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Basic Points (Support)


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On 11/2/2018 at 11:31 PM, Square Wheels said:

I just added two Fixed points options, 10 and -10.  They both display with the + in front of them and neither is in red like the example pic you list. 

Technically the "fixed points" do not support negative values. The screenshots reference manually adjusting a members points.

That being said, assuming you've got ftp access to your IPB files? I might be able to put a temporary patch together if your willing to test it out?

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To award members points they are all plus, e.g 10 points, 50 points, 100 points, once awarded it will turn red to revoke. You can't setup + 10 points AND - 10 points


Here I've awarded someone 10 points, once awarded, the button turns red and I can revoke them. 🙂

Edited by Dean_
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/5/2018 at 2:13 PM, Square Wheels said:

Thanks, not looking to make extra work for you, I assume it's a setting I didn't find.  Trying to make it look like the second pic you posted:

Yep as above, the red indicates your taking back those given points for that post. But can still look at making a "negative" button if your willing to test it.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/20/2018 at 6:31 PM, DChiuch said:

I'm still receiving this bug (not sure if it was meant to be fixed already).

I'm about 2/3 of the way through the next update, just trying to add a few of the more popular feature requests. I don't mind putting together a patch if you wanted this fixed in the meantime?

On 12/21/2018 at 1:42 AM, DChiuch said:

Also, would it be possible to have it so that when a user gets flagged as a spammer, that their points get removed? It's not a good look to have spam bots on the weekly leaderboard. 

Noted. Should be able to include in the next update easily.

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On 12/27/2018 at 5:37 AM, Mike John said:

I'm about 2/3 of the way through the next update, just trying to add a few of the more popular feature requests. I don't mind putting together a patch if you wanted this fixed in the meantime?

Noted. Should be able to include in the next update easily.

Thanks! No worries, I can wait for the update.

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On 1/4/2019 at 10:10 PM, Unlucky said:

Can this be extended to award points for gallery submissions?

IPS and 3rd party apps is something I am looking into right now. I can't 100% promise it will be included in the next update as I've already got several new features done. But I will try my best to include it.

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13 hours ago, Mike John said:

PS and 3rd party apps is something I am looking into right now. I can't 100% promise it will be included in the next update as I've already got several new features done. But I will try my best to include it.

Is there any eta for next release yet?

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  • 1 month later...

I've released v1.4.0 a little bit earlier then I wanted to to ensure IP.Board 4.4.x compatibility. I'll be following up with another version in the near future that still adds more features. The change log for this release is below:

  1. IP.Board 4.4.x compatibility check and update.
  2. New features and improvements:
    • Add points for voting in poll or for poll owners who receive votes.
    • Set points for club forums. Either individually or via the admin cp.
    • Member filter for points to support group promotions or bulk mail filters based on the number of points.
    • Admin tools to reset all members points or clear points logs.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Really looking forward to upgrading my site to the latest version, but I've unfortunately run into a couple of bugs while running tests on my development site.

1. Even with points redeem turned off, the points redeem tab still shows up for users on their profile pages. In addition, it gives confusing messages when they try to redeem points. Here's what shows when you click the Redeem My Points button:


If I hit the Submit button, I get a message saying that the value must be less than or equal to 4.5. If I change the value to 4.5, then the message says that the value must be 5 or greater.

2. An odd thing happens if you click into the Points Redeem tab on the Profile page, then click into a different tab (say, Activity), then click back to Points Redeem. Once you do that, things look fine for a second, then suddenly the page goes blank, as shown below, and the URL changes to http://example.com/index.php?/points/redeem/&


Any ideas what's causing these issues?


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On 3/16/2019 at 3:22 AM, zenzoidman said:

1. Even with points redeem turned off, the points redeem tab still shows up for users on their profile pages. In addition, it gives confusing messages when they try to redeem points. Here's what shows when you click the Redeem My Points button: 

If I hit the Submit button, I get a message saying that the value must be less than or equal to 4.5. If I change the value to 4.5, then the message says that the value must be 5 or greater.

Is it turned off from the settings or group permissions? Can you let me know what your group permissions are for the redeem settings as well so I can try and reproduce this?

On 3/16/2019 at 3:22 AM, zenzoidman said:

2. An odd thing happens if you click into the Points Redeem tab on the Profile page, then click into a different tab (say, Activity), then click back to Points Redeem. Once you do that, things look fine for a second, then suddenly the page goes blank, as shown below, and the URL changes to http://example.com/index.php?/points/redeem/&

What version of IPB are you using? The profile tab themselves are an IPB feature but I'll see if there's some conflict on my side that might be causing this.

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1 hour ago, Mike John said:

Is it turned off from the settings or group permissions? Can you let me know what your group permissions are for the redeem settings as well so I can try and reproduce this?

I experienced the issues I previously described with only the "Allow points redeem?" setting turned off in Redeem Points Settings. Redeem points was still enabled in each group's settings.

After disabling it for each group, the Points Redeem tab still shows up in profiles, but now a "You do not have permission to redeem points" message appears when I click the Redeem My Points button, which seems to be the intended function.

1 hour ago, Mike John said:

What version of IPB are you using? The profile tab themselves are an IPB feature but I'll see if there's some conflict on my side that might be causing this.

I was able to reproduce this in the latest version, 4.4.2.

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On 3/22/2019 at 10:47 AM, zenzoidman said:

After disabling it for each group, the Points Redeem tab still shows up in profiles, but now a "You do not have permission to redeem points" message appears when I click the Redeem My Points button, which seems to be the intended function.

I've noted this bug and it will be fixed next update.

On 3/22/2019 at 10:47 AM, zenzoidman said:

I was able to reproduce this in the latest version, 4.4.2.

Does this also happen with the points logs tab as well? What browser are you using and any custom themes? I'm still having trouble reproducing this.

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8 hours ago, Mike John said:

Does this also happen with the points logs tab as well? What browser are you using and any custom themes? I'm still having trouble reproducing this.

It does not happen with the points logs tab -- only the points redeem tab. I've reproduced it while set to the default theme, so it doesn't seem to be related to my custom theme. I'm using the latest version of Chrome for my browser.

Again, for clarity, the process is: click the Points Redeem profile tab, then any other profile tab, then the Points Redeem tab again.

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On 3/28/2019 at 1:27 AM, Mike John said:

Anyone else able to reproduce this? And if so, what browser are you using?

Yes, clicking from redeem to another tab and back again shows a blank page.

Address link;


From press another tab and back


I have mine turn off but it still shows I can redeem points, it quickly shows the amount and the page refreshes.

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@Mike John is there any possibility to be able to move the points on AuthorPane? At the moment it shows right at the bottom of all the info. Could options like show under name or avatar be possible without much work?

I believe I've asked this before, but could we get a widget which could show 'overall' points per usergroup? I know we have per user but per usergroup would be a bonus and help with games and competitions between usergroups.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/2/2019 at 3:11 AM, Legion of Honor said:

@Mike John its not even allowing me to turn it off as I dont use this feature.  All 3 major browsers..same thing

The work around right now is through the permissions. I'm still troubleshooting the tab issue though.

On 4/4/2019 at 6:46 AM, Dean_ said:

is there any possibility to be able to move the points on AuthorPane? At the moment it shows right at the bottom of all the info. Could options like show under name or avatar be possible without much work? 

Could you take a screenshot of the exact area and I'll see if there is a hook point you can switch to there.

On 4/6/2019 at 5:39 AM, socceronly said:

Is it possible to get points based on creating db records in Pages?

On 4/22/2019 at 7:19 PM, Paweł Mysłek said:

@Mike John  It would be nice to add some points for uploading a photo in the gallery.

Gallery/3rd party app support is being worked on now. Pages is a little more complicated but it might be included in the next update as well.

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