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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. Hi, Unfortunately, I'm not keen on adding a DISTINCT onto that query as this effectively introduces a GROUP BY onto this query which is used very often. It'll not scale well at all. I would use a sub-query and I think this would optimised a lot better for this purpose.
  2. I've re-opened an older ticket @Dexter_X if you want to add any information in there, please do so. I'll check it out today.
  3. If customers would get gold medals for patience, you would get a dozen. I now have 3 communities with the same issue, so I'm hopeful I'll figure it out pretty soon now.
  4. We won't be forcing you to switch from December. The new packages will benefit from new features like Smart Community in 2022. If you are happy on your current plan then that's fine. If you wanted to consider Smart Community, then you can pick a new plan that suits you.
  5. Facebook have deprecated their original oEmbed API, and have a new oEmbed API. The graph API calls look to be the same but the way to get permissions has moved as per the screenshot.
  6. We often have what looks to be duplicate strings, but the context can be very different and in the past we have had requests to ensure that separate translations for each context is available. What makes sense for us in English, German and French doesn't in Korean, Chinese, etc.
  7. 🟢 Scaling your community requires overcoming many barriers and learning new ways of working with your community. Rosie explores this in her blog: How we are at the small scale is who we are at the large scale. "In community, we often say to do things that don't scale. To start small. To get the foundations right. To trust that how we are and what we do is what the community becomes, on a larger scale. Our behaviour, our intentions, our alignment, and our goals all influence what the community can become." 🧠 What we think: There is no right or wrong way to scale your community from its humble beginnings and it can be a lot of hard work but that doesn't mean we should change our core values and how we approach helping others. 🟢 Should you respond to questions before your members? Is a question explored by Richard at Feverbee. "If you (the community manager) respond to a question in a community, other members are less likely to respond. This makes it harder for top members to earn points and feel a sense of influence. But if you don’t respond to a question in a community, it can linger and look bad. It also means the person asking a question is waiting for a response and becoming increasingly frustrated." 🧠 What we think: There are certain areas where you need your team to lead. Right here on this forum we want to provide the best service for our customers so our support team are active and quick to reply to all questions. There are other community-led sections that definitely benefit from allowing time for other members to reply to share their knowledge. It's a good feeling helping others. 🟢 CMX explores how to move your community online. Much of this is great advice for anyone considering moving platform (to Invision Community, right?). "Christiana recommends viewing community migration as a process that requires patiences, “this is not a race meant to be run fast. We are changing the mindset of the people in our ecosystem”. " 🧠 What we think: Patience is definitely key when moving platforms. The sooner you start engaging with your own community and explaining the reasons for the move and the benefits it'll bring, the easier it will be. 🟢 Michelle can't find the bathroom when at a party which inspires a blog on 5 secrets to community onboarding. "Walking into a party without your host can feel confusing, alienating, and frustrating. And for your customers, joining a new community without onboarding is just as bad." 🧠 What we think: Onboarding is critical to your community's success. New members can often feel lost and unsure where to start. It can be intimidating in real life to enter a room full of people that know each other, and this is true in the online space too. 🎧 Podcast: What makes a community a home? Patrick explores this by interviewing members of his own community, which opened 20 years ago and is still going strong. 🧠 What we think: We love hearing about long established communities that are still thriving and hearing how those early online relationships shaped people's lives.
  8. Data when he senses his evil brother Lore is up to no good again.
  9. Yes, that's a sensible idea. I'll make a note.
  10. Appreciate the feedback, I hear you loud and clear.
  11. Yes we do monitor web core vitals and have plans to improve performance.
  12. Matt


    Our November release contains over one hundred bug fixes and improvements including: SEO improvements with improved crawl efficiency New achievement actions for Commerce and Downloads Achievement ranks and points added to the member CSV export Achievement filters added for bulk mail and group promotion New REST API endpoints for reporting and reacting to content Audio files now play in-browser New emails for when a new rank or badge is earned JSON-LD improvement for Pages and Gallery New statistic graphs for many areas including: moderator activity, deleted content, reports, warnings, follows, member preferences, spam defense, QA topics, solved topics by forum and achievement badges by member or member group.
  13. It really depends on how you have structured your database and code. There are areas of the software that we manage caching independently of the rest of the suite, and when we do this, we typically store the data like so: \IPS\Data\Store::i()->yourDataKey = [ 'time' => time(), 'data' => [ ... your data here ... ]; Then when reading you can check 'time' against the current time and make a decision as to whether to use the data or refresh it. For an example of this, check out /system/Widget/Widget.php, around line 879
  14. You'll need to do the caching/refresh logic inside the block itself if you want more control over how long the item is cached for.
  15. I think if you have tags disabled, it's fine to disallow those. Notifications, checkout, subs purchase are all fine to omit. I'm unclear what google will index with 'index.php?*' but this is likely fine as long as you have rewritten friendly URLs on. I'd need to audit to see what 'app=*' would disallow. Generally it should be fine but there may be some functionality that doesn't have a friendly URL. do=download/do=email both fine to disallow. I'll tweak the robots.txt file to include some of those.
  16. Same as my 13 year old. He thinks of Facebook as some ancient relic washed up on the shore. He is either in Playstation Chat, TikTok or WhatsApp.
  17. I agree. My eldest son is 13 and he doesn't want anything to do with it. It probably has less than a decade left in its current form.
  18. I hope Facebook do something interesting or at least stimulate a new market. I don't think Facebook IS evil, I just think the platform is not fit for the number of active users they have.
  19. This is similar to when Google created Alphabet to enable them to expand into other markets. Clearly Facebook understand that it is past its peak and can now only decline so it makes sense for them to look at where they can go next. I'm not overly keen on living in a Facebook universe though.
  20. As Stuart mentions, a permalink has to be dynamic to account for issues arising when deleting posts (the page may change) or merging topics, etc. However, it's of little use to guests so they have been removed in November's release.
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