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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Sorry to hear you are havign issues there. Lets see if we can get you sorted out. With regard the emails, please ensure you mark the emails as safe in your email client to ensure they are not going to spam. Unfortunately we wouldnt have any control over your email provider marking these as such. With the software itself and how to use, please see the guides in the following area, which should help to get you started. Start at the "getting started" section on the left, and then jump to whichever sections you are interested in from there. Of course if you have any questions, thats what we are here for. Let us know what specific things you are interested in. For example, you mentioned forums there. We have a quick guide to get you started in that area here Now for the login part of things. I have sent you a password reset from your trial and unlocked the account. Please check your email for further instructions on setting a new password. Any other questions, let us know 🙂
  2. That is correct, as that is not the customer account. Please log in under that account on here and send me a PM to confirm you wish to have that merged with your client account
  3. As mentioned above, you would need to contact your email host about the issue you are having there. You may find sites like mxtoolbox can help you with assessing email deliverability
  4. Are you running the tasks via cron? If not, please set them up to run via cron as that will speed the process
  5. If you wish for both templates to be updated, and to have updates to templates, that would be the way to go
  6. Please upload a fresh set of files from your client area, then complete the upgrade from /admin/upgrade . If you then still have issues, please let us know and we can take a look at that point
  7. Sorry for the confusion there. As a cloud customer we would get that sorted for you our end once you have the name servers set up. I will sort this out on your ticket shortly.
  8. I was not actually able to replicate that part, but have added the information there for our developers in case.
  9. We dont offer individual security updates in any release. We release a new version in order to add security updates. So no would be the answer to the question there. It is worth noting, after November, there will be no security updates for PHP 7 itself anyway, regardless of what we release.
  10. OK, so what you could do if you are moving to a new server is this Restore your database on the new server Upload a fresh set of files from your client area to the new server Restore your conf_global.php file to the new server and edit the database details (and URL if needed) as appropriate Upload your uploads folder Now this assumes that you are uploading a copy of your site with no 3rd party plugins or applications. If you have 3rd party items, you could copy them from your applications folder, and copy your plugins folder. If you have any queries on those above that, you should contact the authors. It is worth noting, the more you move over above what is absolutely needed (for example you are going to need to move your uploads), the more chance you have of moving something dodgy over with it. So if you have 3rd party items where it makes no difference if you lose the data, I would suggest uninstalling those entirely before you move, then reinstalling them from scratch on the new server. With regard the license, if you are restoring on the same URL, then there is nothing to change. If you are doing it as a test, change the license key after you have done the move to your usual license key, but with -TESTINSTALL at the end. This will set your test key Pleaase let us know if you have any further questions on that
  11. Could you please let me know what issue it is you are having when you attempt this?
  12. Of course. Hope you manage to get to the bottom of it
  13. OK. Please let us know once that is set up The only other thing it could be your end is customisation to the default htaccess
  14. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  15. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  16. Thank you for that information, and I will certainly get that added
  17. If you go to Community->Forums->Settings within your Admin CP, you will see this under the "Forum Settings" Section, named "Default topic list view"
  18. Whichever happen to be the coldest. We will let you know 😄
  19. Still can't believe you ditched meeting me while I was over there, just to sit on a beach drinking cocktails. But you're leaving now, so I guess I have to forgive you 😉 Good luck with the new job. As much as we like to mock (and make no mistake, we love it) your energy is great. (pssss. Can I borrow some?). Hope we can keep it going once you are into the distance on your new adventure
  20. This is correct and as per design. It was changed some time ago, and has been discussed at length here https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/468027-css-questionor-disappointment/#comment-2897150
  21. Whatever it is, our devs will get to the bottom of it for you 🙂
  22. I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can take a closer look at whats going on
  23. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  24. No problem. Please let us know
  25. Sorry, I actually misunderstood there. What I thought you meant is you had custom friendly URLs. If you have those, you should revert these first of all, as its likely causing the problem
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