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  1. I Found the issue during update board, the last update didnt update SQL Table Task and keep also older table that dosent run anymore.
  2. the issue happen also by using cronjob and easy cron and website traffic ... its not a server issue!
  3. Hello im running in a custom home server debian 12 php-fpm 8.2 im getting into acp " Maintenance tasks not running " but according last run they result running i tried different method with crono job from server. and after 24 hours message coming up then i switched to Use web service with my self own application that send a request to php page and the output from the quest is task run I made a small c++ software that visit the task url each 25 second, below screenshot i running this into a windows server and everything is fine from my client side but the alert message still popup there! any help ?
  4. Im using it trough IPB i srsly don't want to risk to lose IPB forum ... and being hacked
  5. Man using a vpn will take 30 second to change IP o_O
  6. Hi thanks
  7. they made several attemtp to use base64 char but with strange char
  8. php://filter/convert.iconv.UTF8.CSISO2022KR|convert.base64-encode|convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF7|convert.iconv.CP866.CSUNICODE|convert.iconv.CSISOLATIN5.ISO_6937-2|convert.iconv.CP950.UTF-16BE|convert.base64-decode|convert.base64-encode|convert.iconv.UTF8.UTF7|c what is this someone trying to login by using this what is this ? cann somebody explain ?
  9. if im visiiting this : app=core&module=system&controller=serviceworker&v=6cc31f1c811676118426&type=front&loggedIn=true im able to see code from browser
  10. Hi Oh ok i will try to upgrade lemme make a backup first, but another question does this can affect External installation already added funds to my account that why i wanted to renew.
  11. Hey im fine with this current version i dont see any reason to update also. why i can't renew before it expire.
  12. when im login to my acp im getting this message, when it ry to renew i dont see anything where i can renew it.
  13. how to fix spam trough contact us? im getting lot of spam on my email inbox
  14. hello i just bought this but its not compatible with 4.7.x what i should do ?
  15. Thanks alot solved