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  1. Haha
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Sonya* in Movies   
    I'm confused, this is not my app nor my site. Only posted the link because I knew the app is installed on that site.
  2. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to McAtze in Movies   
    This is my site. Actually I am on vacation, but if you have any styling question with the movie app I can give you advice after 15th September.
  3. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Adriano Faria in Movies   
    This is the @McAtze site. As far as I can see, stock install of the app.
  4. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from SC36DC in Movies   
    You can see it live on this site https://hobbykeller.club/movies/
  5. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to xtech in Ugh...   
    I believe that a more descriptive title would help the community of the board.
    If everyone does the same we will have "ugh" "yay" "wow" titles which help no other people which may have the same problems.
  6. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Feneroin in how can we add other social profile link in footer (android)   
    There are at least two applications in the marketplace for additional social icons, afaik with one of them it should be possible.
    [edit] Quick and dirty? Replace template siteSocialProfiles with this ...
    {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles AND $links = json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles, TRUE ) AND \count( $links )}} <style> .cShareLink_android { background: #689F38; } .cShareLink_apple { background: #F76BC1; } </style> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.android.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_android' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-android'></i></a> </li> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.apple.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_apple' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-apple'></i></a> </li> {{foreach $links as $profile}} <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='{$profile['key']}' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_{$profile['value']}' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-{$profile['value']}'></i></a> </li> {{endforeach}} {{endif}}
  7. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Movies   
    You can see it live on this site https://hobbykeller.club/movies/
  8. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Sonya* in No import/export for form templates?   
    Good morning guys,
    recently imported a database into another site and everything was fine as usual, only the modified form template was missing.
    Is this a bug or are form templates not meant to export?
    Best regards
  9. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Fosters in Bookmarks - Support Topic   
    In the past it was possible to have multiple versions of the same item in the Marketplace wich is obsolete with 4.5, I guess one of the files is just for an older IPS-Version. Haven't used this for some time, but I guess the 1.6.1 is the latest version for 4.4.
    Just Installed it for testing, have you set usergroup permissions for who can bookmark too? https://prnt.sc/ubwdid
  10. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Fosters in Bookmarks - Support Topic   
    [edit] If you are on 4.5.x and still don't see the Booksmarks button in the posts, you have to edit the post template manually. From 4.4 to 4.5 the code of the theme has changed and it looks like the old hook isn't working anymore.
    But you can fix that manually until this addon is updated. Just go to Customization -> Themes and click on the </> Icon. In the list of the forums scroll down to forums -> front -> topics -> post.
    In that template search for <li class='ipsHide' data-role='commentLoading'> and insert this code above...
    {{if $comment->canBookmark()}} <li>{template="bookmarkLink" app="bookmark" group="bookmark" location="global" params="$comment"}</li> {{endif}} The other method would be editing the hook itself, but I guess that's too complicated for beginners.
  11. Haha
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Nathan Explosion in Youtube Embeds   
    And my instructions say.....
  12. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from INDIG0 in Youtube Embeds   
    constants.php doesn't come by default, you have to create it.
  13. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Nathan Explosion in Mobile: Enter/Backspace hide keyboard   
    Bugtastic - tested on both IPS 4.4.10 and 4.5.1, on a OnePlus 5, running Android 10
    issue occurs with Chrome 85.0.4183.81 (both app version & Chromium version, via chrome://version) issue doesn't occur with Firefox 80.1.2 Edge (app version)/77.0.3865.116 (chromium version, via edge://version)  
    Feel free to play around with a non-IPS CKEDITOR 4 implementation: https://test.ynwa.tv/ckeditor/ck4.html, then a bug report could be submitted to Google and/or CKEDITOR
    CKEDITOR bug submitted
    Actually a duplicate of https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/issues/4252
    Which, in turn, is a Chrome bug https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1121179
    I've verified it as fixed in Chrome Beta, and in Chrome Dev
    Note: CKEDITOR 5 explicitly uses <p> for enter key, with <br> being the action for shift+enter (that's going to be fun on here if IPS go to CK5 at a later point)
  14. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Morgin in MS IE warning   
    There is no legitimate reason anyone or any organization should be using IE. If you have users stuck on it, that sucks, but it’s akin to having users tell you they unfortunately are stuck on 14.4k dialup and find the site loads too slowly. 
    IE is dead. Let it Rest In Peace. 
  15. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Justin Stellman in Bookmarks - Support Topic   
    Thanks @Vort3x Not sure if this is you that I tagged but I did allt hat you said it it seems to be working now. Thank you!!
  16. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Day_ in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    Not wanting to get anyones backs up with this but I've read all 3 pages and feels like IPS are under attack here, maybe justifiably so in some cases, but just wanted to chime in and go against the grain, I'm happy with IPS terms and conditions and have no issues keeping an active licence for your continued development and support. 
    11 years in having been through vBulletin, Xenforo to get here my members have never been happier with the platform. 
    My forum is monetised well and covers all costs, renewal fees are just part of the outgoings to ensure my community is refreshed with new features and security fixes.
  17. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Saurabh Jain in how can we add other social profile link in footer (android)   
    There are at least two applications in the marketplace for additional social icons, afaik with one of them it should be possible.
    [edit] Quick and dirty? Replace template siteSocialProfiles with this ...
    {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles AND $links = json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles, TRUE ) AND \count( $links )}} <style> .cShareLink_android { background: #689F38; } .cShareLink_apple { background: #F76BC1; } </style> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.android.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_android' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-android'></i></a> </li> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.apple.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_apple' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-apple'></i></a> </li> {{foreach $links as $profile}} <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='{$profile['key']}' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_{$profile['value']}' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-{$profile['value']}'></i></a> </li> {{endforeach}} {{endif}}
  18. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Fosters in Bookmarks - Support Topic   
    I guess he means if you want to use bookmarks in pages you have to add some code in the templates manually, right?
    If you don't use pages, you can skip that step. 
  19. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Aiwa in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    You make my point exactly. While you have graciously contributed to the MP, props given, you are not the type of developer that sells in the MP for a living. Such resources have a greater tendency to go unmaintained. Not saying you aren’t keeping your resource up to date. 
    Many developers don’t just sell in the MP. They use their MP resources to get their name on the board with a reputation. Those devs then do contract work with private clients using IPS to truly make their living. 
    We’ve most certainly strayed from the OP’s goal. 
    Generally speaking, if you submit a ticket to IPS, and you’re not URL hoping frequently, they are sometimes gracious and do a reset without the fee. At least that was my experience some time ago. 
  20. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Aiwa in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    I know someone mentioned it before about devs maintaining an active license in order to sell in the marketplace.
    I pose a conundrum... How can a developer, selling in the marketplace, both develop and test their resource, for the latest IPS version, when they do not have legitimate access to the latest IPS version?
    I get that many are both afraid of change and concerned with making ends meet. Everyone is in a different place financially with both themselves and their communities. I foot the entire bill for 2 communities and their server out of pocket. One with all IPS apps and the other with all but one. Both licenses are always active. Can / would everyone do that? For the vast majority I’d guess no. But it goes to show the diversity of clients.
  21. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to DesignzShop in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    I know IPB has taken the action needed however, when a illegal sites in another country there's only so much anyone can do. I myself have turned in the site you're referring to Google several times and so has some others. Nothing has been, ever.
    So then what's the purpose to upgrade other than features which are only added during major upgrades? How's IPB supposed to turn a profit, pay devs, pay for support and other bills, taxes etc... etc... Renewals are a major asset to IPB or they wouldn't have them.
    here's a great example, I make themes and also charge recurring fees every 6 months, so do most other devs. Why do you think we do that? It's not because we are greedy. It's because a 35.00 theme doesn't cover future support, development of new features and more. After IPB gets its cut, I get $27.50 USD I will wrap up 35.00 USD and more sometimes with a lot of customers in a half hour of free support alone plus I've lost the cost of the sale of my theme. Am I supposed to double the cost of my theme for answering support on what's most of the time custom situations outside of the realm of my theme? There's a laundry list as to why a person may need additional support including giving out free support for those other devs who refuse to follow the IPB css framework again just as an example. "Well I downloaded this plugin and your colors don't match" It's not my fault someones plugin uses it's own css but yet what do I do? Charge them? No, I take care of my customers the best I can. I'm not in this to break even or make no profit, considering I make a little profit as it is. This thread has seriously become left field.
  22. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to DesignzShop in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    Not really but... IPB is not XF or anything else. You choose IPB and now you expect them to change their business model for you. You know what to do if you don't like it or can't afford it!
    That's called a suggestion, no ones forcing you to do anything. Calling IPB greedy however especially when you choose their business model or expecting them to cater to you over covid is very unreasonable. Using covid to deplete a business of funds is out there. My mortgage company didn't let me off the hook for covid nor did my vehicle finance company. I guess you should of better planned out your finances and future.
    Well, if you would of comprehended what I said, I ran it for 13 years, in other words I don't have it anymore. My little drummers forum when I did have it was visited by the biggest names in the music business from Alice Cooper's current drummer to many more big names you couldn't even imagine. Many of these drummers are still friends of mine. Successful site it was I could afford and maintain with proper planning. So I guess maybe you should stick to your small joystick Garry's kiddie community with better planning or use a application that fits your budget better. If you're crying over $15.00 USD or renewals you obviously have financial issues and planned poorly.
  23. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from BankFodder in Google search box near the top of the forum ??   
    Simply move the Google code, you maybe take a look at the quickSearch template.
    If you show me the code, I can take a look later.
  24. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to jaeitee in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    If you're going to go underlining things at least have a basic understanding of what it is that you actually own before going all out aggressive on others 🙂 
    A lack of updates does not indicate a good security record.  In fact it can quite often indicate the exact opposite as it's a direct result of a lack of testing.
    This is you pushing your arbitrary view forward on what is the 'right way' and what isn't.  There's many successful phpBB forums out there, and in fact that free platform has outlasted many commercial variants over the years due to the very nature of its ecosystem and how it's supported.  Portraying that using a platform like phpBB is not the 'right way' is not only disingenuous, it's insulting the the thousands of people in that community and the developers that have maintained the software for two decades.

    You may not like what IPS is doing, that's fine and you're entitled to that opinion but making stuff up doesn't really encourage anyone outside your echo chamber to agree with you.
  25. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from kmk in Grid card stylish   
    In this case you don't need CSS edits, the code above is the modified template to make the card look like on the second screenshot.
    Just replace the whole forumGridItem template with that. If you don't like it, revert it.
    If you want to hide something via CSS it looks like this...
    .whatever { display: none; }  
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