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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Absolutely true. But Apache is the only "supported" web server for IPS. So if they're using something else <cough>Nginx</cough> don't expect to get too much official assistance. 🤣
  2. A 500 error is typically a server based error. The only way to try and figure out what happened without it happening live is to check the logs. I would start with the Error and System Logs in the ACP support area. If there is not a clue in there, I would go back to my system logs and look in the Apache or PHP error log.
  3. If your board requires an email address to login instead of username, you can't provide a username for IPS to login with. (They're tied to the same restrictions you set for your board!) It would have to be the email address associated with the account. 🙂
  4. Wow… in that case I would find a new shared host. That’s scary based on the power that file contains!! I could do a lot of damage with the various directives on direct editing of that file!
  5. If you have access to phpMyAdmin, you can do it from there. Open phpMyAdmin. Select your IPB database. Select a table that is showing up as MyISAM. Click on Operations. Under Storage engine, choose InnoDB. Click Go. Rinse and repeat for any MyISAM table. NOTE: It is a best practice to always backup your database before making a significant manual change!!
  6. The OP is on a shared hosting plan so this I don’t believe would be directly accessible to them.
  7. If you've verified in the ACP that your account is not actually banned, try clearing your temporary internet files or try accessing the site with a different browser.
  8. This sounds like a new(er) account? Is it possible to just have support totally start you over?
  9. Personally before I spent a lot of time trying to fix plugins (which is a good thing to do!), I would try to confirm if they're part of the problem. Have you tried disabling EVERYTHING (meaning all non-default applications/plugins) and also trying the default skin again? That would help you figure out if the problem is in your core board or if it's something related to something added afterwards. If it happens with everything turned off and the default skin, the IPS support team would need to most likely take a look. If it suddenly starts working again, you know it's somewhere in the list of things you turned off earlier. So you can turn them back on one at a time until you find the culprit. (I would start with EVERYTHING off, and if working, start by enabling the theme again... then test. Then start with any applications, etc.)
  10. That's what the message you pasted above is referring to. 🙂 Look at the path in it. So you might want to click the "View System Log" box to see if that message is just old and from prior to removing it or if the plugin was not removed properly. What are the most recent current errors?
  11. Possibly…. Try disabling video box and the rest of the plugins and test. At minimum videobox needs updated. 🙂
  12. MySQL on a vanilla out of the box install has the default engine set to MyISAM. This means unless your host (or you) add a directive to the server’s my.cnf configuration file, all new tables would be created this way. So seeing you say that makes sense. Most likely whomever setup the server never optimized the default settings. This is something you should contact your hosting provider about. Even if they cannot change their default settings they should be able to help convert your existing tables to innodb. If you install additional plugins that use a MySQL database, those might need to be changed later if the default is not changed server wide. Check ALL tables via phpMyAdmin. Are ANY MyISAM?
  13. It’s more likely what the host has set as the default engine in MySQL. 🙂
  14. Both of these issues are related to JS. Have you rebuilt the system cache to regenerate the files? Notice those errors are all 404’s. 🙂
  15. Does this also happen when using the default theme and all plugins/3rd party apps disabled?
  16. I think it’s working now that he’s changing the subject to “del”. Though I would recommend leaving it as it was in case it can help others later. 🙂
  17. You might ping @Adriano Faria to see if he could make a Pages version of this plugin... This one looks to be for Files, not Pages.... so I don't think it would work for what you need, but if he can do this... it should not be hard to do it for Pages. 🙂
  18. There is not a BUILT-IN system to do this, however there is a plugin in the Marketplace that might be up your alley...
  19. There is not an easier way today. You correct in that you would need to individually change each member's notification settings to disable email for a user. If you would like it considered for a future release, there is a feature request forum you can make the request in: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/
  20. Did you confirm ALL tables are InnoDB? That screenshot is showing only about a third of all the tables associated with an IPB install. (There are nearly 300 tables associated with an IPB install!) When I saw this occur on a website I help with, it was because one or two tables were not converted.
  21. Ahhhh... we may be getting somewhere. IPS\Http\Request\CurlException: https://ips-corp-sites.s3.amazonaws.com/invisionpower-com/monthly_2022_02/nexxe_xml.d655e00a117f24bd3b706d020d0c9b7f?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJDL6T6G73T4MX7SQ/20220206/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20220206T055948Z&X-Amz-Expires=1200&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=attachment;%20filename*=UTF-8''nexxe.xml&response-content-type=application/xml;charset=UTF-8&X-Amz-Signature=0590fa05ee25ffbe81fef02789248dc502c97e5044fd2e6e411de283d951b439 Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 3011102 out of 6538833 bytes received (28) You're trying to download the file from IPS servers (which is hosted on AWS). Your instance downloaded about half of the file and the transfer failed. It looks like you downloaded about half of the file and quit receiving data. The operation timed out after 10 seconds of no activity. This could be either a temporary network issue between you and IPS servers OR if you have some sort of firewall or other protection system, it might be blocking the transfer. Try installing it again.... see if that error repeats again.
  22. If it was literally just updated 4 days ago, it's POSSIBLE there is something in that release that caused a problem. I have not purchased that theme, so I can't confirm it. However if you post in the support topic for that theme, the author can check into it for you! 🙂 Also... do you have any System Log or Error log messages? It's possible one of those logs might have some detail that might shed some light on the problem.
  23. If you're able to install other marketplace items, it's possible that it is something unique to that plugin. I would reach out to the plugin author. It might be a bug with the latest version of IPB (4.6.10).
  24. The reported content section and the approval queue are two different things. If you are asking about removing multiple reported content items... Check the box next to each report you want to remove. It will pop up a small window in the bottom center to change the status of those reports or delete them. If you're referring to the Approval Queue itself... instead of dealing with the approval queue to deal with spam, just mark the user as a Spammer. It will ban the member and delete ALL content from that user. It will be like they never existed.
  25. IPS does not provide support for upgrading your servers or making sure you meet the minimum system requirements. That would be something you need to do. You can check to make sure you meet the minimum requirements for IPB 4.x by running the following script: Once you know you meet the requirements: MAKE A FULL BACKUP OF YOUR SITE FILES AND DATABASE (I cannot emphasize this enough in case you have problems, you want to be able to roll back!) Download a copy of the latest 4.x version from the client center. Upload them to your server and override any files that it notes already exist. Access "www.yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade". Follow the prompts to walk through the upgrade process. The staff will generally try to help as much as possible with conversions, however given that IPB 3.x is 10+ years old... it can be difficult to support and cannot be guaranteed. There was someone who went through a recent 3-4 upgrade and the staff were able to fix some mySQL 8 issues for him so that he could complete his upgrade process for example. They're absolutely willing to help, but just realize there might be challenges/hiccups along the way. (Thats also why its recommended to have a complete backup available just in case!)
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