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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Sorry, could I clarify here. You want people to review prior to downloading, and not have them review after?
  2. Glad to hear you have that figured 🙂
  3. If you want to use that same location for your live site, you can of course. You would just delete the test site first. Generally though, you would run your test in another location using your test key (this is your live key with -TESTINSTALL at the end)
  4. There is no way in which you would be able to do that automatically unfortunately. Its going to be a manual job to go through and remove those, unless you get someone to develop something for you.
  5. If an account is already on the system, they wouldnt be able to register with that same account again, and it would also show them as logged in and banned unless they clear cache etc. Its just another facility to make it more inconvenient for spammers to spam on your community
  6. No, that wouldn't be related in any way. From what you are describing, it would indeed be for email changes. So you wouldnt see the email for any new or old accounts, as its not actually been changed yet. Does it not give any indication as to the members name in your email there?
  7. I cannot see anything that obviously would be causing this. We would send only once on the platform. You do seem to have many many 3rd party items running there. Many of which are outdated. I would suggest starting there with your investigations
  8. I have created a ticket for you. You will get an email shortly. Please post all relevant information within that ticket.
  9. When you say "The registration settings still say" what do you mean? Have you tested a registration?
  10. Way too observant for this time of day 😄 Logged 🙂
  11. Im not sure I understand what you mean there, to be honest. I mean, you can already just right click and copy
  12. Is the total size of your files and database. Im not sure what else we could really give you there. You can see the files under System->Files on your admin CP
  13. You can change the default in your conf_global.php file, by changing the ID shown in there if needed. To be honest though, youd be best simply to rename the members group
  14. If you have uninstalled it at some point, it would delete freom the directory. You would need to upload a fresh set of files from your client area, and you should then see it available to install again
  15. I would advise first of all checking on a default unaltered theme. If that is working, then you have a modification to your theme that is causing this issue. If its st ill not working on an unaltered theme, check for any plugins or applications
  16. Exactly that, yes 🙂
  17. It's the number of links that have been clicked through from emails. Im not sure what relevance there would be as to how many links there are in an email. If there are 2 (for example) and they click into both, there would be 2 email clicks
  18. If they already have a subscription, they would be unable to create a new one, thats correct. The only option would be to renew their existing. I suspect there that the one they had no longer exists
  19. Im not sure what you mean here by "If you want to do the same for live", as we are talking about making a copy for testing
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