. Better integration with Google Analytics. We can get high level information, but it would be nice to more tightly integrate things such as passing user ID for better details or being able to track actions such as new post created, new topic created, new gallery comment, user searched.
  7. The official answer is it's not officially supported. However... I posted about this in: If you define a new storage bucket and then move content to that storage bucket (even if it's just a new local folder such as "uploads2"), you should have a good idea about what is left as orphaned content. Now... I would suggest IF you do this, instead of immediately removing content left... rename it to something else. (Such as monthly_2022_01 to monthly_2022_01-BAK). Leave it be few a few weeks to ensure everything continues working as expected. If something stops working or is missing, you can rename the folders back. And if all is good a few weeks later, you can delete the renamed folders. Backup backup backup! 🙂
  8. Have you setup the integration for Google Maps? Check out: ACP > System > Site Features > Integrations > Google Maps You'll need to setup an API Key, etc.
  9. Your best bet is not to do that within IPS, but to instead to either at the server firewall (such as CSF) or cloud firewall level (such as Cloudflare). I've personally blocked all traffic from Russia, India, and China via the Cloudflare firewall. If you have admin level access to CSF, you can use something like: https://www.systemfixes.com/blog/2019/02/24/how-to-block-traffic-by-country-in-the-csf-firewall/
  10. Absolutely true. But Apache is the only "supported" web server for IPS. So if they're using something else <cough>Nginx</cough> don't expect to get too much official assistance. 🤣
  11. A 500 error is typically a server based error. The only way to try and figure out what happened without it happening live is to check the logs. I would start with the Error and System Logs in the ACP support area. If there is not a clue in there, I would go back to my system logs and look in the Apache or PHP error log.
  12. If your board requires an email address to login instead of username, you can't provide a username for IPS to login with. (They're tied to the same restrictions you set for your board!) It would have to be the email address associated with the account. 🙂
  13. Wow… in that case I would find a new shared host. That’s scary based on the power that file contains!! I could do a lot of damage with the various directives on direct editing of that file!
  14. If you have access to phpMyAdmin, you can do it from there. Open phpMyAdmin. Select your IPB database. Select a table that is showing up as MyISAM. Click on Operations. Under Storage engine, choose InnoDB. Click Go. Rinse and repeat for any MyISAM table. NOTE: It is a best practice to always backup your database before making a significant manual change!!
  15. The OP is on a shared hosting plan so this I don’t believe would be directly accessible to them.
  16. If you've verified in the ACP that your account is not actually banned, try clearing your temporary internet files or try accessing the site with a different browser.
  17. This sounds like a new(er) account? Is it possible to just have support totally start you over?
  18. Personally before I spent a lot of time trying to fix plugins (which is a good thing to do!), I would try to confirm if they're part of the problem. Have you tried disabling EVERYTHING (meaning all non-default applications/plugins) and also trying the default skin again? That would help you figure out if the problem is in your core board or if it's something related to something added afterwards. If it happens with everything turned off and the default skin, the IPS support team would need to most likely take a look. If it suddenly starts working again, you know it's somewhere in the list of things you turned off earlier. So you can turn them back on one at a time until you find the culprit. (I would start with EVERYTHING off, and if working, start by enabling the theme again... then test. Then start with any applications, etc.)
  19. That's what the message you pasted above is referring to. 🙂 Look at the path in it. So you might want to click the "View System Log" box to see if that message is just old and from prior to removing it or if the plugin was not removed properly. What are the most recent current errors?
  20. Possibly…. Try disabling video box and the rest of the plugins and test. At minimum videobox needs updated. 🙂
  21. MySQL on a vanilla out of the box install has the default engine set to MyISAM. This means unless your host (or you) add a directive to the server’s my.cnf configuration file, all new tables would be created this way. So seeing you say that makes sense. Most likely whomever setup the server never optimized the default settings. This is something you should contact your hosting provider about. Even if they cannot change their default settings they should be able to help convert your existing tables to innodb. If you install additional plugins that use a MySQL database, those might need to be changed later if the default is not changed server wide. Check ALL tables via phpMyAdmin. Are ANY MyISAM?
  22. It’s more likely what the host has set as the default engine in MySQL. 🙂
  23. Both of these issues are related to JS. Have you rebuilt the system cache to regenerate the files? Notice those errors are all 404’s. 🙂
  24. Does this also happen when using the default theme and all plugins/3rd party apps disabled?
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