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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. I think "forced" is a bit strong when we are just one community platform vendor. 🙂
  2. Ok, I've run recovery mode, cleared your caches and switched the chatbox back online. Your site is now operating normally.
  3. Hi, I note that you posted this at around 3am my time, and we're at 3pm on the same day and we're already working to help you. 🙂 Can you update your FTP details on file, and I can take a look. I just tried to gain access but the authentication details have changed.
  4. What outgoing email configuration do you use? Those two errors are coming from Spam Assassin, which is server level software and not something we have control of.
  5. Hi Thomas, I've taken a look for you, and I notice that you have around 30 custom plug-ins. The issue is almost certainly caused by one of those. What I suspect is that a memberSync extension has broken code, or perhaps code that tries to load a non-existent member without correct error checking is creating new members. I would disable all plug-ins, and then when you have verified the issue stops with the plug-ins disabled, re-add them one at a time until you find the culprit.
  6. I've just taken a look at the code, and the following issues throw that error: The upload only partially finished No file was uploaded The tmp file doesn't exist The tmp file is not an uploaded file (see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.is-uploaded-file.php) It all points to a hosting issue.
  7. @Cobar The issue is caused by GitHub being down right now. The build process pulls from the latest tagged release, and as GitHub is currently experiencing issues, it's failing there. Once GitHub is back up, it will work fine. https://www.githubstatus.com
  8. Hi John, This can occur for a variety of reasons. We generally suggest taking the long route of downloading the files, uploading them via FTP and running the /admin/upgrade/ upgrader.
  9. I'm always interested in what you'd add if you had control of the roadmap. Let's try not to move this into a debate over how feedback is managed. I'm reading every comment, and there's already a good number of items that I've thought about adding so just reading these suggestions helps validate those ideas and allows me a useful insight into what you'd like based on running your communities. I also read the last topic and took away notes. Development can be slow, we have our pipeline mostly filled until summer so it while it may appear that not much is going on, be assured that lots of things are. We are continuing with the monthly releases. Every month we deliver a new update with dozens of bug fixes and feature tweaks/additions. I like this cadence as it makes each release smaller and more manageable.
  10. The issue is complex but essentially Chrome won't play QuickTime videos. If I remove the QuickTime mime type, it'll play audio but not video. I have made a fix for April's release to fix the fallback link when you upload a video but do not place it in the editor. The only way to truly fix this issue is to transcode videos into a standard format all browsers will playback.
  11. I can reproduce this locally. I'm taking a look.
  12. If you had a magic wand to create a new feature or functionality within Invision Community, what would it be? I'm especially interested in your thoughts for features or improvements to the discussion engine (aka forums), workflows around that such as moderation, reporting content and members, issuing warnings, etc. Here's a list of updates and fixes from our developers made in the last 7 days:
  13. I've had a look and can't see anything really out of the ordinary. The common theme seems to be that those affected are using an iPhone to browse the community. It's a long shot, but worth checking to see if they have private relay enabled or not (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212614) As mentioned above, the key issue is that for some reason, the CSRF is not persisting between clicks. I did see a session row with an ID of 0 which might possibly confuse things. I removed it. Side note, your site is getting hit pretty hard by a bot from AhrefsBot. Unsure if you are aware or not. Someone is spidering your site for SEO information.
  14. That error code is caused by the CSRF key in the link or source being different from the one it is checked against in the code. The most likely cause is sessions being wiped out constantly. So the page loads, and you are issued a session ID, and the CSRF key is generated with this ID as part of the key. This key ends up in links like "do=add&csrf=<keyhere>" When you click a link or perform an action that sends a POST request, this CSRF key is checked against the one generated by the current session. If the session does not persist or is removed at the time the page is loaded, it will not match. It's obviously something that should only happen in incredibly rare circumstances. I will take a quick look at your site.
  15. This isn't a bad feature idea. It wouldn't take much to allow the option of showing specific custom member fields on an invoice. I'll add it to our internal tracker.
  16. That is not right. We have plans for all our current apps. My comment was directed at the idea that we should add in extra functionality to integrate with print on demand services.
  17. Thanks for the update. I did mention that it was likely a server issue on a few occasions here: And here: Also, I believe you reached out to Stuart and he also confirmed it's likely a server session issue. I'm struggling to recall if we've come across this before, but it may be worth checking to see if your server runs Varnish and if so, if it uses any caching that can interfere with sessions.
  18. Ok, you can join the band. Want in? If it helps, I was in a Metallica cover band in school.
  19. Honestly, we want to focus on our strengths and put effort into creating a powerful forum and discussion engine. There are a large number of people that do great cart and fulfilment software. BTW: It's "mee-cham".
  20. Hi, I'm not sure what I can really investigate. It's not an issue with Invision Community and I'm not able to diagnose issues on your server unfortunately. All I can tell is that for some reason, sessions seem to be read later in the execution chain than they should. It's not something I've seen before with our platform. I've moved this into a ticket. Send in your test site details and we'll give it a once over just to be sure.
  21. @Chris Anderson I completely understand your point, but I can't think of many software apps that give an incredible amount of detail during the build of any new version. There's just too much that can go wrong. We move around projects and delay others all the time. I always appreciate your thoughtful insights.
  22. We generally release news of features way in advance of their release, and even then you are not pushed into upgrading immediately. I can't think of a situation where you'd see "surprise" features arrive in your community unannounced unless you choose to not engage with our blog, newsletter, forums and release notes and upgrade blindly.
  23. I've had a quick look at your site, and Google has 31,700 links available by search. I'd definitely check on the crawl progress and check for any crawl errors. It might just be that it needs some time to recover as more content is indexed. What platform did you convert from?
  24. We do periodic SEO updates, our latest focused on crawl budget and efficiency: I'm happy to review your site and see if there's some low hanging fruit we can pick. It is normal to see a temporary drop in traffic when you switch platforms. It's worth checking your Google Search Console for any crawling errors, etc.
  25. Hi David, Diagnosing changes to traffic can be tricky. Do you have any figures or charts to share? Can you either DM me or share the link to the site here?
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