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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Im not sure what you mean there. That is indeed definitive. Essentially however it was a design decision. Your use case there is very unique in nature. In most scenarios we find that its because people need to be able to link to posts to refer to them etc, which is still very much possible (you just click on the time in the post).
  2. Markdown is not Something available within the software at present
  3. When none are selected on the right, it should show all. Are the other forums there also selected to be fluid view?
  4. check browser related plugins and any clipboard tools you may have on your system. The issue you are having there can only really be happening from your systems end. ie. its pasting twice.
  5. As mentioned, you can only really do this at a server level. There is nothing within the software itself that would allow you to do this. If you are unsure, you would need to contact your hosting company for assistance. You Could have course block IPs using the ban settings, but that will not stop them getting to your server in the first place. It will simply stop them registering
  6. We would need to know what you believe has deleted the items. The reason I ask this, is it may be the post before register feature itself that has deleted them. The process is User posts They are asked to register They enter their details and are sent an email if the user registers, it turns into a post for that new member if the user does not register, that post is deleted after a period of time. So as you can see there, it may well not be being deleted by any spam filter. If it is, we need an example of x post being deleted because of y criteria specifically so that we can advise. At present you are mentioning spam filters on post, which simply dont exist.
  7. The reality here is if you have the post before register option enabled, you will get people who will try and register with email addresses that don't exist.
  8. I have tagged this topic for our developers to take a look at and advise. In the meantime, if you could copy the exact text or link where you were told this, it may help us determine if there is an issue there
  9. This is generated per location you are in, and cannot be removed without modification. You can set your own meta tags however, so you may change them that way
  10. Its not spam emails you are getting there. Its delivery fails because the email addresses dont exist. There is little that can really be done to prevent that
  11. If you switch to a discussion type forum, you can choose to 'Enable solved' on the Display settings tab. That wont give you the vote up/down option, but will give you the mark as solved option. Thats actually what we are using on here, for reference
  12. You can of course change that. You simply edit the forum, and change the forum type
  13. Have you tested this on a default unaltered theme? Are you getting the same issue?
  14. At present there is only recaptcha available for spam prevention within that area. Please feel free to post up within our suggestion area if you wish to see additions in future releases
  15. There is no way in which to do that when using the up/down voting system. This is the very purpose of that forum type, as per description.
  16. Oh, no doubt its easy to reproduce. Was just adding it to my list to check. Thank you for that though Nathan, very much appreciated, and added a bug report for it
  17. While we cannot assist with cleanup tasks, on a very quick comparison, these are the ones I come up with. Note however, you need to make sure you take a full backup of your site before you continue. It may be worth just renaming them to begin with, then leave them for a period of time you feel comfortable it has caused no issues. bbcode_mediatag chat_log_archive classifieds_conditions conf_settings conf_settings_titles core_archive_log core_archive_restore core_hooks_files core_inline_messages core_like_cache core_login_handlers core_sys_login core_sys_settings_titles custom_bbcode rc_reports_index reg_antispam shoutbox_stats shoutbox_upgrade_history subscription_currency subscription_extra subscription_logs subscription_methods subscription_trans subscriptions
  18. No, there should be no issues on the latest release. If you are already on the latest, please provide me with some example users who are incorrectly promoted
  19. Im not seeing that this has happened on every one of them. Its very likely there that the user reacted, removed it, then reacted again. Is this an isolated instance?
  20. Are you using a default theme there? If not, I would suggest checking this first of all.
  21. Please could you provide me with an example of this? I can then get this taken a look at
  22. Not within the core platform, but it looks like Nathan has you 🙂
  23. Before anything else, please update to the latest release of the platform, and test this again on a default unaltered theme. It is worth noting, or official response times can be up to 72 hours. While we are very rarely anywhere near that, note support may be slower over the weekend.
  24. "Display name or email address" is set on the converter login method
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