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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. Thanks, I've added this to our bug tracker. I'll see if we can squeeze this fix in before 4.7.0.
  2. If you hold down CMD + V for a few seconds, you'll get multiple pastes. Do you think this is the issue you're seeing?
  3. It doesn't solve the data privacy issue and I'd rather put energy into APIs to make it easier to integrate with third party apps and code.
  4. The last time I worked on the Node form helper, I lost at least 8% of my sanity but it's not a bad idea. How would you represent the matches? Given that you need the parent tree for context. Cars - General Chat - Show your cars Bikes - General Chat - Show your bikes Would you show them as a flat list, like Cars > General Chat Bikes > General Chat Or as a tree with just the child matches visible when opening the parents?
  5. You'd like that to be expanded on loading?
  6. Honestly, I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of third parties directly executing SQL queries on customer databases. If it all goes wrong, we have to dig out back-ups to fix it. This is not a slight on anyone's abilities, I've deleted an entire table of customer tickets with a mistyped query. It happens. We are not going to create a system where third parties have access to the client databases. There is no audit trail for what actions were taken. When our team need to access a cloud site, we complete a reason form which is stored to form part of an audit trail so we know exactly what was accessed and why. We also have to access via a fixed IP address VPN so there is a data trail. We take our cloud customer's security and data very seriously. The SQL toolbox should have been removed a decade ago in all honesty. As we move forward with our cloud platform, more and more SQL tables will be stored centrally and not exposed to the client in any case, meaning admins won't have access to all the data the community uses which could case a lot of confusion. (Edited later to add:) In terms of what to do with debugging, I do sympathise. I generally made prodigious use of the simple \IPS\Log::log( json_encode( $data ), 'argh_send_help' ); logger. I have also in the past used \IPS\Db::i()->select(...); in combination with \IPS\Log::log() to inspect a single row of data.
  7. This is a known limitation at present. We'll see what we can do in a future version.
  8. I've raised an internal bug report for this, thanks for reporting.
  9. Unfortunately this is caused by the CKEditor which is the basis of our editor. I'll have a look and see if there's a plug-in or other solution.
  10. What sort of integration with Calendy would you like? From your description, simply posting the link would make it visible but it's probable that I'm missing what your intentions are. I do agree that it's definitely time to deepen relationships with the community, but that really comes from the people managing the platform, not the platform itself.
  11. I don’t want to lose you, or anyone as a customer.
  12. There are no hints between the lines. There are no secret manoeuvres or plans. I am just stating what is happening and why. This does not mean that we do not value our existing customers or respect the loyalty that has built the foundations of Invision Community.
  13. We did actually start by offering a free version way back in 2002. Honestly, I don't think people really want a collection of PHP scripts in a zip file for free when they can start a Discord for free and skip having to get a host, learn how to administer it, learn how to FTP and CHMOD and create a new database and on and on and on and on. There are plenty of free forum scripts out there that are largely dead which proves this. We've all moved on. I remember the early days of the internet fondly but it's all in the past now.
  14. We've lived through a lot in the past 20 years, so we're well versed in moving with the times and I want to make it clear that we're in a very strong position as a company due to us diversifying years ago. In terms of self-hosting, it is just a shrinking market as shown by this graph showing self-hosted income only. As you can see, it's roughly a quarter of what is was back in 2015 and also where we are now is not a surprise to us. If we halved the cost of self-hosting licenses we would definitely see a bounce in sales for a short time as existing customers picked up second licenses to experiment with other community ideas and we may even pull in a few customers currently using a competitor but not completely happy with that platform but it will be a short lived bounce and not a sustainable increase over time. After a few months, it'll likely return to where we are now but with a significantly increased support burden on half the income. This is something we're discussing for existing license holders.
  15. Here is the biggest barrier to that: there aren't many people to sell to in our market now. Forums have a significant place in a community strategy and we help many migrate from different platforms to us but rarely do communities start on forums now. They start on social media, free tools such as Discord or Slack, or even the new glut of community / creator platforms that start from $9/month. The days of selling low and stacking high are long gone. We just continue to evolve with the market, the same as we always have. We have gone through a cycle of hosted platform updates and new features, this cycle is just about done in terms of development (but not everything has been announced). You will see features coming to all platforms being released soon enough.
  16. We removed it because it's a really dangerous feature that really doesn't belong in a modern community platform. If you want a light weight SQL tool (which is way more comprehensive and feature-rich than our simple tool) then definitely check out Adminer. It's a single PHP file. I use this when working with self hosted clients. It takes seconds to upload and log into. Just remember to remove it when you're done. No need, just upload the single 450kb Adminer file and log in using the conf_global details. It's what I do. 🙂
  17. Yes, this is a good suggestion and something that was raised internally recently.
  18. Technically, 4.6.13 Beta 1 exists but it was just an internal build to test some stuff out here.
  19. Cheers. I can clean up the schema, but it's totally harmless. Just a silent error during the upgrade process.
  20. Ok, it's a hosting issue. I have no idea what, but your server is no longer writing file contents, or creating new directories. I debugged it back to @mk_dir() and this is failing. Your access_log and error_logs are both 0 bytes for today. Directories are not being written, and files are being written with 0 bytes. There really is nothing more we can do. The native PHP command mk_dir() is throwing an error.
  21. I'll take another look but it just isn't writing files.
  22. I found them. Your server is writing 0 byte files, this usually means the disk is full. Check with your host, but it's certainly not an Invision Community issue so unfortunately there's not anything I can do to help.
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