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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. It seems that this mod is a little too ….radical.
  2. Hi Nigel. As Marc said please start a ticket or alternately you can contact sales (https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us) and we will be happy to answer your questions.
  3. Can you take a screen shot of the right hand filter box when it is not showing any topics? We are working on some tweaks for this feature to make it clearer which forums have been selected.
  4. We're using ElasticSearch here, so we can use the 'Any time' option. MySQL just struggles, so we had to limit it to Specified Time Period > 365 days. if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->search_method === 'elastic' ) { $streamDateOptions['all'] = 'stream_date_type_all'; }
  5. You can also filter each forum to show just unsolved posts.
  6. I believe the sharing links only show in forums that are accessible by guests. If you need to log in to see a forum, the share links won't be visible (as most services will just return a 404).
  7. This has now been fixed, and the button should work correctly.
  8. Hi Philip, our records show that your license expired in February this year, which is why you've been moved from the clients group.
  9. Opentype beat me to it. We have a guide on recovery mode:
  10. I understand what you mean. You're saying your site is my-site.com, and you have created a directory 'forums' and put the forums in there, so the JSON should report the site as 'my-site.com' but it's reporting 'my-site.com/forums'. I'll open an issue.
  11. We tend to iterate through releases. We like to get a solid feature out there and see how it fares in the real world. If we take on too much feedback, we’d not ship for months.
  12. I like this idea. We rarely write internally needed APIs. We use Zapier which saves us a lot of development time and costs.
  13. There’s definitely more gears than cheers here. Ok, so we don’t “ignore” feature requests. We have thousands of customers that use their communities in diverse ways. We can’t add every single feature that is requested, but over the years we have added hundreds. We look for trends, and feature requests that are asked for from multiple sources many times. Things like better stats, more robust spam management, better mod tools, improvements to SEO come up often and as such are regularly featured in new releases. Features like this one find little support among other customers so we are less likely to include it. It’s also worth mentioning that we have a vision for our product and sometimes good feature suggestions don’t fit it. It’s the same with any piece of software. Gaps in our functionality are often filled by our marketplace authors. As for trying to link what our marketing department are doing to being less able to develop code, that’s just not what happens internally. There’s more to Invision Community than just me. I probably do the least amount of coding here now. I appreciate your input nonetheless.
  14. We removed post numbers a long time ago because they are not a consistent metric. Consider: Post Hidden Post Hidden Post Post Post Post You will see: Post A - #1 Hidden Post B- #2 Hidden Post C- #3 Post D - #4 Post E- #5 Post F - #6 "Post number 4 is the winner!" - you refer to Post D. However, a member will see: Post A - #1 Post D - #2 Post E- #3 Post F - #4 So to them Post F is the winner. Likewise when you delete a post or two after mentioning "See post 4", post 4 is actually post 6 when you delete two posts, etc. It's just not a reliable number. If you leave gaps in the post number to skip hidden posts, it becomes obvious to members where there have been deleted posts or hidden posts.
  15. This has been fixed for our May release, thanks!
  16. This is on our engineering list. There is no ETA for a release at this point.
  17. I notice in your screenshot that you have the time period to "last visit". Do the unread items show if you change that to say "Anytime"? It might be that your last visit timestamp is being updated too soon.
  18. Sorry for the confusion, this will be fixed in the May release. It gets a little confusing around release days as some fixes are scheduled for the current month, and others for the next.
  19. Improving SEO with your community is a hot topic with community managers. Many minor tweaks can move the needle in the right direction, but the most significant changes come with increasing crawl efficiency. I recently wrote about changes we made to Invision Community to improve crawl efficiency. By removing thin content pages and being laser-focused on what you want to be crawled, you present a more efficient site ready for crawling. Crawl depth is another metric that impacts crawl efficiency. The more 'clicks' Google and other search engines have to make to get to your content; the less efficient your site is for crawling. With a community, this can present problems because using forums and child forums segments content and places it an extra click or two away from the home page. Segmenting is ideal when your community has defined content boundaries, but it can mean Google has to work harder to find your content. We introduced a "fluid view" in a past release, which streams all of your community's topics into a single filterable view. This streamed view works well when you have a small number of forums, but it is less valuable when you have a more significant number. Wouldn't it be perfect if you could have a fluid view per forum or category so you can stream the forum's topics with any child forum's topics in a single view? With our latest release, you can do just that! In this example, I have a forum called "Ideation", and there are two child forums. The new feature enabled on a per-forum basis in the AdminCP allows the topics from all three forums to be streamed in a single view. As with the global fluid view mode, your members can toggle the filters to refine which forums you want the stream to include. Showing the topics from multiple forums in a single unified stream is not only helpful for search engines as it reduces the crawl depth, but it also reduces helps your members find valuable content faster. Update (July 14, 2022): You asked and we listened! Thanks to valuable client feedback, we made an update to our fluid view feature included in our latest release, 4.6. To better the user experience, we improved the fluid-mode per forum filters to remove a page reload! We also reversed the filter checkbox status to make it clear which filters are being viewed. The Fluid View updates are available now. We'd love to hear your thoughts below!
  20. Matt


    This is our April maintenance release. Key Changes include: Added a per-forum option to show the forum and any sub-forums as one unified "fluid mode" view.
  21. We believe we have a fix for April's release.
  22. We believe we have a fix for April's release.
  23. Everything OK there? It's pretty industry standard to retain a link to the app's homepage. We add nofollow so it doesn't benefit us at all in terms of SEO. The option to remove it is there in our store. I realise not everyone likes it, but it's been there for the last 20 years.
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