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12 hours ago, Volstate said:

Where exactly is Raw and why is he not posting an updated version. I appreciate your help Theme but it's still not working right and when you pay for something you would think the creator would support it.  This has been going on for a while now :(

good question... 

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On ‎01‎.‎01‎.‎2017 at 1:01 PM, Theme Tent UK said:

right guys after few days and lot work i have a fix that allows you guys have fully working iawards please if have this error when giving awards 

#0 /var/www/sites/.net/html/uk/applications/awards/modules/front/awards/ajaxcreate.php(42): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(NULL)
#1 /var/www/sites/.net/html/uk/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_ajaxcreate->manage()
#2 /var/www/sites/.net/html/uk/applications/awards/modules/front/awards/ajaxcreate.php(21): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#3 /var/www/sites/.net/html/uk/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_ajaxcreate->execute()
#4 /var/www/sites/.net/html/uk/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#5 {main}

please send me message i send you files as believe IPS might tell me off if add them to a post.

I'm not sure if this is related, but

-> I have a fresh iAwards Installation on IPS
-> I've read the setup guide and configured the first categories and test awards
-> Then I tried to test award myself (the very first award ever!)
-> In the IPS header, I chose "create" and then "award member", I put in all required informations, and press save
-> pressing Save forwards me to mydomain.com/index.php?app=awards&module=awards&controller=ajaxcreate


nginx 500 internal server error 

No manual awarding is possible, I asked my sysadmin to check nginx logs, but there is no problem in there. He told me to contact the software developer, what I'm doing hereby. Please help! Thanks.

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But here's the gotcha, Raw was like that in the beginning and actively supporting it and then gone. I have the same issue with a different app by a different author who was also active and now gone. Something is broken if good developers come, build and then not motivated to stay.

Is there a migration path from iAwards to Trophies and Medals?

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3 hours ago, NoGi said:

But here's the gotcha, Raw was like that in the beginning and actively supporting it and then gone. I have the same issue with a different app by a different author who was also active and now gone. Something is broken if good developers come, build and then not motivated to stay.

Such is the life of a software consumer. I mean, other than getting total custom work that has some way of being future proof -- which I assume would cost a lot of money -- I don't see any other way around the current reality that is the uncertainty of software development. You can't even rely on IPS to continue supporting their products.

I think one of the reasons developers aren't motivated is the customers -- yes there are plenty of people willing to spend money but do all of those people also contribute in a substantial way to these forums? Not really. What do developers face on here? A lot of fly-by customers who often make ignorant remarks in the midst of petulant complaints, mixed in with a number of enthusiastic but often incomprehensible and impatient customers who fail to understand certain basic facts about software development and how to give feedback... all along side IPS who brought a brand new codebase without a set of top class development tools to go with it, as well as failing to supply clear and user friendly communication to non-developers about some of the realities of developing for IPS that the average person might not be aware of.

Also, on top of all that, when the third-party devs do go ahead and put even more work into supporting their customers with their own sites where they can improve things in a way that is impossible on this site... what happens? They get customers blaming them rather than IPS for the currently broken state of the relationships between IPS, devs, and customers.

There are clearly still good people in the IPS community from all parts but between continued development here and stable income from actual jobs (I recall RAW recently said he has two jobs at the moment), I think I'd honestly go elsewhere.

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It just seems to be more frequent on this platform or maybe that's just what I am perceiving.

It doesn't bother me if a developer stops supporting their app, I just get put offside when they do this with zero communication to their paying customer base.

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Just now, NoGi said:

It just seems to be more frequent on this platform or maybe that's just what I am perceiving.

It doesn't bother me if a developer stops supporting their app, I just get put offside when they do this with zero communication to their paying customer base.

I don't know if it's more frequent but I do remember a lack of quality and support on other platforms before returning to IPS. Maybe other platforms are better for people who are more capable at the various technical parts of running a site? I don't know, IPS just works best for me overall.

Agree that it's particularly crappy when there is no communication at all; they could have provided at the very least a couple of lines to update the status, even if it is to say that the app is currently unsupported.
I would assume it's worse with Raw's products because he was such a big part of the ecosystem, therefore people are coming from a point-of-view of greater expectation. Unfortunately it can be difficult to accept 100% -> 0%, which is what it looks like here.

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The problem is not about a dev who have no time to work on a project. The problem is about a non-working app, still online on the shop, with customers who spend money on a useless pile of bytes. The IPS marketplace staff support should at least deactivate the sell of this app. 

After 5 days, still no news from the IPS marketplace support.

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Dear @-RAW-

you might be on holiday/in vacation. We respect this and maybe you're anywhere out far away without internet connection.

But please take notice, that a lot of customers invested in using your iAwards project and are urgently waiting for a new functional update! I, for myself, invested a big amount of money (!) and I am totally relying on your iAwards App! I engaged a special designer that created a unique design for my community (more than 100 elements), I founded and supported an "award team" consisting of 8 team member (ready to start directly), we created dozens of pages documentations about processes and rulesets for awarding, discussed with community users about enhancements, we included the awarding mechanism in the overall company master strategy. We didn't only invest heaps of money, but also months of preparation work! I'm not sure if you can imagine the whole dimension what this means in effort and numbers...

You have done such great work before. Please do not leave us alone now!

We have been paying for a long time. And while you officially offer a renewal fee AND support (on IPS and also www.invisionizer.com), I consider this as an ongoing support responsibility and a business maintenance agreement. If anybody offers software, he is somehow responsible for this.

Please help us or - at least - transfer your project to a development successor, who can go on developing, maintaining and supporting this great app! Otherwise the damage will be very high for your customers.


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Raw talked to me today earlier. He got some problems in his personal life and he couldn't support your resources as it should. So I will support them for a couple of months or so, until Raw got everything sorted and be able to support them again. I'm only waiting for IPS (marketplace moderator and Management) to agree to with it then I'll be supporting it.

I will require a few days to learn how this app (and the others) works. In the meantime, please list the issues with it so I can take a look.

Thank you.

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@Cyboman well said. thank you :)  

@Adriano Faria Vey, very good news ! Thanks for your help. For me, the first issue is that a newly created award don't keep his title and leave it blank. The award is created but without a title. So it's nearly impossible to select it when I want to award somebody.

Then, when I try to award somebody by selecting the award randomly (because of the impossibility to read the title) I have this error :

OutOfRangeException:  (0)
#0 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.bsogames.com/htdocs/applications/awards/modules/front/awards/ajaxcreate.php(42): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(NULL)
#1 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.bsogames.com/htdocs/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_ajaxcreate->manage()
#2 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.bsogames.com/htdocs/applications/awards/modules/front/awards/ajaxcreate.php(21): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#3 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.bsogames.com/htdocs/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_ajaxcreate->execute()
#4 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.bsogames.com/htdocs/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#5 {main}

Again, thanks for your implication in keeping this app alive ;)

Edited by Strikerecondo
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2 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Raw talked to me today earlier. He got some problems in his personal life and he couldn't support your resources as it should. So I will support them for a couple of months or so, until Raw got everything sorted and be able to support them again. I'm only waiting for IPS (marketplace moderator and Management) to agree to with it then I'll be supporting it.

I will require a few days to learn how this app (and the others) works. In the meantime, please list the issues with it so I can take a look.

Thank you.

i was going say the same today been talk to RAW see if there any issues and had reply and one or two apps will be transfered myself still talk over this to RAW so hopefully all issue will be worked out between the apps/widgets.

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1 hour ago, Strikerecondo said:

For me, the first issue is that a newly created award don't keep his title and leave it blank. The award is created but without a title. So it's nearly impossible to select it when I want to award somebody.

This is fixed:



Also, changed to translateable fields. That means, you can use different titles per language, just like a forum title.

1 hour ago, Strikerecondo said:

So it's nearly impossible to select it when I want to award somebody.

Where do I check that? Sorry, I don't the app yet. :)

Nevermind... guess I found it:



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