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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Please could you first of all try upgrading to the latest release and trying this again. If you are still able to replicate (I suspect you likely will be able to) then we can get a ticket sorted for this to be looked into further for you
  2. Of course our recommendation would be to go for one of our products here. Our cloud environment is built specifically for our platform https://invisioncommunity.com/buy
  3. Are you able to replicate this other than that one item? Im not able to replicate on this end at all.
  4. If you have it set up so that the topic is storing the comments, then the rule has to be on topics not on the article at present
  5. I can see its an issue on there. Could I please confirm the order in which this happened, as Im unable to replicate. Did you add the topic before editing or after editing?
  6. You can indeed use downloads with S3, yes. However bear in mind you have issues already with your connection speeds to S3, so you would want to get that resolved first. With regard the manual upload, this is not possible from the marketplace. Only direct from the author if they allow this
  7. You have a ticket open already on it. I have just responded so you can see that
  8. Im not sure I understand the issue here. The image that is on that share item is indeed present in the post
  9. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  10. If you take a look at the following guides, these will help you along your way Of course if you then have any further questions, please let us know
  11. In the top right you should see an "Advanced theme editing" button. This will bring up all templates if needed
  12. Please respond to the ticket you had created on this, and we can certainly then advise for you
  13. You appear to have marked this as solved. Have you since solved the issue? Note, that is not a standard embed links you have shared there, which may be what is causing you issues
  14. We would not be able to assist with custom development under support, however I have moved your ticket to our developer connection forum for you.
  15. Could I ask if you have contacted the owner on this first of all?
  16. The user has clicked to renew in order to generate the invoice. It hasnt been generated automatically there. The reason they have not been moved back into a previous group is because its not actually expired yet, as you mention yourself there. You can see this in your image, its still active. It will indeed expire on its expiry date, regardless of whether someone has generated a renewal invoice or not. If they pay that renewal, it will extend from the expiry date as expected.
  17. I dont seem to be able to replicate this on my own instance here. Do you have an example of this I can take a look at?
  18. The most common cause of this is with mod_security and securi. Please disable these and check again to see if its then saving.
  19. It will do, however I wouldn't suggest changing these. You are best leaving it as they are and awaiting its completion. There are a significant number of PMs there, so it will indeed take quite some time to complete.
  20. Its likely they are being caught out by the spam service. Have you tried whitelisting that user using the whitelisting tool? Please see the following if you are unsure how to do this
  21. No problem at all. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  22. You may find the following links handy if you are changing on the menu itself or if you are translating, take a look at the following And
  23. We have taken a look at this, and while we can understand the confusion its actually working as intended at present. It would not be something that would be a straightforward change to make to account for the fact they are being posted in topics unfortunately.
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