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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. If you are looking for additions to the software there, you would need to post this up within our suggestions area. It sounds like what you are referring to there however if posts, which are not deleted at present.
  2. We still appear to be awaiting examples here and access details. Are you still needing to update us with that, or have you since resolved the issue yourself there?
  3. Please could you provide the above information? We can then assist you where possible
  4. Did the above resolve the problem for you, or do you require further assistance with that?
  5. Have you already resolved this? If not, we would need those details in order to advise
  6. Did you do the above? And if so, have you now got the problem sorted?
  7. Did upgrading sort the issue for you there?
  8. I am not seeing that issue on my own install here, after having checked this, so if you can provide that access, we can take a look if needed
  9. Sorry, it seems your last message may have been missed. Do you have an example of this on your site?
  10. Do you have an example of this, or did you find it was not the items mentioned by my colleague?
  11. Hope you managed to get this resolved on your site. 🙂
  12. Just to update here, I was not able to replicate the issue in my own testing, so it seems it was indeed just your instance there.
  13. Just updating from the ticket notes from my colleague
  14. Not sure if you missed my message above, but we need more information as to what you mean there
  15. Did you find that moving your host resolved the issues there?
  16. I see this was sorted out for you in your ticket, so will mark this as resolved. As mentioned by my colleague, its very likely the issue was related to the server move there, but should you see it happen in future, of course let us know.
  17. Have you since resolved this? I noticed there hasnt been a response from you, and wanted to ensure you were sorted
  18. Looking at the ticket there, we are still awaiting access details for this
  19. You would not be able to use wildcards for those, no. It has to be the values you are expecting only.
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