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Hi @HeadStand,

 I confess I've had Newsletters for some time but I haven't had time to tinker with it until now. 🙄

I'm trying to create a newsletter for a Club.  When I add the Newsletter as a feature, I can configure everything in the tabs except when I get to the Included Content tab, there's nothing selectable there and I can't create the Newsletter as a result.


The docs say that "The final tab, Included Content, lists all content that was configured in the ACP by the Administrator."  Am I missing something?

EDIT: sorry....missed part of the documentation so I'll check that out....sorry! 

Edited by liquidfractal
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  • 2 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, Joel R said:

I only see a pre-distribution newsletter to my administrator account, so not sure if the problem is supposed to occur there, but I also only see *|weblink|* and *|unsubscribe|*

Thanks, I'm referring to the final distribution that people are receiving including the test email I send to myself.

@HeadStand it appears that my subscribers are not able to unsubscribe because the link only appears as *|unsubscribe|*  in the final distribution they receive.

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29 minutes ago, Christforums said:

Thanks, I'm referring to the final distribution that people are receiving including the test email I send to myself.

@HeadStand it appears that my subscribers are not able to unsubscribe because the link only appears as *|unsubscribe|*  in the final distribution they receive.

What service do you use for outgoing mail? PHP/SMTP/SendGrid?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi. I have client  (customer) that send me newsletter for our users in html file. We have used bulk-mail to sent it on IPBoard 3.x and it was fine for years. From December 2018 we have IPboard 4.3 (even 4.4 now) and we have big problem with e-mails. Build-in bulk-mail override head code from our client (customer) and maks it broken on Outlook. I want to buy your plugin, but I dont know if this helps us someway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have big problem. We started sending our newsletter at Friday, but after clicking send by our developer it was some error on page. He refreshed it, but then he got duplicated task and two the same newsletters send to users. 


It is possible to somehow stop one of them?

It freezed at 1,49% after some time, but from todays tomorrow we had few phone calls from mad users, that received more then 100 the same newsletters 😮 Please help us. Why its looped? Is there any log of the app? 

We had disabled application now and tasks disappeared, but after enabling its still 1,49% and I believe its still bombarding our users :(.


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I have checked our db, and in year 2003 there was no validation at forum, so we had about 20 addresses with spaces or .@.pl stuff like that (not valid addresses). I have deleted them, but don't know if this was the case. Without any logs or stuff like that I can't check it. And even it was the reason of failure of sending at 1,49% why plugin looping it, and sending to users maaany times the same newsletter? Please help us. We need to fix it quickly, because our customer awaits, and our users are mad.

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A new version has been uploaded to the Marketplace. Changes include:

  • Prevent Administrators from accidentally triggering multiple distributions of the same newsletter
  • Invalid email addresses consisting of only numbers (from legacy installations) caused the newsletter to get stuck in a loop and to send multiple copies to the same recipients. Fixed;
  • Extended newsletter name field to allow for longer titles

Thanks to @wegorz23 for reporting these issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...
18 hours ago, Vegan Gaymer said:

I don't see any other reports for this, but my members are getting multiple copies of the newsletter every day. Like up to 20 or 30 copies. Is this something I can fix? Thanks! -troy

I have one other report of that, but I have no leads yet as to why this is happening. Are you hosted by IPS? What email provider are you using? It would help me to try to find a common thread.

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