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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. There is no way in which to do this at present, no. I'm a little consused as to what you mean by members having access to items they shouldnt have, as this is an admin function
  2. You can request backups any time you need there. We have no plans at present to provide backup functionality that includes no data.
  3. I believe what you are referring to here on the side of the software, is actually customisations on your own site. You would need to speak to the author of those customisations in order to gain assistance
  4. I would suggest disabling all 3rd party items and testing this first of all. I did also notice from your logs that your cron job is calling the tasks using php 7 and not php 8. While this will not be causing the registration problem, it will cause issues elsewhere.
  5. Sorry, Im a little confused here. Did you mean you set them to be able to see pending versions, rather than setting them not to be able to see?
  6. If its not loading at all in some locations, this would also potentially cause issues unfortunatly.
  7. And on this end, doesnt appear to even load at all.
  8. There is no facility for this at present
  9. There is no such function for this at the present time, no
  10. We dont really have any control over how your mysql instance stores data, so that would probably be a question for your hosting company really. If the rows had increased (and therefore what data we had in there) then of course that would be us, but the size its using on disk would be your host
  11. You would need to contact your email provider on this issue. If the mail provider neither accepted the message nor provided an error, there is only them who can assist you
  12. This is something you would need to post up on the community hive site, which you can find in the following location https://talk.communityhive.com/ It does seem a few people have been having issues there, so will see if I can get someone to take a look and see whats happening on that.
  13. Sorry, its still not clear what you are trying to do here. Are you trying to amend the embed with your own javascript?
  14. They wouldn't. no. In scenarios like that, it would generally be expected that the moderator would provide some information to the user
  15. There isnt really any way of us know whether or not a user would sign in
  16. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  17. I have created a new ticket on this for you. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  18. Ive split this into its own topic Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  19. Before I get this escalated, could you please disable all 3rd party items. With those disabled, do a post as that person and see if it gets promoted.
  20. What you would do here is a manual upgrade. So you would update your PHP version to PHP 8, which of course would break the site. Upload a fresh set of files from your client area, and run the upgrader from /admin/upgrade
  21. If they have now stopped being logged, I suspect its likely our end and will let people know. Do let us know if you see them occurring again though.
  22. There is no way in which to do this without customisation, so indeed it would be a plugin required for something like this
  23. Please could you provide me with an example member? I can then take a look for you and see whats happening
  24. Please update your site to the latest release in the first instance. You appear to be a few versions behind. Once this is done, check again. If you are then still having issues, disable all 3rd party items to test, as you have quite a few errors in the system logs related to 3rd party
  25. While it doesnt quote the content, it does link to the content if given from that post. The issue here I believe is in how you are giving the warning. You can do it by pointing at the name in the post, clicking the moderator options button (3 dots) and you will see warn user there. If you go to their profile itself, the system has no way to know what you are giving the warning for
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