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Classic self-hosted technical help
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- Last reply by Jim M,
23,023 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hello, after few months I founded that all transactions were corrupted. I want to fix it wth this guide: I did everything except this part: But when I select it the Returl URL appearing. What is correct oauth url? P.s. I copier client id and secret key from a live tab of course.
Last reply by DawPi, -
- 1 reply
Dear All, I have a 1320 users who are in a primary group and I need to delete them. Is there a easy way to do that. Also to take note there is 150 users who have that group a secondary. Is there a mysql script or some plugin that I can do this easily?
Last reply by Colonel_mortis, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I understand the status updates permission, but why do people with permission have to enable it? If someone doesn't want to post a status update, they simply will ignore the box to do so. I don't think enabling or disabling it is necessary. Of course the option to do so is fine, but by default it should be on. I've had at least 30 people on my forum message me and ask why they don't have permission to post status updates. All I've been able to do is explain... go to your profile, edit profile, enable, etc...
Last reply by RooMac, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I added a plugin to my CKEditor that would allow users to embed a HTML5 video into their post using the <video> and <source> tags. The editor, the generated html, and the final result looks fine because I'm an admin and I can post raw html but for normal users only the link appears. How can I allow normal users to post these video/source tags without granting them access to add any html they want? Thanks, JC
Last reply by Meddysong, -
- 4 replies
As I add conditionals in the HTML templates, is there a way to add those conditionals in the CSS files? Or conditionals can only work in HTML templates?
Last reply by GrooveOnBeat, -
- 4 replies
As a quick experiment, I dumped the entire globalTemplate content into a custom Page HTML block. I removed all contents from the globalTemplate and inserted the block key. I got this error when viewing the page (as expected): What I'd like to do is simplify editing multiple templates. For example, if I have 10 templates and I want to make a change that affects all templates I have to manually edit each of the 10 templates to get the same results. If I can use Page blocks like include files, that will make editing much simpler. Then all I have to do is edit 1 Page block instead of editing 10 templates. Or is there another, and more practical way of achieving t…
Last reply by GrooveOnBeat, -
- 1 reply
I'm running a hosted IPBoard version v4.1.13.2 -- I would like to enable the blogs module however I want to limit WHO can create a blog to ADMIN and MOD's. I don't want general members creating blogs. I then want everyone including visitors to be able to read the blogs and members comment access. Can't figure it out.... I can see perms on who can access the blogs and see the menu item but at the granular level I want. This to me is fairly basic functionality. Am I just missing something? Thanks!
Last reply by SteveFree, -
- 0 replies
This happened to me many times: Member posted picture via TapaTalk. During post edit, I put it through upload, but ... does not work ...
Last reply by Nesa, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I want to add profile custom fields to the hover card. Now i'm not to great with PHP which in lies my issue. <li class="ipsDataItem"> <span class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size3"><strong>{lang="member_core_pfield_2"}</strong></span> <span class="ipsDataItem_main">{$member->member_core_pfield_2_desc}</span> </li> No matter what I try to do to figure this out it does not seem to work. Any help on this topic is appreciated.
Last reply by Kamis0ri89, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Howdy folks, does anyone know of way to get the first image withing an article or any image within the article for that matter to display with the article preview? Thanks for any help! John
Last reply by JohnCourt, -
- 42 replies
Has anyone come across a situation where thread titles are shown vertically rather than horizontally. The affected users have been using a variety of devices and browsers. know it is not just us as I found this comment re another Invision based Forum Thanks Neil
Last reply by Rikki, -
- 8 replies
So I've upgraded to 4.x. Now everything related to pages is broken. All previous media Manager files ("css_files" folder) are simply gone in the new media manager (still physically present on the server) all custom templates like database listing, article listings etc. are gone all content that used the parse ipcmedia tag is broken It seems that i cannot create a block that shows database categories. on top of that each and every template for blocks / database listings change takes like 5 minutes to actually show up on the page. how am i supposed to develop a new template like that? Does this happen with your installations too? chee…
Last reply by DReffects2, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello ! Is there a way to merge the first post in a topic with another post in the same topic ? It was possible with IPB 3.4 but I can't find how to achieve this with IPB 4. Thank you !
Last reply by Apfelstrudel, -
- 1 follower
- 29 replies
Does anyone know where this configuration is in the ACP I am unable to find it.
Last reply by SaltyBart, -
- 3 replies
Hey people... Is it possible to redirect my mobile users to a different page on the site. Say from PAGES front page to FORUMS?
Last reply by pilotguy, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I want an element in the post bit to be displayed only in selected forums. Does anybody know what the correct "if" structure for this?
Last reply by jaeitee, -
- 0 replies
I can't seem to add a table via the developer center I get this error: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'working'
Last reply by Arbiter7, -
- 2 replies
I'm trying to figure out, how to make it so a specific user's posts(my RSS feed) doesn't show up in unread content, or it's difficult for my member's to follow long with what's happened throughout the day due to massive scrolling.
Last reply by joshua mullenary, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Anyone else getting double posts where you have a page with the comments that are linked to a forum topic?
Last reply by sound, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I've got 2 users reporting that the thread titles are appearing in a vertical and unreadable state on their android phones (see below screenshot) I'm awaiting confirmation on what version of android they are running, but I'm assuming it's around 2.2 as one of them is using a HTC Hero. Has anyone come across this issue before ?? Is it because the version of Android is outdated? Any help appreciated. Cheers.
Last reply by, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I am running a blog / news site on the domain and a community with IPS at In this section, I set up an RSS feed to pull the blog articles and create a thread of it. The feed settings are the following The last article from the blog hasn't been pulled. I tried to run the search for updates button, but it didn't help. Any suggestions on this case?
Last reply by Boomer12, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
When creating a new database field, I receive this error: A configuration or server error has occurred. EX1054 Something went wrong. Please try again. UPDATE `cms_database_fields` cms_database_fields SET `field_position`=3,`field_key`='article_image',`field_database_id`=1,`field_id`=5,`field_type`='Text',`field_allowed_extensions`=NULL,`field_is_multiple`=NULL,`field_max_length`=0,`field_validator`=0,`field_validator_custom`=NULL,`field_format_opts`=NULL,`field_unique`=false,`field_filter`=NULL,`field_required`=NULL,`field_html`=false,`field_display_listing`=0,`field_truncate`=false,`field_display_display`=false,`field_display_commentform`=false,`field_display…
Last reply by Heosforo, -
- 0 replies
Without any changes to the system since upgrading to 4.1.13 last week, some of my users are suddenly reporting the following error when trying to access the forum/login via Chrome: It appears to be mobile Chrome only, and other browsers (e.g., Safari or Firefox) on the same device allows that person to access the forum just fine. Rolling back to an old version of Chrome resolves the issue. Is this a Chrome or IPS defect?
Last reply by rllmukforum, -
- 0 replies
The default URL string goes to the comment ID. Is it possible to link to the first unread post instead? The original URL string is <a href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'findComment', 'comment' => $comment->pid ) )}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="share_this_comment"}' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' id='elShareComment_{$comment->pid}' data-role='shareComment'> I changed it to <a href="{$comment->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getNewComment' )}" title='{lang="view_this_topic" sprintf="$comment->item()->title"}' class='ipsType_medium ipsType_break'> While it's an improv…
Last reply by GrooveOnBeat, -
- 0 replies
What would cause the background of emails sent through the site to be grey? Then when I go to reply all of the background of the email is grey.
Last reply by marklcfc,