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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. Hey, we have published the first article of a series about upcoming 4.6 changes. We took the opportunity for some spring cleaning, so we have removed most of the deprecated methods! They were all marked as deprecated for a while, so you should already be aware of these methods, but here’s a full list of the methods and the new approaches to make your life easier, so if you haven’t already, now it’s the best time to review your code and make sure that none of these methods is used. Most of the changes can already be implemented while the 4.5.x lifecycle.
  2. In some cases, the group won't matter. Even if the user is in the admin group, he won't be able to access the ACP if the admin group was removed from being able to access the ACP ( Admin => Members => Administrators) Anyway, please see your ticket reply so that we can resolve this ASAP 🙂
  3. 500 errors should be logged in the servers error log
  4. There was a setting in vBulletin where you could define a time cutoff ( 30 days by default) and then it would just count the members which were online in these last X days and return them as active members. Quite useless statistic for the frontend IMO:)
  5. The recent submission of the 2.2.0 final release was unfortunately not approved, because it wasn’t following our marketplace guidelines .
  6. Hi, Do you mean real apiendpoints using the IPS REST API or regular own controllers inside app/modules/front/... ? If the latter, then you can use the Application::allowOfflineAccess method to control if the specific page should be accessible even in offline mode. /** * Can view page even when site is offline * * @param \IPS\Application\Module $module The module * @param string $controller The controller * @param string|NULL $do To "do" parameter * @return bool */ public function allowOfflineAccess( \IPS\Application\Module $module, $controller, $do )
  7. That's intentional, IN_DEV uses the applications/x/dev/lang.php files You'll have to enable this via the DEV_USE_FURL_CACHE constant You an disable this by setting the IN_DEV_STRICT_MODE constant to false.
  8. No We're providing a list of all changes incl. BC breaks once we release the first BETA version.
  9. I guess that's the problem then 😉 You'll need the dev files for all installed apps and plugins
  10. We have removed the CSRF key in many areas for 4.6 . Not sure about the filters
  11. We have fixed here few issues for an upcoming release:)
  12. Please submit a ticket so that we can take a look at this.
  13. Take a look at the log, then you'll know how many calls are being made;) That said, there's no way to disable logging globally, but you can enable/disable the logging for each endpoint.
  14. You can change this on the REST API - API Log page, but there's no way to disable the logging, you can only reduce the timeframe to 1 day.
  15. We have a free 3rd party app in our marketplace which could be used for this.
  16. Have you banned gmail? Review your ban filters in your ACP => Members => Ban Setting
  17. I guess you're meaning the new block inside topics? The feature is called Topic Summary and you can edit the settings or disable this feature completely in your ACP on the Forum Settings Page.
  18. What's eating up the space? The database or files on your filesystem? Are your tasks running? If not, the cleanup task which cleans up stuff like the guest cache is never called, which would explain a huge increase in the database size.
  19. Sounds like an issue with URL rewrites. Review your SEO settings in the ACP and make sure that the 4.5 htaccess file is present in the communities root directory.
  20. Does the user have permissions to edit the blog?
  21. Make sure that the PHP redis extension is available and enabled on your web container.
  22. Do you have any examples so that we can clean this up?
  23. You could probably use our live meta tags editor https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/promotion/seo-r295/ to add your custom og:image files https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/getting-started/basic-link/
  24. Yea, that's def. caused by a hook. You can identify the broken app or plugin by checking the core_hooks table for id= 383
  25. Is anything being logged in your system log or the servers error log? I've seen this happening with 3rd party theme hooks wich receive randomly broken data.
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