Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,500 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
There are lot of empty translation strings. I have checked some of them and it seems that they are not used anywhere in the Suite. Can you please purge the unused strings with empty values? They all are listed as untranslated. 🙂
Last reply by ahc, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
It would be nice to use video formats for uploaded animated content (instead of GIF and aPNG) in order to save storage space, network bytes and loading times.
Last reply by aia, -
- 0 replies
please consider reading this topic. and introduce a small setting which allows to take geographical location into account and not browser language.
Last reply by Maxxius, -
- 2 replies
Please, add feature that let us create a commercial gallery, as Downloads.
Last reply by Andrey Arefuliln, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
This language string cms_use_different_gateway_desc contains a broken link to non-existent (hidden?) help guide. EDIT: Same in this language string pages_different_gateway_load_error_rewrite
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 0 replies
may be I mdentioned this issue before and - thanks it get improved in the latest release of the software - however the mechanizm still need improvement why not defrentiate between the categories and the discussion forums from the first place it happened in our community to get mixed up between the discussion forums and thde categories ; and people screams they are not able to add topics in certain forums and after adding a ticket here and with the hosting company we gets the answer .... the forum wich reject adding new topics is category not discussion forum. this suggestion I think will make the life more easier for all of us thanks in advance
Last reply by Abuzaid, -
- 0 replies
Hello, would be good to see ability to choose the type of the selected category Table: A traditional forum index table view and Grid: Display forums as cards in a grid separate, as well as for the grid, it possible to upload pictures and adjust the size the grid.
Last reply by Unicorrrrrn, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello Guys, I'm looking for a Searchable Member list? Do you have any ideas? Thanks
Last reply by Jorge Varela, -
- 4 replies
I noticed this in gallery and downloads when creating or editing categories. You can have ratings on and reviews off but there is nowhere to rate an stars anywhere. If you turn on reviews, then you can rate if its on. Am I missing something? I guess I was looking to allow the star ratings without turning on reviews. If I'm not missing anything and this is the way its designed, its confusing and I would think you shouldn't be able to turn on ratings without having reviews on. (I hope I'm wrong though)
Last reply by Sonya*, -
- 2 replies
How reviews and ratings should work in Pages? In my database I have: Option Allow ratings? = Yes Option Allow reviews = Yes Permission Rate Records, all groups except of guests (we cannot give a permission for guests) Permissions Add Reviews, all groups except of guests (we cannot give a permission for guests) I do have stars below the title and a review tab below the record. However, I cannot rate a record, the stars are just static, no function to select number of stars Removing the permission Rate Records does not change anything Removing the permission Add Reviews from all groups does not remove Reviews tab from the fronte…
Last reply by Sonya*, -
- 1 reply
I've been working on setting up a GDPR compliant member sign-up process that includes to opt-in for the optional Community Newsletter (to promote content using Bulk Mail). GDPR has quite a few requirements which Invision Community software fulfills nicely. E.g. the consent to receive e-mails is correctly recorded in the Admin panel. One thing though kept me digging for more information. When using double opt-in procedures, is one transactional email sufficient to confirm the member sign-up AND the receipt of the newsletter? Or would a user have to confirm each item (member account and newsletter) separately? I've run a few tests on other websites and out of 6…
Last reply by evcom, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Currently pages are missing fURL pre-defined fURL settings, they are hard-coded. It would be good to bring one in one of nearest updates.
Last reply by PatrickRQ, -
- 3 replies
Hi Invision, Quick suggestion of the day 🤠 In Commerce, that would awesome to add the ability to add trial periods when buying products, especially when these products are subscriptions to a service. For instance, we could set a trial period for n days or n weeks, or even n months. I know that currently, we can set the products prices to 0, and then set a renewal with a certain amount. But the current system has 3 limitations: - When setting the initial price to 0, we're forced to have a "trial" period that has the same duration as the renewal period. For instance, we can't currently sell a product that renews every month with a trial period …
Last reply by Black Zero, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I'd like to suggest to add option for custom fields formatting as it was in IPB3. Seems it was removed in IPB4 and it is no longer to wrap the custom field the way we want it to be displayed. Best example presenting the issue is URL field type where it is impossible to nicely wrap the URL field content into <a href="{content}">text</a> Example in your forums: > Support Info field
Last reply by PatrickRQ, -
- 0 replies
Hi, The intention of the options is to minimize a need of custom code across the board. I am in a process of adjusting custom theme to own color-schema. I noticed some areas, especially ACP is not covered with direct options. You may consider adding them under theme customization options in some of later updates. I leave you a list of areas I modified to change nearly all default colors in ACP, it may help a quicker implementation of such:
Last reply by PatrickRQ, -
- 5 replies
Is there any released documentation thus far? For example, can we remove the pointless /topic/ section? It's not a directory/leads to nothing - there's no real use for it.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Is there a way/ it would be nice - to always have Downloads default to category view? The same category view to be applied when clicking through to sub-categories would be nice too. This is good... This is bad... Ted.
Last reply by Teddy Rogers, -
- 5 replies
It would be perfect if we could easily reorder records in Database (drag and drop). While sorting by publish date, ID and so on makes sense for news and blogs, it is often not appropriate for other databases. Examples are tutorials, features, help files, collections. I know that I can create a custom order field, fill it with something like 10, 20, 30 and sort by this field. And then adjust the field values while adding new records or edit it to reorder. But it is not so smart as drag and drop. I wish we could have reorder feature for records like menu items or categories in the ACP.
Last reply by Sonya*, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I noticed that it's only possible to translate the widget of upcoming events in the ACP as opposed to simply entering a new widget title when you drag it into the page and set various settings for it. Please add that since you can choose from various calandars you created and may want to be more specific. Like Upcoming games, other widget Upcoming movies and so on instead of the general Upcoming Events.
Last reply by Maxxius, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Please make it better Could you add this customization in the theme? The clubs menu tabs need increase more attention. The word MENU as string translable please. A menu icon more attractive.
Last reply by kmk, -
- 5 replies
Hello there. I can't remember if the "Title" entry box when creating a topic has always been called title, or did it once used to be called, "Subject"? For some strange reason I am finding recently that a lot of people are posting on my forum and instead of putting the subject in the title box they are putting, Mr, or Mrs. At first I just thought these people were a bit dim, (to be honest it's hard to argue otherwise), but I must have had about a dozen over the last six months. I can only imagine they are of the, let's say, older generation. If it's always been called title then fair enough, but if it's been changed from something like subject, which I have to admit seems…
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 2 replies
It would be great if we could incorporate blocking guests from uncovering spoliers. We have vendors that give our forum members discount codes for their products. I don't want guests to just come visit, get a fast discount code and not even join the forum. I cannot make the vendor boards invisible to guests, as there is content there that advertises the vendors, to the public. I also do not want to have to create a separate board to put discount codes in. How about implementing permissions for the spoiler function so we can block guests from uncovering spoilers? I suspect that other forum admins would find this useful for many other functions.
Last reply by Cruizin, -
- 3 replies
Hello Guys, I'm looking for something that can help me to manage or autojoin members by Country ( Address ). Do you think it's possible?
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
- 6 replies
Suggestion for future IPS vertions. Put .gz files (with maximum compression level = 9) near all minified static assets. Add some rules to .htaccess in order to serve this precompressed files for clients who supports compressed assets. It saves processor time because there is no need to compress assets each time on the fly. It increases the speed of page loading because precompressed files are much smaller than compressed on the fly. We can use maximum compression without any downsides because files compressed only once they changed.
Last reply by aia, -
- 1 reply
Hi All! During all these years of me using IPB , search functionality seemed always a little off. Its no good having the best content in the world if you can access it fast and reliable. The case is that i want my users to be able to search in the database of articles to find what they need. We are very strict in using the correct tags and naming the topics accordingly. What i simply wanted to do is to be able to search for ALL the tags i put and also with the search term if i include it. So you need to clarify in the search screen: If you need both tags and term functionality If you need AND or OR in the tags If you need AN…
Last reply by christopher-w,