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Posts posted by Malwarebytes Forums



    I'm not sure exactly what has changed on the UI for what appears to be the data-mentionid but some users notice they can no longer see the names due to poor color choice.

    It has changed it on all my modified themes (I get it, I'm responsible for those) but even the Default Theme does not show it properly for some users. It works for me, but not everyone.

    @Malwarebytes Forums

    Here above I can see the white on blue and quite readable

    On our themes some see it as this on the Default Theme

    Could contain: File, Text



    On some darker themes it look like this now. The names are there, you simply cannot see them unless you select and highlight them.



    Could contain: Text


    Again, I understand that I'm responsible for any modified themes. But for some of our users the Default Theme is producing the same issue. On my system I cannot duplicate it on the Default Theme but based on the screenshots above they provided they are having the issue.



    Current code as of 3/17/2023 on IPS v4.7.8

    a[data-mentionid], .cToken {
        background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba( var(--theme-mentions), 0.25 ), rgba( var(--theme-mentions), 0.25 ));
        color: rgb( var(--theme-mentions) );

    a[data-mentionid] {
        display: inline-block;
        border-radius: 20px;
        padding: .1em .8em;
        font-size: 90%;
        background: rgb( var(--theme-mentions) );
        color: #fff;
        text-decoration: none !important;


    From a 2020 post



    a[data-mentionid] {
      background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, {hextorgb="mentions" opacity=".15"}, {hextorgb="mentions" opacity=".15"});
      color: {hextorgb="mentions" opacity="1"};
    a[data-mentionid]:hover {
      background-image: linear-gradient({hextorgb="mentions" opacity=".22"}, {hextorgb="mentions" opacity=".22"});
      color: {hextorgb="mentions" opacity="1"};

    There is also this post, but doesn't seem to be the same issue



    Is this a bug or what can be done to correct it so that it does work properly on the Default Theme for all my users? Then I suppose I'll have to figure out what has changed there and see if I can update my modified themes.

    Thank you for you input on this issue.




  2. You don't have to send them a password reset request. Also, they have not seemed to take the time to change the email address associated with the account so if you did change the password, I don't think they'll get the reset request.



    The password set here will not be sent to the member, so that information must be delivered to them manually. Alternatively, you can force this user to reset their password themselves. 


    For our purposes, these users have not logged in or posted in years so we're okay flagging them as spammers.


  3. We had 20 accounts that have logged into the forums from the same IP since 1/14/2023
    The IP address resolves to server-109-107-166-230.vmbox.cloud
    Moscow, Moscow, 109044, Russian Federation

    3/4 were shown compromised on https://haveibeenpwned.com/

    We had about 5 that showed no breach found in their database, but assume as others that some other database or underground site has them listed and were used on a fishing expedition.

    We placed the IP into our Clean Talk to also block that IP

    At this point we have to assume that all 20 accounts are now compromised and flag them as spammers. In checking, aside from the spam posts these accounts have not posted in years anyways.



  4. I am not a Web Designing or coding person but with a couple of minor CSS edits from replies by a couple other members here, I was able to pretty easily create a dark theme using the built-in tools. 

    Having a slider to switch could probably also be coded by someone more knowledgeable in Web design but click to change theme is not all that hard either and once set not too many are actually toggling back and forth. Most seem to set it and leave it.



  5. Unless the Marketplace is referenced differently here on the forums, I don't see an obvious way to restrict my search returns to the Market place.

    In custom search I don't see an option for Marketplace to restrict my search to that area of the fourms.



  6. We were using CleanTalk to block and prevent spammers and it was working very well for us until IPS upgraded to version 4.5 and the plugin then needed to modified into an Application instead of a Plugin. I'm not sure what all is involved but it looks like CleanTalk is struggling with making it work with IPS 4.5x

    I don't know about the rest of you but with using CleanTalk we probably got about 2 spammers a week that got through. Now with CleanTalk gone we are slowly creeping back up and at times now get a dozen spammers getting through every day.

    Last year we also imported a huge email domain not-allowed list that helped a lot but adding CleanTalk made a night and day difference and after a few weeks of training we went from 50 or more spam posts per day to maybe 2 a week or less.

    What are other using to help prevent Spammers from posting? The IPS Spam Defense just is not cutting it. It does catch some but not many.

    IPS Spam Defense has blocked just over 20 million threats, spammers.

    Akismet has blocked over 500 Billion threats, spammers.


    Has anyone used this plugin below? What are your thoughts about it?

    Support Anti-Spam 1.0.0


    Personally I'd like to see IPS step up their game. If CleanTalk was able to make a huge spam issue almost disappear as a plugin I'd think IPS knowing their code intimately would be able to do the same thing for their own product and thus helping all their customers achieve a much higher success rate at blocking spammers.

    Suggestions and feedback welcome on what you're using to help prevent Spam posters.

    Thank you

  7. 13 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Also, I can make any topic here on IPS be the most viewed topic in whole IPS history by simply installing a browser extension that refreshes the page at X seconds, like https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/page-refresh/hmooaemjmediafeacjplpbpenjnpcneg?hl=pt-BR

    Boom, my topic will be the most important with absolutely no relevant content in it. Just #views increased.

    Actually I would hope that IPS has code to prevent a count up in the case of such a tool as it should be considering the cookie as well. Almost a security issue or close to it if it's allowing that.

  8. The current Reputation and Reaction feature could use some enhancements. Currently it's either ON or OFF.  It does allow Groups to be excluded which is good.

    We would like to see the following additional features added at some point soon in the future

    • Reputations - Filter by Forums, On/Off per forum
    • Reputations - Exclude by Member, On/Off
    • Reactions - Customizable count for maximum reactions in a set period of time on per User level


  9. The current Saved Actions cannot be reordered by alphanumeric, date, etc. Nor can they be graphically moved similar to how forums can be moved by drag-n-drop

    I would like to suggest the ability to move the Saved Actions similar to how forums can be, and/or other methods of sorting. 

    As they are now, once created they stay in that order which is not always optimal or a desired outcome


  10. http://youtube-nocookie.com/
    Updated Date: 2019-12-22T10:37:46Z
    Creation Date: 2009-01-23T20:25:05Z
    Registry Expiry Date: 2021-01-23T20:25:05Z

    OrgName:        Google LLC
    OrgId:          GOGL
    Address:        1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
    City:           Mountain View
    StateProv:      CA
    PostalCode:     94043

    Video with Privacy Enhanced Moded (NoCookie URL) are broken

    Embed videos & playlists

    YouTube Embedded Players and Player Parameters

    Add YouTube functionality to your sites and apps.


  11. That's already been supported for years now. I believe he wants to have some sort of built-in audio/video creation tool. To be hosted only on their site maybe? 

    On your own site, with your own hosted video you can decide who sees it and who does not. Very little decision on who sees your stuff on YouTube


  12. Nothing wrong with new features, good suggestion I'm sure.

    However, audio and video can very quickly increase data storage requirements as well as load times. I'm sure something could be done to easily address load times but disk space is another matter. Though it's in the Cloud it still takes up a lot of space especially as the site becomes more popular and more and more people use such a feature.

    Would you be willing to pay an additional data storage fees and bandwidth fees if you're hosting with IPS?



  13. 19 minutes ago, Lindy said:

    I digress and am happy to concede that we simply disagree and that's ok. 

    Yes, nothing wrong with disagreeing. Probably by the 3rd or 4th post had someone from support said something like, "We appreciate your concerns but at this time we no longer support that feature. Thank you"  This topic would have stopped at page 1 

    As noted in line number 1 of this post (post number TBD after submission) in topic ID 457939 (I kid, I kid! Too soon?) - I do apologize for the seeming hostility. You're right in that we needn't agree on subject, but I don't want you to feel disrespected personally.

    😃 All good. Perhaps just a tough day and too many months cooped up. Sorry about that.

    Thank you and your team for your support



  14. 18 hours ago, Lindy said:


    believe me, cluttering up the interface with inconsequential numbers, is by ALL modern web standards - a step backwards.

    More personal opinion, derides others opinions and attempts to alienate others that don't believe the same thing you believe


    1) It's 2020 - post 390 right now, may not be 390 5 minutes from now or may not even be 390 right now to another user.

    Well, unless you're not telling the truth then the ID will remain the same regardless of where it's moved to. You can't have it  both ways. Either it's Dynamic with regards to moving around or it's not. Saying it acts like a static post # would seem to be inaccurate or you're attempting to mislead people because you didn't read the entire post? 

    I can't imagine you would tell a colleague "Hey Bob, check out tweet 9832441068311 on Tim's twitter feed" 

    Wow, are you really trying to associate Twitter or other social media to forum software? Wow, not even close to the same product or intent. But okay, thanks for your comparisons of water to rocks, because you know what I wouldn't attempt to do it either. Obviously developing and building software is not the same as actually using it daily to support people, not just chat and spew like on Twitter. Forum software allows a business to actually track, monitor, and help users. It is an impossible task to help someone on Twitter or similar social media software. One doesn't just say go check out post X on a forum. You're in a very specific thread not a random thread, not one of potentially thousands from a specific user as your Twitter analogy. Quoting or posting the link 30, 40 or more times is annoying. Please see ID # 390 for common issues that Support Personnel have memorized requires no copy, no paste, no lookups, nothing but a quick reference that would only apply to that thread.


    I would be extremely annoyed if someone sent me an arbitrary ID number for content I'm suppose to find myself when they could literally click the date of the post and send me the link to it.

    The ID number is not arbitrary, see reply above, and that is your prerogative but for myself on the other hand seeing a quote 30 times for the same entry in a thread is annoying and waste space, data, and time. Again, no one is telling you to put it back in your precious software but I am getting rather tired of you trying to vilify me as a customer for something I like. DON'T PUT IT BACK I really don't care but stop telling me how advanced and modern you are and that I'm a neophyte if I don't agree . In the 30 years I've been doing support there have been well over a thousand start up companies that thought their new modern ways were the best. Guess what they're no longer in business. I get that the flow of UI/XU changes over time and as a customer you're sort of stuck with it, but at least I don't have the bigger companies posting back telling me as a customer that my opinions are inconsequential

    Go check out how many apps Slack supports today, hundreds. Come back in 5 years from now and tell me how many of those same companies that are so "modern" are still in business. I'll bet you at least 30% or more go out of business. It takes a lot more than being modern to sustain and keep customers.

    [oh, and let me spell it out. No, I did not say that in some attempt to have you put back some old feature, my point is please try to be respectful to your customers as well as build good software]

    I really wasn't even going to reply again because it's like beating a dead horse...






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