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  1. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Daniil145 in Support for Telegram Login Handler   
    Привет я получаю аналогичную ошибку, все настройки перепроверил многократно.
    Exception: Data is NOT from Telegram (0) #0 /applications/telegramlogin/interface/telegram/auth.php(25): checkTelegramAuthorization() #1 {main}
  2. Haha
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Gabriel Torres in Broken images   
    Unfortunatelly Lindy forbid me of opening support tickets. Cheers.
  3. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: pages, pages, pages   
    More flexibility in the possible layout options.  For example the ability to drop rows and columns on a page and then populate them with blocks and databases. 
    The flexibility to change column widths providing the mix of columns all add up to 100% - i.e. 40/20/40 or 50/25/25 or 40/60 or 50/50 you get the idea.
    That's my tuppence worth 🙂
    I almost forgot pagination for long articles so they are not one long continuous run - add in the ability to determine at what length pagination occurs.
  4. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Claudia999 in Hump Day: pages, pages, pages   
    Hi @Jordan Invision
    we use Pages a lot I think. On my wishlist are still
    more possibilities for interaction with our community in articles - polls, surveys, forms etc. Schema.org markers as FAQ or How-to SEO features – more than meta keywords and meta description as now, but also SEO title, settings for no-follow etc. per article or Pages database entry a "Table of content" by default, which can be switched off per article additional fields for images (alt text, title, caption, credit, license, image source as URL and so on) better management and SEO options for images background images for categories as for forums grid viewtext area for category descriptions (and not only one text field) an option to show category descriptions only on category sites and not in categories overview. widgets per category and not for all categories together (yes, there's an app for that) the option to set multiple authors for one article snippet preview at least in ACP better options in menu manager to include a single entry from a Pages database (an article for example). So many menu entries are "external links" but actually "things" in Pages. Before we switched from WordPress to Pages, our pain point was for a long time the ugly standard template. I think you give away a lot of potential with the developer driven, more technocratic template. If you want to convince people about Pages, you need a nice article template out of the box. (You should hire @opentype completely 🙂) Once Pages is understood, the many possibilities become more accessible.
  5. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Greek76 in Movies   
    You can do that with custom fields in the app. I can post a screenshot when I'm back home. 
    [edit] Ok, actually, you don't even need a custom field at all. You type in the name of the movie and the API fetches all infos from an external database. The movie description will be placed in an editor field. In that field you can put your YouTube link or even use html...

    In this example I use some extra fields because because the stream itself and some more stuff are for a special usergroup only. It then looks something like this ...

  6. Agree
    WP V0RT3X reacted to opentype in Delivery app?   
    If you can fund it, anything is possible.
    But I would say it’s too specialized and too far away from most IPS communities to make a lot of sense as a product for multiple users. Instead of building it just for Invision Community, an established delivery software could be used and then only linked with Invision Community regarding logins and user roles. That’s the only thing that would make financial and practical sense, in my opinion. 
  7. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Articles thumbnail required   
  8. Agree
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Hisashi in Articles thumbnail required   
    "This plugin is not compatible with the chosen version."
    This new system from invision is sometimes a problem... as it's a simple plugin it's probably compatible, but it doesn't allow downloading.
    @Adriano Faria could help?
  9. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Hisashi in Articles thumbnail required   
  10. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to SaebMsarwa in Movies   
    Thank you, really appreciate your help.
  11. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to TAMAN in mdPanel - Material Design IPS Theme [ support topic ]   
    I have no idea who you are i have never talked or messaged with you lol? 
    these things you say comes from another user i talked with in the private messages 
    how and why do you know all this??? why did you change your name after i said you are suspicious? and especially after posting a bad review with a different user name by mistake? 😄 
    you are 100% one of the dudes from the nulled sites. you got something for free now leave me alone stop posting any more im not going to refund you the theme you bought 😄 
  12. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to bing11 in (NB43) Filter By Tags   
    please help upgrade with 4.6 
    thank you 
  13. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Claudia999 in TDB Posts (41x)   
    The "Neueste Beiträge" HERE is TDB Posts v1.0.5.1 
    We are using it since the beginnning of the site and it still seems to work fine.
  14. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Saurabh Jain in Video hosting solution in For IPS?   
    Possible yes, but I would reccomend the Videos addon from the Marketplace. But since even that doesn't offer all the features to keep up with a CMS like Mechbunny or AVS, I use a very custom pages database for my own little video hosting.
  15. Haha
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Karina Harumi in Is it safe to upgrade to 4.6.4? Did an error occur?   
    Sure, no risk no fun 🤣
  16. Haha
    WP V0RT3X reacted to AlexWebsites in Marketplace Plugin and App Update Approval Timeline   
    No, but probably to "hang" the topic starter for asking. Wait....that's me!
  17. Agree
    WP V0RT3X reacted to A Zayed in Marketplace Plugin and App Update Approval Timeline   
    New update submitted __ wait for period of 5 days to 20 days __ Some notes on the submitted file __ another 5 days to 20 days review time... and so on.
    And finally, you have to...

  18. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Movies   
    Then commerce sucks 🤣
  19. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Miss_B in +15 Developers   
    In addition to contact privately the developers listed there, you can start a topic in this very same forum as well, outlining the project(s) that you want to get developed. You might get more takers that way.
  20. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to CodingJungle in Developer Center Bugs: Default Inserts   
    just fyi, i got annoyed with the interface issues, and on my toolbox app, one of the tabs that is added is "table imports", this allows you to insert the data thru like phpmyadmin/adminer and then import it into your application. 
  21. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to opentype in Links Directory   
    As far as I understand it, the Marketplace really works like that. A resource can only be available for multiple IC versions, if ONE VERSION of that resource supports all those IC versions. If there is a version for 4.5 and the developer makes a separate 4.6 version available, users on 4.5 won’t see that product anymore since the current release restricts the product to 4.6 only. The developers and theme designers wouldn’t be able to do anything about that. I guess we will see a lot of complaints about that problem now. It didn’t exist before, since the older resources before 4.5 were all manual downloads anyway. 
  22. Agree
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Sonya* in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    I think there are two different use cases:
    Editor for user-generated content. Should be simple, not too many options, clear and foolproof. I think that the actual IPS editor fulfills the requirement. Editor for articles wrote by admin. Should be powerful, have many options (text positioning, blocks, columns, grids, custom code pieces, custom styles, extendable with SEO and other plugins, have additional extensions via Marketplace etc.) For this case, the actual IPS editor is not enough. 
  23. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to 13. in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
  24. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to beats23 in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    Ck editor is bad because IPS workers fail to update the editor, always 200 miles behind the official ck editor version.
  25. Agree
    WP V0RT3X reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    When doing your refresh can you also take a look at the help files?  Some are way out of date and most don't give clear examples on how to implement some of the options available.  Not everyone is a PHP coder, but many don't mind getting their hands dirty now and then to make some positive changes to their sites.
    An example would be (and this is just an example as it comes to mind) - how to implement Google Maps.  The instructions are out of date and it was a minefield navigating how to set it up - I gave up at the finish.  Another would be how to use custom fields and how to best use them, including any CSS examples that are needed to dress those fields so they look the part. Plain English examples are needed.
    I'm sure that a lot of people would appreciate being able to make changes without any horror stories occurring.  As the suite evolves so should the help files and if you are including community enhancements that involve third parties, who are also evolving, then the help files should reflect this.  I believe this is just as important as a site refresh and apologies for hijacking the topic, but a refresh should be more than just some site cosmetics 🙂
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