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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. I'm having trouble locating your domain's source files on your server. They are not where I would expect them to be on your server (or where the recent error logs indicate), can you PM me the root location of your forum files? It is also worth checking to make sure you have no run out of disk space on your server.
  2. Good morning 🙂 I'm taking a look now for you.
  3. Thanks for letting us know. This should be fixed in the June release.
  4. Yeah, this is an unfinished area of the ACP. It'll be hidden on future installs until we're ready for it.
  5. This is now in PR and should be in June's release.
  6. That did also cross my mind to be honest.
  7. Daniel is on fire today. Another branch reviewed 😄
  8. Can you share the HTML code you're using and the error it generates?
  9. You’re hired! I learned by fixing others code and figuring stuff like this out. Glad to hear you’ve got it sorted.
  10. DM me the plug-in name. If I get time tomorrow I can check it out and see if I can find the issue if it's a small plug-in. I bet it's something simple to solve.
  11. Other than us announcing new features for higher platform tiers that may not suit your own personal budget or needs, what else do we do that makes you feel unwelcome?
  12. I'm not comfortable with the term 'cheapskates'. The self hosted version is not a budget product and neither is it inferior.
  13. You should definitely check out @opentype's fantastic Pages template packs and blocks
  14. Assuming you have a localhost environment suitable for it, yes 🙂
  15. Hi all! I wanted to let you know that we've just released 4.7.0 Beta 1 and I wanted to run though some of the highlights on the release notes page. We recently released a cool little feature to enable you to consolidate a forum and all sub-forums into a single list of topics, much like the global fluid view mode. We took onboard some feedback and made it a little more efficient and also reversed the checkboxes so they are ticked by default as some reached out to let us know it was confusing loading a page with content and unchecked boxes. We also added the new URL parameters into the default robots.txt to avoid Google and friends adding faceted pages into its index. This week, @Daniel Fadded hCaptcha as a new CAPTCHA method to be used on the contact us form, guest posting and other areas a captcha is used. hCaptcha seems to be a more robust method to keep those pesky bots out. You will need to sign up to hCaptcha, but it's a short registration process and they have a free tier which should be all you need. One of our enterprise clients mentioned that bots and guests are searching for random things which makes analysing the search trends difficult, so we've added a feature to allow you to omit member groups from adding to the anonymised search logs. Another popular piece of feedback was to add 'solved' and 'unsolved' filters to the activity stream, and @Andy Millne did just that for 4.7.0. Elsewhere, @Stuart Silvester improved the speed at which Elastic Search re-indexes the site (useful as 4.7.0 needs a re-index due to the new solved filters). Our master API person @Daniel F made some improvements to the Zapier integration for this release. We have raised the minimum PHP version to 7.4, but we do recommend 8.0. We are still working through 8.1 compatibility. Our cloud platform has new architecture to remove a lot of existing if( \IPS\CIC ) code that you may have seen in our codebase. Moving all cloud functionality into its own area means that those on the self hosted platform won't have to run these checks constantly in the code. We chose to name this release 4.7.0 because of the PHP minimum version changes and the cloud platform code consolidation. Let me know if you have any questions on this next release.
  16. Matt


    All platform key changes: New Alerts feature Improvements to the fluid mode per forum view hCaptcha added as a new CAPTCHA option for use on the Contact Us form and when accepting guest posts Ability to only log searches from specific member groups Based on client feedback, we implemented the ability to log searches for specific member groups. This is especially useful if your search results stats are skewed by pesky spammers. Now, you can filter that data out. Three Improvements to Spam Management Improved spam defense in 4.7 with hCaptcha New solved/unsolved filter for activity streams You can now sort through and stay up-to-date on any solved/unsolved content items by setting up a custom activity stream. This is particularly useful for community support forums where clients and members are searching for solutions to questions that have already been answered. Or, perhaps a developer is in search of questions or problems that are unsolved. You can create a more granular search by inputting more information, like ownership, time period and more. Speed improvements when rebuilding Elastic Search indexes Fixed an issue where the ‘hidden’ content item filter would be ignored for any content type except topics. (In notes below) Fixed an issue where the date parameter for the ‘Edit a topic’ endpoint was not updating topic/post post date. (In notes below) More flexibility when creating webhooks and triggers (continual improvement upon every release). Fixes and improvements to our Zapier integration No-code automation with Zapier Self-hosting platform key changes: PHP minimum version increased to 7.4 Support for PHP 8.1 Cloud platform key changes: New product architecture to consolidate existing cloud functionality and to provide forthcoming features [BETA] "Real time" notices when others are reading and replying to the same topics as you Who’s Typing: We just implemented a live Who’s Typing feature into our own community. If you're quick, you’ll see a member typing a reply in real time when going to submit your own reply at the form located near the bottom of the topic. Who's Viewing: We implemented a live Who's Viewing feature into topics on our community as well. This may sound familiar to you - we already created a "Recently Browsing" block that shows what members are viewing a topic, however that block was a snapshot over a small chunk of time. The new Who's Viewing feature shows what members are viewing a topic (and when they leave) in the present moment. [BETA] Image processing and moderation We've improved our native search by automatically informing the platform to look for items featured in photos. In this example, a member posted a photo of an apple in a topic. Another member searched for the word "apple.” The platform found his image of an apple. The new smart learning technology will identify as many keywords as possible in an image to make searching faster, more efficient and accurate. [BETA] Sentiment analysis data collection AI that scores a topic based on how positive, neutral, negative or mixed the replies are from members. For example: Sentiment: [99.5000] Positive | [0.0000] Negative | [0.5000] Neutral [BETA] Trending content
  17. This is fair feedback, thank you. We can do better at how we present the news of new features to make it clear which platform and level it is for. I understand how this can cause friction and I should have been more aware of that.
  18. I really liked the Pages suggestion honestly. It's just that it's a complex area of code that we have earmarked to refactor at some point, so it's not something we'd consider before then.
  19. A good number of their community managers and team read these forums and follow our blog. They tell us this a lot. 🙂 As mentioned before, it's not that simple. The architecture we have isn't open and to bring transcoding to all platforms isn't as simple as saying "and now plugin your endpoint here". AWS doesn't have a service where it accepts uploads, puts them in a queue, visually displays processing in progress, processes the queue, transcode it into multiple formats including streaming, move it back into the community's bucket, update the queue system to tell the UI to remove the processing information and start streaming the video. All that is proprietary code we've developed for our cloud platform.
  20. These are good suggestions but most of them require a good amount of framework refactoring to make them possible. Also none of those topics had any traction from a single other Invision Community owner voicing that they wanted the same thing. Fair point and noted, thanks 🙂
  21. https://community.sigames.com/forums/ SI Games are a London games publisher for SEGA best known for Football Manager. We're leveraging AWS S3 bucket transcoding using a custom set up developed by an AWS vendor. The costs associated with transcoding video into a streamable format isn't something we can bring to the other plans.
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