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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. We can move items to a ticket/email if required, but no there is no email support on the classic license. However email support and dedicated support are not one and the same.
  2. Yes that looks to be missing something somewhere. As well as your templates, check on a language pack that has no translations from the original
  3. We dont actually amend any chmods on existing folders. They would of course be set when initially created, but we dont amend any. This said however, Im not sure why this results in loss. You should be taking a full backup before you begin.
  4. Im not sure here why you would not be selecting the "same as chosen renewal period" as they are the same
  5. Ive just replied again. Please see if you can respond on that
  6. Looks an interesting concept there 🙂 We do have people that use courses to show their users how to use the site. Not quite what you are looking at there, but thought I would mention
  7. The reason for this is that it's not actually party of the OAuth specification. So it would therefore need custom development for specific integrations to achieve that.
  8. Taking a look at your system there, I would advise in the first instance updating to the latest release. You are quite a few versions behind there
  9. Could I please confirm you are replying to the email sent to you, not trying to send a new email?
  10. The URL there is being amended by sendgrid. I believe its something along the lines of click tracking that causes that
  11. Glad to hear that resolved your issue 🙂
  12. You would need to check your server error logs first of all. It may well be something else blocking it from saving there. Which template exactly are you trying to save?
  13. Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, this is not something that is achievable within Invision Community at this time.
  14. I've done an new guide just for this process, if anyone needs extra guidance on this
  15. It will use the first suitable image. If you believe there is an issue, please provide a URL here, and we can certainly take a look for you to see why
  16. In the past we sold Invision Community with the option to choose which of the various apps you wanted. This was great for purchasing flexibility but limited our ability to provide a cohesive experience. We have streamlined our offerings by combining the entire suite into a single package. Now you can really have it all at a more affordable price. We have also increased our payment flexibility and are now offering monthly payments of rather than the 6-month renewal term. For full information on terms and changes, visit your license page in the client area and click the upgrade button. If you are on a version 4 license (Invision Community Suite), you can choose to switch to the new terms or you can just do nothing and nothing will change for you. If your license reads "Invision Community Classic" then you are already on the new terms. Upgrading your License To upgrade your license, log into your client area, and select the option to change to the new terms. This will be found at the bottom of your main client area page Changing Your Terms Clicking to change will show you the new terms for you to read through. Note, you have not accepted them at this point, so you can read through first. It will show you your own current license terms, and what your new terms would be, including the prices and dates of renewals. New Terms page Adding any applications gained Many customers will gain applications through the switch to the new community classic terms, so you then need to add this to your community suite. In order to do this, you would do the following. Download a fresh set of files from your client area. If you are unsure on how to do this, please see the following guide which will show you how to get this. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/welcome/install-and-upgrade-r259/ Unpack, and uploads the files. Do not delete any existing files, however please do overwrite where there are files that already exist on the server. You may find this guide helpful if you are unsure on this https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/welcome/install-and-upgrade-r259/ Log into your admin CP, and visit "System>Site Features>Applications". From here you will see that you can install your new application, using the install button provided. For example here, we will install the gallery application, using the + icon shown. Installing an Application
  17. Please could you pm me which you are using so I can take a look?
  18. Glad to hear you managed to get that sorted 🙂
  19. I would update that first of all if its being updated today, then you at least rule it out
  20. It was passed on so will have been looked at and corrected if needed. Cloud scales itself too though, so it may have actually corrected itself.
  21. What message are you getting when you try this?
  22. Before anything else, please could you ensure you are on the latest release?
  23. Check in System>Settings>Posting to see if you have "Maximum image dimensions to save" set.
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